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⚠️Trigger warning this chapter involved acts of self-harm it is for story purposes only and if you feel like self-harm or suicide is the only way to deal with things always remember that there are people who care about you so much I promise things do get better just hang in there ⚠️
Kendell's POV
I was talking to the WDW boys when I see Logan come in the college with a girl I take a good look at her and realized that it's Shay Mitchell I start to freak out in the inside Logan comes over to me
L~ hey Kendell this is Shay,Shay this is my overly obsessed with Pretty Little Liars sister Kendell
S~ omg hey it's so nice to meet you
She says well hugging me
K~ oh my God I love you and your show so much
S~ aww thank you and may I say nice shirt
K~ omg I didn't even realize I was wearing it I feel so stupid
L~ well you are so I mean...
K~ you know what Logan fuck you because you should have told me that she was going to be in your video
L~ first watch your language and second I forgot how much you loved PLL
Jeff~ ok is everyone ready we need to start
L~ okay Kendell go over there and stay out of the way
K~ whatever
I go where he told me to and watch him,the boys,and Shay when they where done Shay gave me her number and me Logan and the boys went back to Logan house
When we got there I went a changed in to

And put on my Brown bearpaw boots I grabbed my phone and head phones and went out to the balcony I sat and the love sacks and put in my head phones to listen to music I closed my eyes and just relaxed for a little while then I heard my phone ring ...

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And put on my Brown bearpaw boots I grabbed my phone and head phones and went out to the balcony I sat and the love sacks and put in my head phones to listen to music I closed my eyes and just relaxed for a little while then I heard my phone ring I looked at it and it was Jaxson I quickly answer it
J~ Hey Kendell how's it going in LA
K~ it's pretty fun I made friends with these boys that are in a band called Why Don't We they were in Logan's music video
J~ I don't know how I feel about you hanging out with a bunch of boys
K~ babe don't worry I love you
J~ I love you too baby girl, so why else has happened
K~ well I meant Shay Mitchell and she gave me her number
J~ omg that's great
Just as he said that his door opened and I heard some girl say
??~ hey babe I forgot my jacket
J~ Kendell it's not what it looks like
??~ he found someone better than you
After she said that she kissed him and he kissed back at this point I was in tears
K~ yeah that's what I thought we're over don't ever talk to me again
I hung up and balled my eyes out a few seconds later I heard the sliding glass door open I look up and see Zach looking at me he saw that I was crying he came over to me and said
Z~ hey what's wrong
K~ my boyfriend or should I say ex boyfriend cheated on me
Z~ I'm so sorry come here
I moved over to him and he hugged me (like this)

And put on my Brown bearpaw boots I grabbed my phone and head phones and went out to the balcony I sat and the love sacks and put in my head phones to listen to music I closed my eyes and just relaxed for a little while then I heard my phone ring ...

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We stayed like that for a while I got up and sat next to him he pulled me back next to him and laid down so we where now like this

We stayed like that and talk and our families and how are lives where before we moved here after a while of talking we both fell asleepLater in the nightI woke up because I heard Logan's voiceL~ Kendell what he hell are you doing you have a boyfri...

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We stayed like that and talk and our families and how are lives where before we moved here after a while of talking we both fell asleep
Later in the night
I woke up because I heard Logan's voice
L~ Kendell what he hell are you doing you have a boyfriend!
after I said that I ran to my room and  locked the door I went to my bath room and took out a razor blade I haven't cut in a good 1and a ½ years but I couldn't take it anymore I rolled up my sleeve and cut my wrist 4 times right as I was done Logan came running in the room along with the rest of the boys
L~ Kendell how could you I thought you stopped
He said well hugging me and crying
K~ I did Logan but I just couldn't take it anymore I'm sorry
L~ shhh it's okay let I'm going to go get more bandages from the store, Zach would you help her clean it up and use the bandages that are in the cabinet
Z~ yeah no problem
L~ the rest of you come with me
When they left Zach lifted me up and put me on the corner he went to the cabinet and grabbed the bandage wrap and a washcloth he got the washcloth wet he came over to me and he sarted to clean up the cut after that he wrapped the cut up in bandages
K~ how did you know what to do
Z~ let's just say that I have had experience
As he said that he rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and showed me the scars on his wrist
K~ oh my god Zach why would you do that
Z~ a lot of the same reasons you do getting bullied, failed relationships, family problems
K~ when was the last time you cut
Z~ 2 mouths ago
K~ promise me you won't do it again
Z~ only if you promise the same thing
He came closer to me and we said
K&Z~ I promise
We both start to lean in finally we kiss we end up making out for a little bit but then my phone sarts to ring we pull apart and smile I grab my phone and see that it's Logan calling me I answer it and say
K~ hey what's up
L~ we are on our way up we have pizza and a lot of snacks find a movie to watch but it has to be a horror movie cuz that's what me and the boys want to watch
K~ fine but when I can't sleep at night I'm going to wake you up
L~ whatever just pick a movie
After that he hung up I look at Zach and tell him what's going on the says
Z~ how about Annabelle
K~ I couldn't careless about what you pick because I hate horror movies
Z~ aww don't be scared I'll be there for you
We walk out of my room when Zach said something that shocked me
Z~ you might want to put makeup on that hickey
K~ oh my god Zachary no you didn't
Z~ sorry
K~ if Logan finds out he is going to kill you
Z~ go put makeup on it and quick there almost here
I run to my bathroom and cover it up just in time to because when I walked out of my room Logan and the boys walked in we got our food and sat down and started the movie I was really scared and Zach had his arm around me as I had my head on his chest we ended up falling a sleep like that

Logan's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now