Tommorow ain't promised to no nigga

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Jaleel POV:

*Beep Beep Beep*

"Shit!" I yelled. I had only had two hours of sleep I'd spent most of my time at the hospital worried about Tameka. I honestly didn't want to leave her alone. I felt a little better once I found out Trina was going to be staying the night with her. "Guess I gotta get up the streets don't sleep," I said as I walked to the bathroom to do my hygiene and then get dressed.

*Ding Dong Ding Di-Ding*

"Who the fuck ringing my doorbell like that!" I made my way down the stairs to see nobody but "Jon Jon nigga what the fuck you doing ringing my doorbell like you bout stupid at eight in the morning"

"Can I come in," he said already walking through the threshold.

"The fuck is the purpose of asking if you can come in if you just gone walk in anyway," I said slamming my door.

"I like to be polite you know. Damn nigga you ain't got shit to eat!"

"Get yo ass out my refrigerator! You know Tammy do the grocery shopping."

"Speaking of Tammy," he said walking from the kitchen to have a seat on the couch. "That "Accident" that happened wasn't no accident"

"Nigga we all know Tammy think she a fuckin NASCAR driver her ass probably just wasn't quick enough-"

"No nigga I got in touch with one of our moles down at the police station and he pulled the traffic camera and emailed it too me."

"So you telling me somebody set that shit up!?!"

"Yes nigga!"

"Call a meeting at the trap now!"

Quan POV:

Nigga J really do run a tight fuckin shi-

"Line the fuck up!" he yelled as he walked through the room.

"Aye what's this about?" I asked the nigga standing next to me.

"Shit I don't know I'm just as confused as you,"

"Aye shut the fuck up! Now that I have yalls attention I want yall to know we cutting back on product and I'm taking half of yall of the block and putting you in the streets."

"Man what the fuc-"

*Pow* Tim had shot the nigga that said something right in the head right on the fuckin spot.

"Somebody clean that shit up. As all of you know my wife was injured in a car accident and is currently in a coma. Well, word on the street is that shit wasn't a fuckin accident. So I need yall to find out who the fuck did it. At this point, we are preparing for war. Yall niggas knew what the fuck yall signed up for when yall chose this lifestyle. So I would advise you to get shit together and make sure yall families straight. Tomorrow ain't promised to no nigga. That's all I gotta say yall get the fuck back to work!" Jaleel yelled before walking into his office.

With him taking half of these niggas of the block and putting them in the streets that's the perfect time for us to hit them. More than likely he gone put the OG's in the streets and put the youngins on the block.

To: Gang

"We gone hit his corner boys tonight"

Aww, yea we got this nigga now.

Ciara POV:

Nigga Matt is pussy whipped. Nigga took me to breakfast AND he took me to the mall and brought me everything I fucking touched. He's kinda sweet Quan only buy me shit after he's fucked some other bitch at the trap.

"Ci Ci," Matt yelled while he shook my hand.

"Huh yeah?"

"You hungry?"

"Yea lets go get something to eat."

"I got the perfect place in mind."

We got into his car and drove to this nice ass restaurant named "El Hermosa". Looked like something that Donald Trump would go eat at. "Matt this is nice," I said while looking around.

"Yea my boss owns it. Table for Two."

Hmm J owns restaurants too. Seems like the perfect time to get some details about they operation. "So Matt-"

"What will you be drinking today?" asked the waiter.

"Uhh can I have a Blueberry Martin."

"I'll have a Shirley Temple" Matt ordered.

"Back to you. Tell me everything about you. Where you're from. What you do. I wanna know all that okay."

"Alright alright, I'm actually from Savannah, Georgia. I'm here on business. Mmm, you really wanna know what type of business I'm into?"

"Yes," I said with an eagerness in my voice like I didn't already know.

"I'm an entrepreneur."

"Boy stop playing" Niggas love to use that line.

"Here are your drinks Ma'am and Sir. Are you ready to order?"

"Yes," Matt responded and then looked up at me. "Ladies first."

"I'll have the Steak, broccoli and instead of the rice can I have mashed potatoes."

"I'll have the same."

He collected our menus and walked off.

"Okay imma be real with you Ci I'm a drug dealer. Not your average though. I run errands for my boss, but they're not just your oh drop this off for me errands. There oh I need you to go to another state and find me a new connect."

"Wow" I can't believe this nigga really just told me that he's a drug dealer and it's only our second date.

"Enjoy your meal," The waiter said before walking off.

"Tell me about your self, Miss Ciara," he said while tucking the napkin into his shirt.

"Well, I was born and raised here. My mother never was around she was strung out on crack. Her addiction eventually got her killed. And I ended up being raised by my father and grandmom after that. To this day I still work to find out who killed her."

"Ci I'm so sorry."

"It's Okay."

"No it's not," he said reaching across the table to grab my hand.

If only he knew it was really and truly okay because that was not completely a true story. My mother traded me for some crack when I was sixteen. I met Quan after I was taken to the boss and told he had no use for me. We came back four years later after she'd cleaned up her act. She'd had a whole nother child a little girl I guess she'd forgotten about me. I shot her in cold blood right in front of my father. Told him if he ever went to the police I'd come back and shoot him and that little bitch. Haven't heard from him since then so guess he kept his mouth shut.


"Yes," I said looking up from my plate.

"You haven't said a word in a couple of minutes food must be good"

"Lol yea it's great. Enough about me though tell me more about you and your job."

"Well, the nigga I'm supposed to be meeting his name is J. He has the largest drug empire I the south. Matter of fact this is one of his businesses he uses to clean his money."

"Oh really," I said curiously. Most definitely will be letting Quan know he can rob this place too.

"Yea, he real smart, but he ain't been at the top of his game lately. That girl we went to see yesterday was his wife. He's been really out of it since she got in that accident."

"Damn, you know if you ever wanna go and visit her and you don't feel you can do it on your own I would love to come with you for support," I said while caressing his hand to make it seem sincere.

"Thanks Ci, C'mon let me get you home."

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