Guardians Of Peace: Chapter 3

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There was something wrong with Patris obviously but she refused to tell me about it. I'm not really the type to push a subject so I let it go. I do really wish she was staying for dinner though,

"You sure you can't stay? You love my mom's meatloaf." We're standing in front of my front door and I can smell the food cooking from inside. Patris can smell it, too. I can tell by the hungry look in her beautiful green eyes. Even though she's going through stuff she still needs to eat, right?

"Why don't you shower up stairs? You have clothes here. I mean you could just sleep over," I suggest. I try to ignore the small part of me that has more in mind then just a friendly sleep over. "Maybe after dinner we could go back to the fort do some exploring." I add.

"I'm done exploring for a while. That wolf kinda spooked me." She looks down at her hands, wipes them on her pants for the 100th time since she buried the wolf. I'm still in awe that she killed a 120 pound wolf with her bare hands. Even though when I think about it the fact that there was even a wolf at all in the woods behind my house is kinda weird, too. Maybe I could use that to my advantage.

"Patris, please. You just...," I lower my voice. "you just killed a wolf behind my house. What if there's more of them or something?"

Patris looks at me. Then inhales deep and sighs, "Alright, but I get extra meatloaf."

She walks past me into my house as if it is her and starts toward the kitchen, where my mom is cooking the meatloaf.

"oh there you girls are! I was beginning to worry. Patty? You look sick. Are you okay?" My mom loves Patris, so much she gave her an annoying nick name,Patty. She been calling her that since we were 8 and sadly 10 years later she's still doing it. Patris says she doesn't mind but I think it sounds juvenile. "I'm making meatloaf, your favorite, you think you could stay for dinner." Patris looks hungrier then ever at the moment.

"Mrs. Tucker, you know I wouldn't ever dream of turning down your meatloaf!" Patris says. I catch a hint of sarcasm but I don't say anything.

"Patty, dear, you know you can just call me mom. You're practically like a daughter to me!" The word daughter must have reminded her of the one she gave birth to, "Emile, why don't you and Pat go upstairs dinner isn't quite ready yet. I'll call you down when it is."

Me and Patris hurry up stairs and shut the door to my room once we get there.

Patris sits on my bed immediately.

"Are you really tired?" I ask

"Emotionally yes, I'm sick of the animals around here attacking me. I mean I know I'm sexy but damn!" She smiles and I know she's at least feeling better. That makes me feel better. Here face lights up when she smiles. And her teeth are so perfect. So straight and white. They compliment her face nicely. Her lips do, too. They're full but not huge. Kissable. I often imagine what it would be like to kiss her, is she a hot and passionate kisser or is she more of a cool and sensual kisser? I mean she's kissed her boyfriends before in front of me but, I really wanted to know what it would feel like. Would she grab my tight and firm, maybe run her hand up my back and send shivers through my body. God, I want her to do that. I want her to touch me. Anywhere . Everywhere.

"Earth to Emile!" I snap out of my day dream to see Patris staring at me. "You sure do space out a lot." She laughs. I laugh too, shaking the thoughts out of my mind.

"So, you said you wanted to shower?"

"Oh yeah right!" She's so tired.

"I'll go get you a towel and a wash cloth." I walk out of the room quickly and shut the door behind me. I stand out side my door for a second to allow my mind to catch up with my actions then I go find Patris her towel and wash cloth.

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