04 | Suspicions

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"How do you like your suit your highness?" The tailor asked while continued measuring my suit.

"It's fine." I replied back. "I can't believe you're going to be coronated soon, I can't be more proud." My dad walked in the room along with my mom.

"Congrats bro." Chaeyoung said "Yipee." Dahyun sarcastically said. "Hyun, aren't you proud of your brother?" Dad asked.

"Shh. Dad, I'm texting a really hot chick." Dahyun was busy texting someone on his phone.

"Speaking of chicks, another mom called complaining about you. Her daughter hasn't eaten since you broke up with her."

Dahyun groaned in annoyance. "Dad, it wasn't my fault! The girl was too clingy. It's also not my fault why you have such a handsome son." He bragged.

"Yah right." I said teasingly. "Just to remind you, I'm the most handsome between us three."

"Yah!! Tzuyu is stepping up his game!" Dahyun cheered.

"Quiet down you three! Do I have to keep reminding you that you all are royalty. No prince acts like this!" Too bad dad, the three of us are an exception.

He left the room with mom and the tailor. Which leaves me, Chaeng, and Hyun.

"Guys, can I talk to you bout something."

"What's up lil bro?" Hyun asked. "There's something not right."

"You're right, that suit makes look kinda chubby." Hyun said. I glared at him while he just awkwardly looks away.

"What do you mean?" Chaeng asked.

"About the three new girls."

"You mean Sachi, Miku, and Morin?" I nodded. "Don't you find it suspicious? Sana, Mina and Momo got into an accident and a day after, the three girls appeared."

"You have a point. But maybe it's just a coincidence. I mean, the teachers did announce that we'll be having new students before they came." Chaeng may sound right, but that doesn't stop me from thinking about it.

From how they act, it's just driving me crazy!

"Tell me Tzu, why are you suddenly interested with Sana?" Chaeng wiggled his eyebrows.

"Want me to be honest? I like her." Chaeng and Hyun froze. "Don't act as if you don't like Mina, and as for you Hyun, I know you like Momo."

"I don't exactly like Momo, she's just a fun girl. If I get to know her more, maybe I'll like her." Hyun protested.

"Tzu, even though we like a girl, we can't. You know it's not allowed." I sighed.

"Why do we have to be bound for fixed marriage?! It's like we never have a chance to be with the person we want!" I complained.

"Tzu, you know that it's for the betterment of the country."

Damn this!

"I'm going out." I took off my suit and wore long sleeves and pants.

"Tzu, where are you going?"

"I need to think about stuff." I grabbed my coat and walked out.

I drove my car far away from the mansion

I parked it at the convenient store. I need some time for myself. I bought iced coffee and chilled in the car.

When I was down to my last sip, I heard someone cry for help. I got out the car, and saw familiar girls being cornered.

I slowly walked towards them, and realized the girl was Sachi, Miku and Morin. I didn't waste time and attack the group of men from behind.

I took down most of them, but the last one was tricky. He had a gun. "Your highness, what are you doing outside your mansion?" He asked in an almost threatening manner.

He pointed the gun towards the girls. Of course I blocked the way. "Stop this nonesense dude! Put the gun down and let's settle this without the authorities ok?"

He didn't listen and instead pointed the gun directly at me. "I hate you and your family!" He shouted before he was about to pull the trigger.

But Chaeng attacked him from behind.

He managed to pull the trigger.

Unfortunately, the bullet hit my lower abdomen.

My vision became blurry, I saw flashes of red and blue. Soon, everything began disappearing to darkness.


The ambulance took Tzuyu to the hospital, while me and Hyun let Sachi, Miku and Morin in our car.

"What happened?"

"We were just on out way to the convenient store but were cornered. Tzuyu, protected us but he ended up getting hurt." Miku said.

"Chaeyoung, can we please go to the hospital? I wanna see Tzuyu." Sachi asked, concerned. "If our parents will see you there, they'll get mad at you for dragging Tzuyu to this mess."

"I-i don't care. I'll take my chances, I just want to make sure he's ok." She added.

I sighed and nodded. I drove them to the hospital, and as expected, Mom and Dad were already standing outside the emergency room.

"What happened to your brother?!" Dad asked angrily. "S-sir please don't get mad at them. It was our fault, Tzuyu tried to protect us."

"And who told you that you can speak to the king? I didn't give you any permission young lady." He said. "Dad don't get mad at them, they're Tzuyu's friends."

"I don't care. Now listen up, you get out of here and never go near Tzuyu again!" He shouted at them.

"Let's go, I'll take you home." I held Miku's hand and led them to the car.

The ride was quiet at first. "Sachi, do you like Tzuyu?" I blurted out all of a sudden.

She froze.


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