Guardians Of Peace: Chapter 5

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"ALRIGHT, EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Dominic yells across the roof top. Immediately all 67 angels that showed up for the secret army meeting quiet down to hear Dominic speak. Maliki and I stand in the back of the group. Seats filled up fast and there wasn't any left. Dominic stands in front of the crowd on top of a thick wooden table, next to him are two angels. On Dominic's left is a beat up angel with wild white hair and a scruffy beard to match. I quickly notice one of his wings is missing and he's very twitchy. On Dominic's right a young but cold hearted looking angel with red streaks in her long black hair. Her tattooed arms are crossed like she hates us all just for existing. And then there's Dominic, beedy eyed mountin of muscle with a scar that goes from the bridge of his nose, across his cheek to the bottom of his jaw. His smirk suggests he's rather enjoying the quiet his voice produced.

Dominic is a Hunter Angel, but unlike most Hunter Angels he hunts rogue demons. Rogue demons are seen as the most dangerous becuase they don't torture and kill for the advancement of the demon race, they just do it for fun. Angels that hunt rogue demons usually don't catch many, most catch 10 before they're killed trying to catch number 11. The exception: Dominic. He's officially captured 50 rogue demons and that's not counting the unrecorded rogues he's killed. Dominic would be seen as the top hunter angel out there if it weren't for his habit of killing the demons he found annoying. Which meant a lot.

"I am Dominic, you have all heard of me and know who I am so I wont waste time with the introduction shit. Hopefully, if you are here you know about the rise in the number of demon fuckers running around. If you are here you understand the way to end the demon war is to kill the sons-a-bitches. If you are here you are against the Council's peace not war bullshit," he pauses, takes a small dagger out of his belt, then yells. "If you are here you should know I am very pro-violence!" As he says this he hurls the dagger at a table of young hunter angels that have been talking. It digs into the wooden table, centimeters from one of the angels' arms. Frightend the angel falls on the ground. No one dares to laugh, no one dares to help him up.

"Now, where was I? If you are here and expect to survive you need to leave. If you have any doubts, even the tiniest doubt, about your willingness to kill and be killed while fighting this war, get up and fly away. We do not need for a soldier to have second guesses when standing inches away from death. We need soldiers that are prepared to die for what is right! If you feel you are incapable of giving us that then by all means leave." He watches as a group of angels, including the one he threw the knife at, get up and leave.

The angel with the missing wing steps up now he's as twitchy as ever,

"I'm Ezech. Ya see this?" He points back with his thumb to the empty space where his right wing should be. "If you think rogue demons is the only demons that like rippin off an angel's wings, they ain't. If you think they gone stop cuza your screams, they not." Ezeck's voice is shaky and frantic, as if he's pleading for his life instead of giving a speech. "If thinkin' 'bout what may happen to ya make ya wanna leave, leave. Won't be no leavin after t'night." Now he pauses as 9 more angels get up and leave.

The girl with the chronic bitch face steps up. She uses her wings to hover around as she speaks to us. Her tone sharp as a knife, her arms still crossed,

"My name is Clera. A few years ago I was forced to watch demons kill my human. I watched them tear him to pieces and I listened to them laugh while doing it. They left me alive. Why?" We all know its rhetorical, except one unlucky youngster sitting at the table next to us.

"To teach you a lesson? I've heard it's a converting technique, to kill an angel's..." He doesn't get a chance to finish. Clera speeds toward him and knocks him out of his chair, picks him up by his shirt and slams him into the pebbled ground then she pulls a switch blade out of her pocket and holds it to his throat.

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