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When I got home I decided to text Drew letting him know I made it home.

*me: Hey

*Drew: hey you get home okay

*me: yeah took a while but we all got home

*Drew: thats good, how are you

*me: im fine but should get some sleep.

*Drew: yeah well sweet dreams or no dreams, just not bad dreams. lol

I smile. " He's such a dork." I say my eyelids slowly drifting down.

I opened my eyes, looked up and realized i'm outside my apartment. I'm in a wood that's almost pitch black but still illuminated by the shine of the moon. The trees are almost perfectly aligned with a few deviations. I hear a crack behind me, turning around I see the three girls that had tried to kill me. Their faces lit with sinister smiles, knifes in hand they start moving towards me. I turn to run but i'm stopped by my teachers, and the students of all my school years. They all have the same smile plastered on their faces like masks. I turn to run a different direction but i'm stopped once more by my friends, I look around me and i'm surrounded by the faces of my past and present. The moon growing bigger, starts turn a dark shade of red. I start feeling pain on my arms, I look to them and see blood seeping out of gashes. I fall to my knees, the pain knocking the wind out of me. There is a chorus of laughter all around me as they fall onto me, their knives stabbing my gashes making them wider deeper. I scream, the pain beginning to be too much for me. "NO, PLEASE STOP!" I screamed their laughs getting louder and more sinister. I screamed and cried until I heard something, in all of the laughing there was one voice I heard that stood out. "WAKE UP!" It said.

I opened my eyes feeling somebody shaking me saying wake up, please wake up. As I move the shaking stops and I feel tears falling off my cheek. "Thank god, you're awake." Drew said laying back, letting out a big sigh. "Drew what are you doing here?" I said realizing I was still half naked under the covers. "I went over to the bookstore, I didn't realize at the time that the guys were with you last night." He said getting off of my bed." They asked if I knew where you were, and when I told them I didn't know they sent me to go check up on you." He said showing me the paper they had given him. "But why are you in my apartment?" I asked drawing the covers closer to me. "When I got here I heard you screaming, I thought you were in danger, and I kind of busted the door open sorry." he said rubbing his shoulder. "When I saw you were still asleep I tried to wake you up, it took a while but i'm glad I did." he said looking relieved. " Thank you, but your paying for my door." I said punching him in the shoulder.

After putting some clothes on I walked out to see Drew fixing my door to where its back on its hinges. "Geez you really did a number on it huh." I said fixing him and me some tea. He looks back and goes to say something but stops in his tracks. "I'm guessing I understand what your dream was about." He says looking back to the door. I look back down and curse myself for being so careless. I let my scars show. "I understand." he said lifting his own sleeve to reveal his own. "It was during high school, I had apparently angered a group of people somehow and they turned the school against me." He said letting the sleeve fall back into place. " Eventually it got to the point of where I couldn't take it any more, so I grabbed my brothers Swiss army knife and cut into my arm." He said screwing in the final screw on the door. " I started in middle school, my story is pretty similar, I used a kitchen knife, I just wanted cause pain to make the other pain to go away. " I said rubbing my arms. "That was until recently, I almost let someone take my life." I said remembering my submission that. "But instead I decided that it was worth living just to prove the bastards wrong." I said feeling the brick in my hand as if it was still there.

A Monster in Mans ClothingWhere stories live. Discover now