⌜ twenty seven ⌟

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mark giggled as he saw donghyuck eating his cotton candy while pouting

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mark giggled as he saw donghyuck eating his cotton candy while pouting.

i can't believe you kissed me.❞ mark said with a smile, deep inside he didn't mind donghyuck kissing him

they were now at the middle of the field, sitting at ome of the benches that was placed there because of the school festival.

donghyuck turned to him ❝what should i have done then? punch you in the face?

instead of fighting back, mark just giggled at donghyuck's statement and went to eat his cotton candy. eating the cotton candy made him remember of someone who also loves cotton candy.

do you miss chan?❞ mark questioned

he raised his head to look at donghyuck, only to see a particle of cotton candy stuck on his cheeks. mark shook his head with a smile.

love, there's..❞ mark pointed his own cheeks, telling donghyuck about the cotton candy on his cheeks.

the younger just looked at him. he was deciphering what mark meant by pointing his cheeks. does he was a kiss on the cheeks?

the older sighed and just wiped the particle away for him as he realized that donghyuck is slow when it comes to him telling him something using gestures.

donghyuck looked away, hiding his already red cheeks. he then regained his senses as he remembered what mark said. ❝love?

mark hummed ❝yes love?

the younger giggled bitterly ❝no i mean, why do you still call me love? we are not married anymore.

but hearing that word made him remember the time when it was their anniversary and mark surprised him by placing a banner inside the house that had "donghyuck is love" written on it. he could also remember chan holding the cake, mark struggled to bake the whole day.

oh sorry.. habits.❞ mark frowned

donghyuck giggled ans nodded ❝and yeah, i miss chan.

both of them missed chan. both of them missed waking up in the morning with chan sleeping soundly in between them. donghyuck missed cooking food for chan and bringing him to school, mark missed playing with chan and helping him with his assignments.

donghyuck smiled, ❝i don't know if you remember this but jiro and chan once fought.❞ it wasn't like the normal quarrel they had

mark tilted his head, trying to remember ❝was it the time i went out on a business trip and you video called me? i saw chan cry that time.

donghyuck chuckled ❝yeah, jiro and chan fought because of jeffery.

mark choked on his cotton candy ❝w-who?

donghyuck took a deep breath, ready to tell a story to mark. ❝jungwoo was about to give birth months before i did. yukhei was outside of the town and really tried his best to arrive in time as he heard about jungwoo about to give birth. yukhei was still not there when jungwoo already gave birth.

mark furrowed his brows ❝and what does that have to do with jeffery?

donghyuck placed a hand on mark's lips ❝sshh, let me talk.

mark just nodded.

when yukhei wasn't there, jaehyun hyung was. jungwoo hyung was walking alone at the streets and then suddenly something happened. luckily, jaehyun was there to bring him to the hospital.❞ donghyuck finished his cotton candy and placed the stick down ❝it was already time to decide what the name of the baby is and—

jeffery is a guy?

donghyuck smiled sweetly, but mark already knows that the younger was already threatening him for cutting off his story. mark whispered an apology and decided to let donghyuck finish his story first.

donghyuck cleared his troat ❝so, jungwoo was mad at that time because yukhei wasn't there and he let jaehyun decide the name.

mark laughed ❝so what happened to jungwoo and yukhei?

donghyuck burst out laughing as he could remember yukhei running to him for advices on what to do if your husband gets mad at you for not being there when he gave birth ❝they solved their problem after a few weeks.

what did yukhei do?

the two made love when i brought jeffery out to play with chan.❞ donghyuck scrunched his nose ❝and promised to be there when their new baby will be born.

is it a girl?

donghyuck smiled ❝jungwoo gave birth when chan, together with jiro and jeffery, started going to school and yukhei was finally there when jungwoo gave birth.❞ the younger then nodded ❝it was a girl and the name was yanna.

mark smiled ❝that's nice.

the two of them allowed silence to invade the area as the two of them were busy thinking. what if they didn't go back to the past? what would've happen right now? would mark see jeffery? but then mark hated yukhei back then.

donghyuck smiled ❝you know, i also wanted to have a girl as a child.❞ he played with his hand ❝imagine chan having a baby sister.

mark turned to the younger ❝i'm sorry..

donghyuck raised a brow with a hum ❝what? it's ok.

the older shook his head ❝no, i mean, i'm sorry. i'm sorry for being a bad husband and a bad father to chan.


donghyuck was willing to forgive him. he was willing to forget everything mark has done bad and start over again. he was willing to forgive and forget.

donghyuck stared at mark, ❝hey, do you want to start over again?

what do you mean?❞ aren't they already starting everything over again?

i mean the two of us..❞ donghyuck tilted his head to the side ❝do you want to start over again?

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