Guardians Of Peace: Chapter 10

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I lie awake in Emile's bed watching her sleep and thinking about what I've just done.

I've lied to Emile lots of times but never have I felt bad about it or had trouble doing it, but tonight I hated doing it. Tonight I had trouble coming up with a lie that sounded believable. Before I came over I decided I would just tell her I don't want to be with her that way and that my parents were sending me to stay with my uncle for the rest of the summer. That was the plan, that was the lie. It was a believable one because my human mother always talks about me visiting my uncle. That lie would have worked. If it weren't for her crying.

Im drawn out of my thinking by a snorting sound. I turn my head to the sleeping brunette that lay in my arms, and chuckle at her as she snores. I shift my arms so that her head is angled better, she stops snoring and I return to my thoughts.

I love her. Saying that I didn't and watching her cry because of it... that was a lie I wasn't going to tell no matter how believable it was.

I shudder remembering how she cursed me, "I hate you! I fucking hate you! Get out! Get away from me! I hate you." She had screamed. Her words cut deeper than any demons sharp nails ever could. I can't remember ever sincerely crying or ever really being hurt by something a human said or did, but the thought of her ever hating me brought streaming tears down my face. Emile has never screamed at me before, she's never even raised her voice. Hell, she's never been mad at me before tonight. I think back to the way she looked as she yelled that she hated me. Her pale face had turned red, her eyes were watery and blood shot, her muscles in her neck showed. It was scary seeing someone so beautiful be so hurt.

I push the thoughts from my mind and bring up the happy ones. Kissing her. Holding her. Her kissing me. My hands on her skin and her moaning. Her moaning. I loved that sound.

To debunk a myth: Angels get just as horny as humans. Maliki even says he thinks we get it worse than them, but I've never felt it though. Well a few times, watching Emile strip just a few days ago being one of them. Even with the few times I've never felt such a desire as I did while rolling around in bed with Emile. I wanted to go all the way, I wanted to touch her every where, I wanted her, and she wanted me too but I stopped her. I said I was going to protect her and I know that having sex with her would definitely put her on the demon radar. I can't allow that. The longer I stay the harder it's going to be to stop her the next time she tries this. A deep, longing feeling hits me right below my waist as I think about the next time. It's going to be so much harder.

A faint knocking at the window brings me back to the present. It's Maliki hovering next to the house. I leave my human body cuddling with Emile while I investigate in angelic form.

"What the hell is goin on with that? You gay now?" Maliki says through the widow as soon as I leave my body, not even waiting for me to get outside. I open the window slowly and close it even slower, then I answer him.

"Guess so," I don't want to even try to explain the new developments I was going through, "What's up?"

"Well, I went back to the roof and almost got my ass kicked by Clera luckily Dominic was there and he stopped her." Maliki starts straining to keep his wings form giving out. "Long story short, I'm still joining." He says quickly before his wings fail to catch air and he falls to the ground. I graciously glide down after him and just in time to see him wipe himself off. He some how manages to play off everything, even falling from a second story window.

"I've been flying around all night I'm a little tired," he gives his excuse before I pass judgement on him for falling. I just smile and shake my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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