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I woke up and got blinded by sunlight coming through my window.

"Oh god." I got up and rubbed my eyes. I got ready for the day which was basically taking shower, changing, and doing nothing to my hair or doing makeup at all.

I walked downstairs and saw Liam sleeping on the couch. Guess whose right next to him and has his arm around? You guessed it, my cousin Claire!

I sighed and got a granola bar and in comes Louis, Jade, Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Leigh.

My eyes shot open when they walked in. I forgot I gave Jade a key. Why did I even give her a key?

"Uhm. W-what are you guys doing here?" I was shocked. Like frozen.

"Oh we just wanted to pa-," they all looked at Claire and Liam.

"Perrie?" Jade asked and I looked away at them. Fixing my gaze upon anything except them.

"You let Liam stay here?!" They all whisper-shouted at me in a huddle. Zayn looked surprisingly mad.

Ah, don't we love a jealous Zayn.

"No I didn't. Claire did."

"Claire? Is it her?" Harry pointed at the dirty blonde sleeping peacefully next to Liam.

"No, Harry. That's my long lost uncle visiting from Narnia." I sarcastically replied.

Claire woke up and looked embarrassed.

"Oh my god," she looked back at Liam, "it doesn't look what it looks like."

"Oh so you didn't sleep with our friend?" Niall said.

"Niall." I nudged him.

"No. We just fell asleep watching movies together. Nothing more. I swear."

Claire got up and into a room upstairs. Probably Caitlin's.

They all stood next to Liam and looked at him weirdly.

His eyelids fluttered open and next thing you know he screamed.

"AAH!" He got up and his eyes wide open and at me. I looked away.

"Liam. Why are you here?" I gave him 'don't tell them' look. He nodded.

"Well. I walked her here. It was midnight and you wouldn't want a lonely girl walking by herself. And her cousin invited me to stay over." I smiled at his excuse, "since it was already passed 12."

"I'm going to for a walk in the park right now. I'll see you guys later." I grabbed my phone and walked outside. Leigh-Anne and Louis walking behind me.

"Perrie!" Louis called and I stopped to wait for them, "Thanks for taking care of me last night." He smiled. I nodded.

"Truth." Leigh stated.

"That was it Leigh-Anne. I swear."

"Ha. Yeah right. Where's your mum?" She asked. I stopped dead in my tracks.

Tears blurring my vision.

"What? What happened?"

"Nothing. She's away right now. She'll be back at the end of the year. If not. She'll be back before college." I lied. I couldn't bare to tell them the truth.

"Oh. Sorry Pez. I didn't know."

"It's fine." We stopped at a bench and just talked for an hour. I guess the guys were still at the house interrogating Liam and Claire.

Leigh-Anne's phone was ringing.

"Okay. We'll be there in five minutes."

"We have to go back to your house." She dragged us back and we heard screaming. We looked at each other and headed in.

"So! What makes you attracted to him?" Harry dumbly asked. I put my hand to my face.

"I-I just thought he was seemingly friendly because he was so concerned about Perrie." She sounded scared. Poor Claire. But we couldn't help but laugh.

We saw them in the living room and it was like a full interrogation taking place.

"What's going on?" I tried containing my laughter.

"Perrie. Tell them to stop interrogating my girlfriend." Liam said. His girlfriend?

"You met her last night and now you two are dating?" I scoffed.

"What?" Jade stepped in.

"You barely knew her for 24 hours and know you two are a thing? This isn't fucking Frozen for fucks sake." Harry laughed.

Zayn held my hand. Bad timing. His hand over mine. Our fingers weren't interlocked. Although I wished it was.

"You guys can talk about this somewhere else. Everyone out of my house. You too Claire." My eyes were staying on the floor. I got my hand out of Zayn's. They all got up to exit and I slammed the front door. I dropped on the floor. Am I overreacting?

"Why do I do things like these? Bloody hell, you're so stupid Perrie! You're pushing away the only people that care about you. That is if they do." I bursted crying on the floor, "I'm such a mess right now why did I ask them to leave?"


The door slammed and we all jumped. We didn't know what came about Perrie.

We stopped walking once we heard her faint voice.

"Why do I do things like these? Bloody hell, you're so stupid Perrie! You're pushing away the only people that care about you. That is if they do." She blurted and heard a thump on the floor.

We looked at each other frantically trying to piece out what just happened. Poor Perrie. We had no idea what happened.

"Liam. What the hell were you thinking? Dating Perrie's cousin after like 2 hours of knowing her?" Jade rolled her eyes.

"Guys, I didn't mean to say girlfriend. We aren't dating. I was meaning to ask Claire on a date to see how that goes.." he trailed off, "but then I noticed Perrie come down and she looked she'd been crying all night. From reading.."

"READING WHAT?" Everyone screamed at him.

"OH BLOODY HELL!" He yelled.


"Okay. So last night I went to check on her to see what she was doing. She looked like she cried and then I found what's he was reading on her laptop. Articles written about her by Gigi."

"Gigi? My Gigi?" Zayn clenched his fists and his sweet smile turned into a deadly scowl.


"I'll see you guys later. Tell me more entail later." Zayn jogged off to god knows where.

"Claire. Do you know Perrie's mom's contact number? Maybe we can discuss this with her." I asked. Jade and Liam looked at each other with an expression I couldn't decipher.

"What? She never told you guys?" Claire asked. Liam and Jade turning red. I raised my eyebrow at them.

"What do you mean by 'she never told you guys'? What did she not tell us?"

"Her mom died yesterday before you guys went on stage." I felt my heart sunk.

"Why would she lie to us Louis? She knows she could tell us anything. Why didn't she tell us the truth?" Worry plastered across my face.

"It's going to be okay Leigh. Just calm down. Maybe we should check on her." We all opened the door and we didn't see any sight of her.

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