24 | Acceptance

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It's already 2 am and Tzuyu hasn't replied to any of my texts or calls.

"Sana go to sleep, it's bad for you and your child to stay up." I sighed and obliged Mina. Mina went to her room, I stayed in the couch and wrapped my legs with my arms hoping that Tzuyu will message.

I guess I waited so long, I fell asleep.

Next morning...

I found myself wrapped around a blanket on the couch. Mina and Momo were already eating breakfast.

I quickly sat up to check my phone but no. Not even a single message.

I sighed and stood up and washed my face. "What's wrong?"

"Tzuyu hasn't messaged me yet."

Momo took out her phone and typed. "I message Dahyun." She said. Her phone vibrated few seconds after.

"He said Tzuyu isn't at home, he left last night and still hasn't come back."

I sighed. I walked to the dining table and sat down. Where did Tzuyu go? He could've texted me where he went.

I know that wherever he is right now, he'd want to text me cuz he knows I'll get worried.

I groaned when suddenly the doorbell rang. I'm guessing it's his Dad again.

I lazily stood up to open the door, and I was right. It was Tzuyu's dad. And his mom?

"Sachi, may we speak with you outside." His mom said, I turned to look at Mina and Momo but they insisted me not to entertain them.

But, I did so anyway.

I closed the door behind me and we walked outside to the hallway. "Tzuyu told me you were pregnant-"

"Sir, if you are here to tell me to stay-"

"No actually." He said. "I-i'm here, to apologize and give you my blessing." What did he just say?

"Are you sure you aren't just playing something on me?" I doubted. "Listen Sachi, if there's one thing I learned from Tzuyu, it was to never give up on the person you love. Seeing you and Tzuyu fight for your love, I realized I was wrong." He sighed.

"Tzuyu was right, all I think about is money and power, my sons are already suffocated. I thought if I raised them like how my dad did, they wouldn't have to face hardships, but they still did, because of me." He grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Sachi, I'm sorry for everything I said and did to you, please, never leave Tzuyu's side. I'm happy my son met you." He then pulled me to a hug. "I officially accept your relationship."

"Thank you sir." I pulled away and bowed. "No need to call me sir, just call me Dad."

"Ok d-dad." I awkwardly said. He and Tzuyu's mom left. I jumped for joy as I went back in.

"What's up with you?"

"Tzuyu's parents accepted our relationship!" Their eyes widened, they stood up and celebrated along with me.

I took my phone and messaged Tzuyu. My smile faded away minutes after when I realized he wouldn't reply.

"Sana, since you and Tzuyu are getting married soon, I think it's best if you tell him who you really are." Morin suggested. She's right though, I wouldn't want to live by hiding my true identity to him.

"Chaeng just texted, he said him and Hyun are going to look for Tzuyu." Mina said. "I-i wanna come." I rushed to the room to get changed but when I got out, Mina and Momo were blocking the door.

"Chaeng said not to let you out, you need to rest!"

"Tzuyu's my fiancee for pete's sake! Let me go please." I begged, they both sighed in defeat. "If we can't stop you, we're coming."

We got a cab and drove it to the mall where we met up with Hyun, Chaeng and Nayeon.

Hyun and Morin went together to find him in Busan, Chaeng and Mina went to all the properties their family owns, while me and Nayeon decided to look at the houses they own.

During the ride with Nayeon, it was kinda awkward since we weren't really close with each other.

"Is that an engagement ring?" She asked, breaking the silent. "Y-yah."

"Omg Tzuyu proposed to you?!" I nodded. "You know Sachi, you and Tzuyu are a perfect couple, if you guys have a son, I'd definitely ship him with my daughter."

"You have a daughter?!"

"No, if I ever get pregnant, I want a daughter." She chuckled. "Speaking of pregnancy, I'm actually pregnant." She gasped but squeeled after.


We stopped at a beach, I asked the staff if they've seen him, but they all said no. I got back in the car and we drove to the next house.

"This is their country side house." We went in and asked the maids inside but neither did they see him.

I'm starting to get dizzy and tired. We drove to the next stop which was the beach that Tzuyu proposed to me.

"Have you seen Son Tzuyu?" I asked the life guard. "Oh sir Tzuyu? Yah he's in the VIP room."

I thanked him before walking towards the VIP room. I knocked the door several times but Tzuyu won't open.

Few moments after, he did open it. He was topless and only wearing pajamas, his hair was messy and he looked really tired.

"S-sachi?" He said with his sleepy voice while cutely rubbing his eyes. I gave him a big hug. "You got me worried."

"Sorry, I just needed some time alone." He apologized before letting me in.

He sat on the bed, and did nothing but just stare blankly at the ceiling.

"Tzuyu, is there a problem?",

"I'm just tired." He sighed before looking at me. I sat beside him and cupped his cheeks. "I have good news."

"What is it?"

"Y-your dad came to me this morning, and he told me his giving his blessing." He widened his eyes before having a tight hug.

"He a-accepts?" I nodded, he then pulled me to a kiss. "I knew he'd accept us one day."

"T-tzuyu, there's one more thing I have to tell you..."

"Sana, since you and Tzuyu are getting married soon, I think it's best if you tell him who you really are.

"Sure." I held his hand a exhaled deeply. "Tzuyu, I'm not who you think I am."


"T-tzuyu, I'm not sure how to tell you."

He cupped my cheeks and looked at me. "I..."

"I'm Sana." He let go, and looked at me blankly, I was waiting for him to shout or something.

Instead of getting shouted at,

he smiled.

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