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I had gotten locked out of this account so I started a new account which I will be publishing a new book it's @hbk-vibe. I'm very happy that I could continue writing this book even though it's pretty shitty butttt let's start a new chapter😘💛

Bennetts p.o.v

Liberty and me were the only one still looking for Natalia and it fucking sucks to know that your childhood friends separated and could care about their friends disappearance. Every day seemed like a living hell thinking about God knows what her father was doing to her. It wasn't long until Liberty told me about this crush she developed for Natalia after we had slept together but obviously that feeling faded away since she was dating a new girl. My feelings for Natalia never faded for her, I wasn't going to give up on this girl.

Liberty pulls out her phone as I pull up to the red light I look around too see the streets empty and dark before a car pulls up next to us seeing a girl dressed in a short dress that barely covers her ass or tits seeing her blond hair all messy with heavy makeup on. The man hands her money before it drove off , I stare more at the girl before I realized it was Layla.

"Look!" I exclaim slapping Libertys chest, she holds her right Breast in pain but I didn't care. I point at Layla as Liberty follows my hand "The rumors were true."

We didn't feel bad for Layla; for Christ sakes she gave up on the only friend that cared for her. How could you do that? It was pretty funny seeing Layla doing this; she deserves every bad thing that comes her way. Liberty puts down the window "Yo bitch." She yells making me slap her once more.

"Stop!" I whisper as Layla looks at us with wide eyes.

"You deserve it you worthless whore!" She yells laughing like it was some sort of joke. My eyes go wide feeling bad for Layla being humiliated like this "I hope you fucking catch STDS you dirty bitch." She laughs once more as the light turns green as I drive away. "I wasn't finish."

"What the fuck is wrong with you."

"She deserves it Bennett, she gave up on Natalia; they all gave up on her. I don't give a single fuck on how they feel and you shouldn't care either. Fuck them." She spoke angrily making my nerves relax a little. Sure they deserved bad things in their life but I'm sure someone screaming at them about it doesn't make it any better. But it was Liberty which meant there was no reason to fight with someone who absolutely gave zero fucks.

"Fine." I say pulling to a parking lot for Walmart. Liberty needed some things from here and her parents toke away her car so that means I was her slave. I open the door my eyes falling on Natalia's father walking towards his car, I duck down behind the door peering out as Liberty stays in the car staring wide eye.

He steps into his car a part of me wanting to do up to him and beat the living shit out of him but I stayed duck down thinking of a new idea. He started the car before driving away as I hop in mine staring it up following him.

"Bennett what are you doing?"

"I'm following him Liberty." I say staring at his car ahead "I'm going to find Natalia and if it means I have to follow her father so be it."

"But what if he-"

"Just shut up Liberty." I sigh heavily with a million thoughts running through my mind "You're voice is making the situation worse."

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