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Liberty's p.o.v
I had decided to throw a tiny party at my place inviting some friends over. My parents were out for the night and I wanted to have fun. My guest came over a couple of minutes in receiving my text , I was really looking forward to Natalia coming. She didn't know I liked her, but then again, no one did. We all we're to busy living our own lives wanting to start our lives, we were young and we wanted to have fun. I didn't see anyone focusing on who like who, that was middle school bullshit.

I see Amethyst come in with Natalia making my anger boil. Why was she here? Didn't I make it clear I hated that whore? She was always someone's dick, why couldn't she be the emo one out of the group and try to get all of us to cut our wrist that way god could love us? God, I wish she would cut. Her brown eyes fall on me as I shoot her a death glare , she sits exactly next to Bennett which makes me smile. We all knew after today she had eyes for him, but it was clear he didn't feel that way. I smile as Natalia sits next to me. My heart was pounding as Layla returned with a wine bottle placing it in the middle of the circle.

Layla sits between her whorish boyfriends legs. He wasn't even cute, he was disgusting. He thought he was the shit because his parents owned a fucking car dealership that has a commercial. Layla and Kyle were dumb that you just looked at them and saw them soulmates. I'm pretty sure when Layla gets pregnant she's going to say, "HoW cAn I bE pReGNanT I DiDnT pUT a bAbY iN mE." I scoff rolling my eyes, i can't wait till that day happens.

"Who wants to go first?" Amethyst says making my hands bawl in fist. I didn't hate her because she puked on me 2 years ago, please I was over that. I hated her because she always played this innocent role when she knows she did wrong. I hated it. She was a whore, that was her label, why not be proud? Why hide it? She's sucked more dick then all the pornstars combine. I was label the angry lesbian, did I care? No. Why? Cause it's who I am. A bitchy lesbian who has very high confidence and is rich as fuck, but money didn't matter.

"I'll go." Kyle says leaning forward spinning the bottle. I felt dirty that Amethyst and Kyle were in my house. I felt like I had fucked the whole cheerleading squad and I didn't. Ugh, I want to shoot myself. I didn't get how people can lower themselves to those labels, like you had to be really hating life. I mean, it's whatever , there life, but it was entertaining to watch all the drama spill and I was front row seats with popcorn. The bottle slowed down until it stopped at Amethyst.

Sudden energy bursted in me, I lived for this. Layla's face turns dark as Kyle kisses her cheek , "It's just a game babe." He assures her suddenly ready to kiss Amethyst, who looked nervous. She had fear in her brown eyes staring at Layla who was a cat ready to pounce. "Fuck her up, Layla." I laugh clapping my hands as everyone shoots me a glare.

"Can I skip?" Amethyst says looking around the group for help.

"Yeah." Natalia says as I had yelled out no at the same time. She slaps my chest her eyes wide with annoyance at my behavior. I loved this drama, I loved fights. I decided to keep quiet because there was probably going to be more then this incident happening. Amethyst spins the bottle , it began to go slower and slower until it fell on Bennett.

"Well, thats expecting." I say as Natalia eyes go wide, she was telling me to shut up without saying it. I think after today it's God's calling on Bennett to find love, he deserves it. As much as he was annoying I loved the bastard. I do wish that god would be called someone better and...STD free but hey, it is what it is. Bennett leans as does Amethyst before there lips met for only a second. Bennett pulled away seeming like nothing while Amethyst looked like she wanted to finger herself on Bennett's face. I roll my eyes as Bennett spins the bottle.

It slowed down until it stopped on Layla. Bennett and Layla made a disgusted face at one another. I laughed as Layla crawled towards him, seeming to not care anymore. Bennett seemed like he was going to get murdered making me and Natalia laugh. They pecked lips before wiping their mouths. That was cute. Layla crawled back into Kyle's chest , "I'm never kissing a virgin again." She says wiping her mouth more.

"You gave me an STD, slut."

I laugh seeing the fire that burned in him. He was truly a cold blooded little man, he didn't seem to care about the things he said. It was funny when he attacked Layla calling her out for no reason. Natalia spins the bottle, it grew slower and slower until it landed on me. I felt fireworks burst in me as I look at Natalia leaning in. I was not going to get a dam peck. I lean in cupping her cheek , I began to kiss her hungrily and In surprise she didn't seem bothered by it. I slipped my tongue in as the group cheered us on making me smile in between kisses. This was my fucking moment.

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