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Kendell's POV
I woke up with Zach's arms rapped around me I went to get up but his grip became stronger and he pulled me closer to him
K~ let go of me
Z~ no
K~ come on get up
Z~ fine
We walked out into the living room to see Torri on the couch
T~ oh look I can finally get in to my room
K~ omg I'm so sorry
Then she got up and went to change Zach went to the couch and I went to the kitchen. As I was looking through the cabinets Logan came up behind me and through a plate at the floor causing me to scream then Zach came running in
Z~ oh my god what happened are you-oh never mind it's just Logan
L~ Kendell what are you doing today
K~ I have to go shopping for my date tonight
L~ oh good
K~ why
L~ because catch me outside
K~ oh my God she's going to be here
L~ yeah and we're making Oreo jam
K~ you are the stupidest person I have ever meant
L~ fuck you
K~ oh and witch car can I take
L~ lombo
K~ cool
L~ oh and Zach I'm going to be taking you home
Z~ all right
Logan and Zach left and I went to change me and Torri where maching

 As I was looking through the cabinets Logan came up behind me and through a plate at the floor causing me to scream then Zach came running inZ~ oh my god what happened are you-oh never mind it's just LoganL~ Kendell what are you doing todayK~ I h...

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I was waiting by the door for Torri
K~ well it took you long enough
T~ haha come on
We got to the mall and went to a few stores
Time skip to when they get home
When we got home it was almost time for my date so we went to my room and got ready I changed in to

And Torri did my make up once I was done the door bell went off K~ omg that's Zach I'm so nervousT~ you're fine don't worry K~ thanks Tor T~ no problem now go he's waitingI walked and answered the door Z~ wowK~ you don't look to bad you're self Z~...

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And Torri did my make up once I was done the door bell went off
K~ omg that's Zach I'm so nervous
T~ you're fine don't worry
K~ thanks Tor
T~ no problem now go he's waiting
I walked and answered the door
Z~ wow
K~ you don't look to bad you're self
Z~ ready
K~ up let's go
We walked out to the car and went to dinner then walked on the beach for a little and talked before heading back to Logan's when we got there we stopped at the door and Zach said
Z~ I had an amazing time I hope we could do it again Ms. Paul
K~ that would be great Mr.Herron
We both laughed and then went inside to see Logan at the stove mixing some thing well Danielle was stepping on bread
K~ what the Hell is going on here
D~ who the fuck are you
At this point I was mad and made a fist I'm assuming Zach saw because he came over to me and rapped his arms around my waist
K~ I could ask you the same question
D~ bitch you best know who I am
K~ sorry I don't pay attention to bitches
L~ okay little sis calm down
K~ bu-
L~ Kendell
K~ I'm going to go change um Zach I have some close that you left here if you want to change in to them
Z~ yeah I'll be right there just give me a second
K~ ok

Zach's POV
After Kendell left to change I went to talk to Logan
Z~hey Logan?
L~ yeah what's up
Z~well I had an amazing time with Kendell but when we were on our way back here she got a text from someone named Todd should I be worried about him
I looked at Logan and saw that he was angry
L~ look Zach you have nothing to worry about right now I will explain who that is later but for now just go be with her and see if she wants to watch highschool musical that should make her feel better
Z~ oh okay
L~ I'll get you when Danielle leaves
Z~ okay thanks Logan
I went to Kendell room and when I walked in she was wearing this

Zach's POVAfter Kendell left to change I went to talk to LoganZ~hey Logan?L~ yeah what's up Z~well I had an amazing time with Kendell but when we were on our way back here she got a text from someone named Todd should I be worried about himI looke...

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(Excited for the boots)

Z~Hey babe I'm going to go change then would you want to watch highschool musical
K~ yeah that sounds great
After I changed I walked out of the bathroom to see Kendell laying in bed
Z~ ready
K~ yeah
She seemed so sad and worried so I went over to her and she wrapped her arms around me and held on tight I wanted to ask her what was wrong but I didn't want to upset her more so I just held her tight back soon we fell asleep but I was woke up by some nocking on the door.

A/n this is what Zach was wearing on the date and OMG HE LOOKS SO YOUNG I CAN'T

A/n this is what Zach was wearing on the date and OMG HE LOOKS SO YOUNG I CAN'T

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