I cried myself to sleep last night. I haven't seen Shane for a few days. My mom keeps telling derogatory names at me. Morgan tries to comfort me, but she's my little sister, shouldn't it be the other way around? I'm in such a dark place. Garrett's very mad at me and won't explain why. Its been a week since me and Morgan went to Shane's. School was the only time I could see him, but on 3 day weekends like this, that meant 3 days-no Shane. My mom forces me to go to church now. She says they can get the gay out of me. I feel so alone. I pick up my phone, and do something I wasn't sure I should do.
<unblock 'yaw'?>
Yes No
! Unblocked !Ryland: um.. Hi yaw. I know you said not to talk to you, and I just wanted to see if I was allowed to or not, I feel so alone... I was wondering if I could talk to you?
Yaw: oh! Ryland!! Yes, yes ofc you can! My phone got hacked and I didn't send those messages I'm so sorry!! But please, go ahead I'm always here for you ry❤
I told yaw the entire story. It took up 4 speech bubbles to type out. Yaw read and listened to everything I had to say. Although, I felt guilty... Yaw said he liked me... Now I'm dating Shane. If he didn't already find out, I might loose him as a friend too. I break down in my room once more. What's wrong with me? People have been dropping out of my life one by one... Mom... Garrett... Shane... Don't tell me yaw too.. He's all I have. I mean, I love Shane more than life itself, but I can't talk to him or see him. And it hurts. I cry louder.
Shane: Skypes finally working again, I hear you crying... You ok?
Ryland: no
Shane: bb.. It's 3:28am... What's wrong?
Ryland: everything, and I know, did I wake you?
Shane: no! No, I was already up.
Ryland: oh
Shane: but what's bothering you?
Ryland: so my mom usually goes out and drinks, but now she doesn't trust me, so she's been getting drunk here. When she's drunk she tells at me even more, with even more harsh names..
Shane: ry, I'm so sorry!! Is she awake right now?
Ryland: no.. She's passed out.. I threw away her empty bottles.. Called her name.. nothing would wake her up, why?
Shane: is Morgan awake?
Ryland: yeah, she's like nocturnal
Shane: tell her to keep your mom out of your room if she wakes up. Open your window, you can come over
Ryland: ok.. I'll try, see you soon bb
Shane: I love you
Ryland: I love you more
I slowly walk into Morgan's room. "What are you doing? You ok Ryland?" She asked with a face of worry. "Yeah, um, I'm gona sneak into Shane's house. Text me if mom wakes up and try to keep her out of my room please." "Ok, you sleeping over?" "Maybe" "K, have fun" "Thank you so much mo!!" I walk back into my room, grab my phone and pull the curtains away from my window to open it. I see shane standing by his, waiting to pull me through. I climb into his room and is instantly greater with a huge hug and a kiss. I have the greatest, boyfriend in the world. "Thank you" I say joining Shane in his bed as he wraps an arm around me. "Of course Ry, I could see you hurting for another minute more" He kisses me. Short, but meaningful. He cared. He was the only one who actually cared. I tear fell from my eye. I couldnt control it, it just fell. "Hey," Shane starts and wipes the tear away. "Why are you crying" "Because, I thought nobody cared, that I just drove eceryone away.. Like my mom and Garrett... And.. I thought I shouldn't be here because I mess everything up.. But... Once I came in here.. You proved me to be wrong. I'm in forever debt for that. Thank you." "Oh come here!" Shane says squeezing, me tight and kissing the top of my head. I hug him back, and not so far, after, I fall asleep on his arms. And for once, maybe if be.. Somewhat... Okay.
A/n: aw what a sad but adorable chapter hehehe -Kay<33
wc: 748

secret // shyland
FanfictionShane Dawson and ryland Adams are neighbors. both living in their separate worlds, but what happens when two world collide? secret // shyland