Guardians Of Peace: Chapter 8

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"What the fuck is your problem? You can't just interfere with MY life." Maliki yells at me. I had flown up to the mall roof top immediately after taking Emile home. It was empty which was good because I needed time to process what had happened.

I kissed her. A human. My human. Why? Because right in that moment I felt like I needed to? Because I knew she was going to say she loved me and as her protector it was my job to spare her heart break? No none of that, I did it because I wanted to. I did it because I've wanted to for a while.

I don't know exactly when Maliki showed up, I haven't really been paying attention to him all that much either.

"I want to fight and nobody's going to stop me. Not you, not Thomas not even Clera. Thomas will be fine without... God dammit Patris! Are you even fucking listening?!" Maliki yells. I remain quiet. I no longer care what Maliki does. Thomas isn't my human, so his welfare isn't my problem. Honestly, Maliki is probably right, Thomas would be fine without an angel. He is one of the more boring humans.

"Look, I know I sound like a selfish dick, but Thomas doesn't get into any trouble. He's pretty much taken care of himself, he rarely gets any demons, and when he does he normally can fight them off himself. He's a good kid. He doesn't need me anymore." Maliki isn't yelling anymore so I return to my thoughts without saying a word.

I have my own problems with my own human. Problems with my identity too, apparently. I have never thought about my sexuality before, I dated Maliki, I've even had two human boyfriends but I never felt anything with any of them. That kiss with Emile... I felt a lot. UGHH this is so frustrating. I can't explain why I did it, I care about her a lot but she's my human, I'm supposed to care a lot for her.

I need to be alone I can't think with Maliki standing over me ranting like he is.

"Maliki, I'm sorry for interfering. Please, go home." Confusion floods his face. So I quickly say, "I need some time alone.

He hesitantly nods then jumps off the roof and flies away leaving me to my thoughts.

So what if I like girls? That's not the problem, the problem is am I allowed to like my human? Angels marry humans all the time but that happens later in the human's life and normally it isn't their angel they're marrying, the angel they have before just trades humans with the angel that's getting married and life goes on. Emile is in high school, she'll move on from loving me and if we break up I'll have to trade humans a lot sooner than I want.

Now my head is all cloudy, I don't know what to think anymore. Should I continue with Emile or should I just say that the kiss was a mistake.

"What are you doing here?" A bitchy female voice slices through my cloud of thoughts.

I look up to see Clera in her usual pose, arms crossed with a bitch face on.

"I'm thinking, what are you doing here."

"I thought that Maliki kid was going to be here so I came to kick his ass for lying to me."

"Oh, you just missed him."

"Damn," she takes a seat next to me, "So, what were you thinking about?"

I don't know what makes me do it, maybe its that I need a second angel's opinion, but I tell her. She listens to my story of the kiss and when I finish I see that her bitch face has melted away. She looks sad.

"It's our job to love them, Patris, love makes our need to protect then stronger. But times like this," she closes her eyes and holds her head in her hands., "Times like this are when strong feelings like that get misused. If this thing you have with her gets found out by the wrong people, they'll use it to break you."

"You were in love with your human?" I asked quietly.

"In love?" She looked up at me with watery eyes and snorted, "Jamie was 46 years old when he was killed. He was my 'dad'."

Normally angels were the same age as they're humans, so this was surprising. She picks up on my confusion and adds, "His wife was his original angel, but she died in a 'car accident' and he adopted me to fill the void." This makes sense. I know that Car accidents that angels die in were more like demon car chases. They were rare but sometimes a demon would just take a car ram head first into an angel crashing hoping they snap their neck. It's like a game for them.

"Im really sorry to hear that." That's all I can say.

"I'd give anything to go back and have a chance to save him. Sometimes I think that if I hadn't have loved him so much, the demons wouldn't have used him that way." Her eyes over flow and tears stream down her face. I don't know what to do so I wrap my arm around her. She lays her head on my shoulder in response.

We sit there for a while, her crying into my chest then she says

"Don't love her." Clera looks me right in the eyes, "Don't let her become a pawn for them to use against you."

I left the roof top that night with a whole new plan forming in my head. I need to stop loving her. I need to give her a chance to have a life, not be dragged into this demon war. I need to create distance between us so that we can't love each other, so that she can't be used against me. And that means... I need to disappear.

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