the day before the boys go on tour

999 22 14

Requested by the-harmless-venom
I honestly had so much fun writing this,
I hope y'all like it :)

You feel someone stroking your hair out of your face. You slowly open your eyes as you see your boyfriend laying next to you. A big smile appears on his face as he sees you awake. "Good morning beautiful." He says with his deep and raspy morning voice.

"It's time to get up." He says as he places a kiss on your forehead. You look at the clock to see that it's only 5am. "What? It's so early." "I know baby. But I want to spend every minute that I have left before tour with you. Let's go outside and watch the sunrise together."

As much as you love the idea of watching the sun come up, your body doesn't want to cooperate. Since Josh already knows how hard mornings are for you he helps you sit up straight. He grabs two of his hoodies from the chair, puts one on himself and helps you put on the other one. He places a kiss on your temple. "Come baby."

Josh drives you to the park. As you're there he helps you out of the car before he opens the trunk and grabs a basket and a couple of blankets out of it.

"What are you doing?" You ask as he places a big blanket on the grass so you can sit and wraps the other one around the both of you. "I'm having a date with the girl of my dreams." He leans in as you give him a long kiss.

Together you watched the sunrise and spend the rest of the day together in the park, having a picknick and listening to music.

"Hi Angel." Noah says as he opens his door front door to see you. You smile at his nickname for you and you give him a hug and a kiss.

"So, what do you want to do on your last day home?" You ask him as you walk inside. "Honestly, I just want to have a chill day and cuddle with my beautiful girl." He answers. "I think I can arrange that." You grab his hand as you take him upstairs to his room.

"Lets watch a movie." You suggest as you both lay comfortably on his bed. "Okay, you can pick the movie." You grab the remote enthusiast and turn on Netflix. You turn your head around as you hear Noah softly laugh.

"Is something funny?" "I just love to see you be so happy over the smallest things like being able to pick the movie." He explains.

You quickly crawl back to him and lay your head on his chest. "I love you." You say. It's quite for a couple seconds. You both are in shock by the words that just came out of your mouth. You've been dating for almost five months now. You both always have loved each other, you just never actually said it out loud.

"You love me?" Noah asks. You slowly lift your head off his chest and look him into his eyes. You nod your head. "I love you Noah." The biggest smile is found on your boyfriend's face. "Please say that one more time." You roll your eyes and laugh. "I love you Noah Urrea." "God, I love you too."

He quickly closes the left space between you and kisses you passionately.

"Boy, why didn't you pack already?" You ask as you walk into his room and still see his empty suitcase laying on the floor. "Because I don't know what to bring." He explains as he also enters his room. "Could you please help me?" He looks at you with his puppy eyes. "You're literally a little kid still." You say as you roll your eyes and open his closet to take a look at his clothes.

"Thank you darling." He says as he pulls you closer and gives you a quick peck on your lips.

"Should I bring this?" Bailey asks as he holds up his grey hoodie. "No." "Why not? I thought you liked this one." He says confused. "I do. That's exactly why you should leave it here." You look at him with a smirk on your face.

"Oh hell no, I'm bringing this one." He quickly says as he starts to fold it. "Noo, please leave it here. I need something to remind me of you when you're away." You say with puppy eyes. "Babe, you already have half of my hoodies in your closet."
"Those aren't as soft as that one though."

Bailey rolls his eyes and laughs. "You can have it, only if I can have my green sweater back. I seriously want to bring that one." "But-" Bailey interups you. "Y/n." He looks at you with a serious face. You let out a sigh. "Okay, deal."

You both laugh as Bailey throws his grey hoodie to you. "And you said that I remind you of a little kid." He said. "Hey, I just want to remember you when you're on tour." You tell him again.

"Let me give you something else to remember." He says as he pulls you on his lap and gives you a lustful kiss.

You come over around 12. You basically just cuddle on the couch while watching some YouTube videos and talk about random stuff.

When it's getting a bit later you stand up and leave his embrace. "Where are you going? Come back mamas, I'm cold." You throw a blanket at him. "I'm going to make us dinner." You leave to the kitchen and start making pasta.

A couple of minutes later you hear the song 'Get you' by Daniel Caesar playing. Soon after that, two arms wrap around your waist. Lamar rests his head on your shoulder while you're cutting some bread, as a side dish for the pasta.

"Ooh, who could've thought I'd get you." Lamar softly sings in your ear. Even though you've been dating for a good two years now, everything he does still make you feel butterflies in your stomach.

"Come on let's dance." He whispers as he turns you around to face him. Your arms are around his neck as his rests his around your waist.

You swing left and right on the rhythm of the music. As Lamar pulls you so close that your noses are touching. You stand on your toes to give him a kiss on his nose. "Wow, you're really going to do me dirty like that huh?" He says as he fakes looking hurt. "Idiot." You say as you plant a passionate kiss on his lips. "I love you mamas." "I love you too baby."

"Smile love." You smile as your boyfriend, Krystian takes a polaroid of you.

"Now one of the both of us." You say. Krystian nods as he asks the waitress to take pictures of you two.

Tomorrow Krystian will leave for tour. So today he took you to your favorite restaurant for lunch.

"You are very cute together." The waitress says as she gives you back your polaroid camera and the two picture. One for you and one for Krystian.

"Thank you!" You say with a big smile.
"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been together?" She asks.

"Just over one year now." Krystian tells the waitress. "Ahh so cute. You must be very happy together." "For sure! She makes me the happiest person on earth." Your heart melts as you hear those words coming out of your boyfriend his mouth.

"Well, I wish you the best together." She says as she walks over to another table.

"Let me see the picture." Krystian says. You lay the polaroids on the table, so he can see them too.

"She was right. We are very cute together." He says as he lightly grabs your chin and gives you a kiss.

I'm curious which onewas your favorite:)) please let me know x

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I'm curious which one
was your favorite:))
please let me know x

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