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When I opened the door I saw Taylor I jumped in his arms and hugged him so tight he picked me up and spun me around he put me down and I said
K~ omg I missed you so much I haven't seen you or Joey in so long
T~ I know I missed you to when I saw Logan's vlog  that you moved out here I was so happy to be able to see you again
We watched extreme rules and when it was over it was pretty late and Logan was still not home
K~ hey it's kinda late you can stay here to night if you want to
T~ yeah that would be great Thanks
K~ no problem now how have you been anyone special I should know about ?
T~ well Joey sarted to dance again and no I'm still single so what's up with you
K~ what do you mean?
T~ I mean I have seen Logan's vlogs so witch one of the Why Don't We boys are you dating
K~ well I'm not in a relationship with anyone of  them but I do have a date will one of them
T~ oh my god tell me what one
K~ guess
T~ Zach
K~ damn Tay you're good how did you know
T~ he looks like your type also he is the only one around your age
K~ hey Caden is 19 and I dated him
T~ true so when is your date
K~ Tuesday at 7
T~ where are you going
K~ I have no clue
T~ oh so he's just going to show up here at 7 take you somewhere that you don't know and Logan is okay with that
K~ I haven't told him yet
T~ Kendell grace you know that he is not go to let you go if you don't talk to him
K~ okay first did you have to use my middle name and second I will but I haven't seen him to tell him
Just as I finished saying that Logan walked through the door
L~ hey Tay what's up I haven't seen you in a while
K~ Logan I need to talk to you
L~ what's up
K~ well Zach might have asked me out on a date
L~ okay when
K~ Tuesday at 7
L~ okay
K~ so you're fine with we going out with him
L~ yeah I trust him and you not to do anything stupid
K~ okay and Taylor is going to stay here tonight
L~ okay I'm going to bed night
K~ night
T~ well they went better than I expected
K~ no kidding well I'm going to bed goodnight
I went to my room and changed into

When I opened the door I saw Taylor I jumped in his arms and hugged him so tight he picked me up and spun me around he put me down and I saidK~ omg I missed you so much I haven't seen you or Joey in so long T~ I know I missed you to when I saw Log...

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Then went to bed
Next day
I got up and put on my necklace that says Faith trust and pixie dust then I went to wake up Taylor
K~ hey monkey wake up
T~ what do you want
K~ well your sleeping on the couch and the boys will be here soon
T~ does that mean that I get to see the man that asked you on a date
K~ if you mean Zach then yes
T~ I'm up
Then Logan came out of his room vloging
L~ Kendell say what's up to the Logang
K~ good morning Logang what's Poppin
L~ hey that's my line
K~ to bad
Just then the door bell rang
K~ I'll get it!
I yelled and then opened the door I saw Zach and hugged him he kissed my cheek I really hope that Logan did get that in the vlog
Z~ hey Kendell
K~ hey Zach so I want you to meet someone Zach this is Taylor, Taylor this is Zach
T~ okay just to let you know if you do anything to hurt her I will find you and I will kill you she is like my little sister you understand
Z~ yes
K~ okay Tay back of a little
T~ just want to make sure that your in good hands
L~ hey Kendell we are got golfing go change
K~ okay
I went to my room and changed in to

Then went to bedNext dayI got up and put on my necklace that says Faith trust and pixie dust then I went to wake up Taylor K~ hey monkey wake upT~ what do you want K~ well your sleeping on the couch and the boys will be here soon T~ does that mean...

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Then I walked out of my room and went to Logan
L~ um Kendell
K~ yeah
L~ what's that
He says we'll pointing at my belly button ring
K~ a belly button ring
L~ when that fuck did you get that
K~ when I turned 16
L~ so you have had it for a year now and does Mom know
K~ yes she does
L~ okay well let go
As we where in the middle of  golfing I got a text from Torri saying that she was at the airport I looked up at Logan
K~ oh my God
L~ what's up
K~ I forgot Torri was coming today she just texted me saying that she was at the airport
L~ okay let's go

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