06 | Basketball

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It's our PE class right now. We're having basketball for this semester. I'm a nerd! I know nothing about bouncing oranges!

I tried to shoot it but it ends up going to different places! Ugh!

I frustratedly threw the ball and suddenly hit someone's head. I rushed towards that person and realized it was Dahyun!

"Omg I'm sorry Dadd-I mean Dahyun!" He furrowed his eyebrows and caressed the part where he got hit.

"I didn't mean it, I was just tryi-"

"Save your breath, you're forgiven." He smiled. "So I'm guessing you don't know how to play basketball?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I shot back. "Dahyun!" Our coach called him.

"Yes coach?"

"You'll be training our new student here, she clearly has no knowledge of basketball. I want you to give her the drills and techniques ok?" He nodded before the coach left the court.

"Sorry if I'm going to be a burden, I'm not into sports." I shyly confessed. "It's fine, I'll help you get used to it."

He made me jog around the court, we did some passing and bouncing drills, and I have to say, I'm getting used to it.

Now he's teaching me how to shoot.

He hugged me from behind and held my arm. "So you aim with your left arm but shoot with your right." He said while teaching me how to properly throw the ball.

Omg I can feel his abs! My heart! I wanna die! He dropped the ball when he noticed me out of focus.

"Morin?" He said while waving his hand in front of my face. "S-sorry what?"

"Training's over." He chuckled before grabbing his duffle bag and towel from the benches. "You're getting good. Just continue practicing and you'll blow our coach's mind away."

I nodded before smiling. The bell rang which signalled that it's break time. We parted ways and I met up with Mina in the playground.

"Hey, where have you been?" Mina asked worriedly. "I had basketball training with Dahyun."

"Where's Sana?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen her."

Mina closed her book and looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"Momo, Dahyun is a playboy. He can break any girl's heart. I'm just scared that he'll break yours."

I sighed and defended him. Yah he is a playboy, but people can change.

"I can look out for myself, and if he does break my heart, you and Sana can have the rights to say-I told you so." I reassured.

We spent our break time in the garden studying for whatever reason. The bell rang and it's time for our second batch of classes.

On the way to class, the sound of beautiful piano song caught my attention. I walked towards where it came from.

I peeked, and saw a boy playing piano. I can't see his face since his back is facing me. I began falling in love with his music, not realizing I was too distracted that I lost my balance and made a racket!

He stopped playing and turned around.


"Morin?!" We both said at the same time. I stood up and brushed off the dirt on my knees.

"Y-you play?" I asked. I nodded shyly "No one knows except my family. Now, you know."

"Why are you hiding such a beautiful talent?"

"My dad doesn't want me to pursue my career in piano, he made me train on martial arts instead."

He continued playing the piano as I slowly walked towards him, and sat beside him.

"Do you play?"

"A-a little." I said before giggling. He showed me a piece and we started playing together.

I played in the right side while he plays left, I enjoyed this moment of ours. It's like I'm seeing a new side of Dahyun.

During our little "performance", our hands landed on each other. Our eyes met, but I slowly pulled away.

"That was awkward." He blurted out.

I nodded in response. He then returned his piano book in his bag. "It's nice spending time with you Morin, but I don't want you to waste your time over a guy like me."

He was about to walk out by I held him by the shoulder. "What do you mean?"

"I'm a playboy! Aren't you scared that I'll break your heart?!"

"No." I calmly said.


"I'm not scared, because I know deep inside, breaking someone's heart was never your intention."

He dropped his bag and sat beside me. "Want me to be honest?"


"I never wanted to break anyone's heart. But someone spread a rumor one day that I slept with different girls, I tried to erase that from them by looking for a girl that I'll actually like. But all the girls I meet, they're all the same. They get close to you, then get clingy, then it turns creepy, so just let them go. Soon, news spread again that I broke alot of girl's hearts."

He sighed in annoyance. I rubbed his back "Don't look for a girl who you'll like, find a girl who's willing to let you love her, sincerely and truthfully." The bell rang once more, I should probably get going.

I stood up and so did he, I bid my goodbyes and as I was about to turn away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to a hug.

"Thank you Morin." He said.

I pat his head and walked to class.

Never imagined a guy like him would hide such deep feelings. Guess Dahyun isn't a playboy, just merely a boy looking for girl to love him.

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