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Bennett's p.o.v

Everything seemed to fall apart, nothing seemed normal like it was before. 2 months without Natalia, her parents are no where to be found, I cried almost every night thinking of her body floating on a river, dead. Her screams echoing my ears but no one heard , it seemed like living in hell knowing god knows what happened to her.

Police have ruled her a missing person, there were flyers posted around. Any where you turned; bus stop, school, pole, there was Natalia's face. She seemed so happy, is like, what the fuck happened? It hurt inside knowing that she was suffering and yet we were smothered in bullshit. We didn't once discuss Natalia's struggle, she wasn't really open but still.

Everyone in the group felt the emptiness we all had, we were all connected in a weird fucking way, but we knew that we felt what the others were feeling. Liberty seemed to hit the hardest about it since she loved Natalia, I mean, I did too but I wasn't going to tell her that. She seemed destroyed and lost, she cried on my chest and it i'd cry to with her.

I look up ducking my head to dodge the tree branches, where are you Natalia? The police seemed to not care enough , the assumed she got hooked on drugs and the parents placed her in a rehabilitation center somewhere. But that wasn't it.

Her father never seemed to care.

"Natalia!" Liberty shouts ahead of me as I follow her. We both look at one another before glancing around but all we saw were miles and miles of forest, we were at the river where we all would go skinny dipping in the summer. She always loved this place.

"Natalia!" I yell as the rivers view become closer and closer "Show us your here."

My heart raced with adrenaline, I just couldn't help myself. The river seemed all too tempting and it made me lose my mind.

I walked faster, pushing liberty out the way . I could see the river getting closer and closer as if something was telling me, there's something there Bennett. Find it Bennett , it's a clue for Natalia! Nothing seemed to matter at this moment, I never got this feeling before.

Sure, we would search for Natalia but something just led me here.

It was calling me.

I stand in front of the body of water looking around seeing nothing but more forest. "Natalia!" I yell trying to see any sign of her. Something led me here, now what it is?

A sudden light brown clump of hair seems to float in the water, I furrow my brows. The fuck is that? I narrow my eyes stepping closer to it, I stand right in front of the water hearing the rocks under my shoes crunch.

I look around seeing a long skinny stick on the ground, I lean down and pick it up. I look back at the hair and put it in the matted mess pulling it towards but something pops up.

I yell falling back seeing Natalia's mother there. Her skin was a grayish color, she had tiny fishes in one eye that was gone, a mark on the side of her head. My heart beater fast in my chest staring at her mother, what happen?

"Liberty!" I scream wanting comfort.

I hear footsteps come behind me quick before her scream echos my ears, Natalia must be dead too.

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