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Asher's p.o.v
Every one seemed to freak out about Layla's big party for the seniors. My phone kept buzzing about it, I would get notified every second someone texted or posted about it. I didn't know why she would even throw a party , we were going to be seniors , it's another year going by. Layla seemed to always want the attention but she was always like that , she was the dumb one out of the group. We loved her but sometimes we even  questioned God on why she'd like this. I tossed my phone to the side of my bed to where my cat Sassy was. I begin to read at my Harry Potter book ignoring the phones vibration, it seemed to get Sassy mad because she hissed at it. I grin as I begin to read the book again trying to zone the phone out of my head.I know my friends would think I'm weird for reading a book , skipping out our first party as seniors before the school year began but I hated being around people.

I didn't get the idea of parties, it seemed dumb to trash your house and then sleep in your bed a person had an orgy in. I shudder. Disappointment to the parents. I was closed in and kept to myself before I met Natalia. I was closer to her then anyone in the group , we went all the way back to pre school. She was always on my mind , and it would drive me crazy. I shake my head , crazy should've been her name. I think back at elementary school where we met my other friends seeing that she was coming out of her shell slowly doing these crazy things that seemed unreal and would make you think she must be mentally disturbed. I didn't mind it , it suited her.

My computer suddenly rings seeing it was a FaceTime call from Natalia, I smile widely slipping out of bed going to my bedroom counter. I sit down answering it. The screen showed Natalia staring at me with annoyance. Here we go. I stare back knowing what this was about making her sigh. "Asher , why aren't you coming?" She asks me with her blue eyes showing innocence but everyone knew she wasn't.

"It's stupid." I simply answer.

"Asher." She said looking deep in my eyes "We both know your going."

I smile widely. She was always so determined to make me get out the house, I liked it. She was my total opposite, the popular girl everyone knew , the pretty girl every boy wanted , the sweetest girl with the biggest heart, and the body of a goddess. She had these curves that just made her look like a time glass , she had big breast that she always tried to cover and an ass you'd just want grinding on you. She was always outside hanging out with people or going to parties. It amazed me how she kept her grades up. She seemed mad but happy dragging me out the house which was something I never got. "Who said I was?"

"Me." She smiles flashing big dimples moving around "I'll see you in 10." The computer screen goes to my wallpaper which was a picture of Los Vegas from the airplane I toke before we landed. I went there last year because my cousin was having his wedding there, it was amazing but boring. I hated the food there but the rest was amazing. Love wasn't something that was open nowadays, I wanted the love that I read in my books ; tragic. Don't ask why but I just want to experience it and know how it felt to feel those scared and hate emotions. It seemed interesting on how a human would be attracted to such tragedies but it amazed me.

Sassy meows as my door open my father coming in making me annoyed because he never knocked , only my mother. His brown eyes always seemed tired since he worked practically all day. He was taller then me but we had pretty much the same features. "I just came in here to tell you goodnight." He lies making me almost roll my eyes. He wanted to pursue me to go out since I barely went out this summer, I would just read books and go to sleep. It didn't faze me that I was always in the house but it bothered my dad. My mom always wanted to baby me knowing I was home but I'd rather put up with that then the outside world.

"Actually," I sigh standing up "I'm going to Layla's house party."

"Oh really?" My dads face lightens up "Well that's great son." He smiles a toothy smile "Have a great time." He seemed happy by that but it was weird how he didn't give me a curfew or asked who or what party it was. I mean he knew Layla but still, you'd ask. I suppose he didn't want to push me on it so he just said what he said but it wasn't a good feeling. I didn't want to say anything smart like did you really expect me to kill my self this summer or sorry that I'm in here reading books and not browsing the dark web masturbating at a 10 year old boy sucking dick. My dad walks away leaving the door open which bothered me , it just made me feel exposed.


I open my drawers looking for a shirt that looked party material or was decent enough to wear. I was looking for a shirt until I found a black one with a skull surrounding it taking off my sweatshirt and putting it on. I hear the doorbell ring as I slip on my sneakers before walking out my room and into the hallway. My mother answers the door as I see Natalia come in wearing a white crop top with the Nike symbol in the middle with black Nike shorts her hair all loose and wavy , her light skin looking smooth. My mother closes the door , "Natalia what brings your here at this hour , love?"

My mother's green eyes fall on me , "Oh." She said sadly realizing that I was leaving with her. My mother looks back at her and shows a sad smile "Where are you two off?"

"The movies." Natalia lies casually.

I stand next to Natalia smelling the vanilla scent she wore fitting her. She was always smelling nice even after the huge amounts of weed she'd smoked. "Oh nice." My mother replies "Which one?"

"Star Trek." Natalia answers showing dimples "It's an old one there giving and I know Asher likes them." She seemed to lie so easily and she wasn't hesitant or slow about the lies. It's like she has a whole list of them .

"Well..." my mother begins sadly. She hated when I was social , she once literally had a talk with me about being too social and I was only gone for half of the day. I didn't know why she was always so awkward and so sad when she saw me left , which was barely. I hated the fact that she made my friends uncomfortable but I loved her. I feel Natalia awkwardness bouncing on me as my mother kisses me goodbye as if I was dying. We leave and say out goodbyes before getting into Natalia's Jeep.

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