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(Disclamer, on this chapter I'm going to be using a lot of lines form Blair Waldorf so please don't judge me it's just because she's having a hbic moment so)
It was the morning after, the morning Archie dreaded, the morning of Veronica's first day back at a school. The girl had a level of excitement equal to the one a three year old has every time there is a new toy around, however Archie was the first one to wake up, his arms carefully and protectively placed around her waist but her face facing the oposite direction of his. That was how Archie wanted to wake up every morning, her in his bed, he knew how she hated the thought of being someone else's "property", after all she had an independent "wake up and make shit happen" type of vibe, however he loved to call her his, not as his property but as a part of his heart, his home.
The redhead softly attacked her bare neck leaving sweet kisses all the way from her jaw to her collarbone.
"What do you think you are doing archiekins?" The raven haired girl muttered almost being able to kill her boyfriend for waking her up even if it was in a such a sweet way
"Good morning to you too" the boy laughed pulling the petite girl over his own body, the bed squealing in every way possible. Contrary to his expectations the girl didn't produce a word and just buried her head on his neck and, as much as Archie loved spending the whole day with her like that he had a long day ahead of him.
"You know I love you nugget but I have school in twenty" Veronica smiled at her boyfriend's choice of words, she loved it when he called her nugget or babe which didn't happen as often as the girl would like to. She rolled out of Archie's body and sat up, rubbing her tired eyes and examining her bed uncombed hair to see what she was working with yet Archie was still in the same position watching her every move, he found her more beautiful than everything he had ever seen on his seventeen years of existence.
"We have school in twenty" the girl corrected him, determined to attend riverdale high again and as soon as possible.
"Cmon babe you know how I feel about this, maybe you should just stay a couple more days at home" the red haired ranted as his girlfriend washed her face and brushed her teeth on his bathroom.
"And do What?" The girl snapped, appearing on his room again, her eyelashes now bigger and her lips darker. "What do you want me to do Archie ? Sit here with your dad all day and wait for you as if I was some invalid stupid girl? You know me better than that" she questioned once again, hoping to get an understanding answer from the guy sitting in front of her.
"Just promise me you ll let me keep an eye on you" the boy finally gave in finding comfort on the thought that his girlfriend knew what was best for her and that he couldn't stand in her way when she wanted something, especially that badly. Veronica on the other hand, happier that ever, walked to him and gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek returning a boyish grin to his face.
The two star crossed lovers walked side by side hoping to reach the only school on riverdale's north side, their hands locked together and swinging as they were engaged in casual conversation.
"Why are you so tense Archie?" The elegant girl asked hoping to understand where all the tension was coming from.
"I'm just worried about you Veronica" the boy next door-ish sighed, revealing what was so caught up on his mind the whole time.
"There's nothing to worry about"
"What if you faint and I'm not there or if you feel overwhelmed by all the questions and I'm nowhere to be seen? I'm sorry but I can't have anything bad happening to you again, not because of me" Veronica held his other hand stopping them in front of the teenagers filled building and squeezing both of his hands so that he could focus on her, understanding his concerns
"Look Archie I can't promise you that nothing is going to happen because I might be a lot of great and awesome thing but magician isn't apart of the list" she said managing to make him relax and let out a laugh before continuing " but I can ask you to trust me, I know that I'm ready and I want my life back, I just need to get even if just one bit of normal back into my life and I would love to have you with me but here is the deal, I'm doing this with or without your support" the raven haired girl stated, reassuring her boyfriend but also making her point very clear, she wasn't an easy girl to handle but Archie loved it.
"You know I'm with you in everything but I'm going to be watching you like a security guard" the boy fought back
"Down Archie, I can smell your testosterone from here"
The couple entered the building, all eyes on the mafia princess, boys and girls gossiping about her return, about what happened, most of them guessed she had been in New York sealing major business deals and increasing her power in the city, some imagined a wild holiday in Hawaii and others thought she had took some time out to help her father in the mafia but none of them were right. Hiram lodge had paid every newspaper or tv channel on the state to keep the story about his so called princess out of the people's eye, it was like the time had stopped and the past month had only existed for Veronica and Archie. The girl felt confident, a big unpriced smile on her face seeing her hallways, her territory, a blank canvas that looked just like it had been waiting for her to return and paint the missing spots, finally she felt like she was in charge of something in her life again, like there was something that stood in the palm of her hand and if she wanted to move a finger everything would change, and that was the best feeling in the world for Veronica. Archie knew she was in her element, he saw it in her eyes, in her proud smile, in the way her heels clicked indecisively on the floor as she tried to figure out on where to start. The boy let go of her hand, not because she indicated so but because he felt like it was the right thing to do, let her fly again, the raven haired princess started walking forward slowly her eyes never leaving the hallways, her chin up like no one could bring her down and, at that moment, no one could.
"Cmon archiekins, go do your stuff, I have an empire to maintain and a bunch of teenagers to inspire" Veronica said kissing his cheek sweetly and leaving strutting through the hallways, Archie smiled to himself, after all there was nothing to worry about, and headed to the football field where he had arranged to meet with the couch so that they could talk about his position as captain for the next season.
Veronica clicked her heals on the floor, searching for Betty but also making sure she was seen by everyone, making sure that it was clear that the ceo of the highschool was back and wasn't leaving. Soon the known riverdale high's player, both in football and girls, Chuck Clayton caught up to the beauty and walked by her side.
"So the famous V Lo is back! what were you doing?" The boy asked remembering Veronica how good it felt to be wanted, something she haven't felt with Archie in a while, sure she felt lots and lots of love but it was like he didn't want her body anymore or didn't find her attractive when, in Archie's point of view it was completely the opposite, both of them knowing that sex and intimacy is the difference between a boyfriend and a best friend. She also didn't feel as comfortable with her body as she was before and after everything that happened Archie was completely oblivious at what she felt.
"Just taking care of some business here and there why?" The girl was playing a dangerous game and she knew it but she was a dangerous girl also so there was only one thing that could hurt her, Archie.
"I just thought that maybe we could light an old flame someday" the boys voice filled with lust and desire, Veronica's mind and body not reciprocating the feeling
"Look chuck, we all try old clothes from time to time and we may be surprised that they still fit but that doesn't mean that we should wear them, ever again. Did I make myself clear?" The beauty spoke not giving him time to answer and continuing her walk through the school, the other devil in disguise Walking up to her.
"Goodmorning Cheryl" Veronica spoke politely to the girl that stood dressed in a shocking red romper
"Hey my fellow river vixen hope you are ready to do some extra practice to make up for all the last practices that you missed, after all you gained some extra fat that will not look good in our killer uniforms" the girl said, her iconic resting bitch face and voice interfering with Veronica's nerves.
"Cheryl, I heard that you've been keeping my seat warm and now it's finnaly time for you to leave the awful job that you did" she knew that she wasn't in the her best shape but she wasn't going to give Cheryl the satisfaction of knowing that her confidence wasn't the same "so move"
The redhead stopped in her tracks, grabbing one of Veronica's toned arms making her stop abruptly
"Wow I wish Andrews the best of luck" the snakes girl dropped one last unwanted opinion and Veronica couldn't take it anymore, it was her first day back as the queen and she wasn't to let anyone disrespect her like that so she moved closer to the redhead's face
"Move" and with that the girl rolled her eyes and turned away leaving Veronica to see her blonde best friend and Toni at the end of the hallway.
"Come here girl!" The serpent shouted

So the next chapter is probably going to be the final but I don't really know what to do with it so please guys leave me some ideas
Love uuuu
Also im thinking of starting a laurex book what do you think???


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