Guardians Of Peace: Chapter 1

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I was born in Springfield county. I've always lived here. When I was two my parents got me a puppy. It was a girl puppy, she was a black lab, she had a funny patch of brown hair on the side of her neck, I named her Patches.

I loved Patches. Patches loved me.

I don't remember much of my first few years with Patches but my parents told me that she was constantly "saving" me. My father says "saving" my mother says "miraculously protecting". I just wish I remembered what they were talking about.

However I do remember the last time Patches saved me, I dont think I'll ever forget it.

I was seven, playing with a ball outside on a nice breezy day in the spring. I had just gotten a new outfit and I had begged my mother for hours to let me wear it. She made me promise not to get it dirty so I was just lightly throwing the ball at random things. When I threw it at the mailbox though, I missed, and the ball bounced across the street. I was a big girl, I knew how to cross the street safely. I headed across the road, making sure I looked both ways. Going back I don't think I looked both ways long enough because as I skipped back across the street a car came speeding around a corner. Patches saw it and ran out head butting me out of the way. Patches was hit hard, my father heard the hit and ran out cursing, my mother ran and picked me up asking if I was okay, the driver had apologized and apologized but I wasn't listening to anything. I remember looking at my outfit and thinking about how I had promised to keep it clean and how it was all muddy. I remember calling Patches into the house with me so I could get clean. I remember her not getting up.

A few months later a new family moved in down the street, they were a mixed family, the father white and the mother black and their daughter had a funny little brown birthmark on the side of her neck. We had gone to introduce ourselves, as we always do when new neighbors move in but I didn't want to go. While my parents talked to the her parents I reluctantly introduced my self to the daughter, "Hi, I'm Emile, what's your name?"

"Hey Emile, my name's Patris."


I always knew my purpose, I was born with the knowledge of exactly what I had to do. Most angels start out the way I did, family pet. There are exceptions of course, pet allergies or if a parent human doesn't like animals but most of the time an angel will stay a pet for as long as the animals body lives, unfortunately for me I was hit by a car saving my human, Emile, and had to transfer to another body. Body hopping is what we call it. angels can't be seen by the humans so we inhabit a human or an animal's body and blend our soul into the new body and take in all of their old memories and experiences.

After I was hit by that car and my body died, I had to leave Emile, my human to find a new body. I found a family that was moving to her street, blew around some angel dust and made the family my own then we moved, and I had to meet Emile again as the new me. It took a while but eventually she warmed up to me.

•••••ten years later••••••

"What do you mean you aren't going to throw a party?" I layed across Emile's bed. Emile is meticulous, its a trait that shows in everything she does, especially her room. She keeps it clean, bed made, dresser drawers organized, closet in order. I don't know how she does it, my room looks is a constant hot mess.

Emile, still looking through her closet for an outfit to wear, sighs.

"Pat, I will never understand your fascination with MY birthday." She's right. She will never understand why I love her birthday so much. For me, celebrating my human's birthday means much more than just celebrating the day she was born, it's celebrating another year of keeping her alive. Of course I could never tell her that so I just reply, "You know how I love a good party, Emm." She throws back a flannel shirt and a some shorts and rolls her eyes.

"And you know how I don't. I'd much rather just hang out with you. Besides, I don't know enough people to throw a party." she walks over and drops down next to me.

"Because you never meet people Emile!" Even though her unwillingness to make friends frustrates me, the fact that she never goes anywhere even remotely sketchy makes my job of protecting her easier. Emile is a beautiful girl. If she wasn't so shy I'd say she's a head turner. She has big light blue eyes and straight dark brown hair, and cheek dimples that always show when she flashes her smile. I try to get her to smile as often as possible because a smile a day keeps the demons at bay.

"It's your 18th birthday Emm." She looked at me for a second.

"I'll think about it. But for now we have some exploring to do." And with that she gets up and starts undressing. She has a nice body for a human.

"I didn't realize I walked into Emma's strip club." I joked. She laughed and threw her freshly removed tank top at me. I caught it and threw it on the floor. She immediately stopped dressing, picked it up and put it in the hamper. She's a neat freak like that.

"Ya know Patris not everyone likes to keep their room looking like a mad house!" She finishes dressing and we head outside.

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