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Kendell's POV
I was waiting for the boys to come home knowing that they should be here any second. Just then the boys walked through the door I got up and went to hug Zach because I missed him
Z~ hey you okay?
K~ not really
Z~ what happened
K~ I need to tell all of you
Z~ okay let's go to the living room
We went to the living room and I sat on the floor in front of the boys.
L~ what the hell happened to your hands
K~ that's what I need to talk about
L~ explain
I told them what happened and when I was done I could tell that Zach was pissed and Logan said
L~ well I'm not happy that you hurt someone but he did deserve it and damn my baby sis can fight
K~ learned it from you
Zach still looked mad so I gave Corbyn the look of get the boys to go somewhere so I can talk to him
C~ hey guys let's go get in the car
J~ what why
C~ because it's a fun thing to do
J~ but why would we have to get back in the car we aren't letting yet
Just then Jonah hit Jack in the back of the head and they all left.
K~ Zach you okay?
Z~ No I should have been there for you and I wasn't
K~ but I'm okay I took care of it
Z~ I just wish I could have been there for you I don't like the fact that he tried to get with you
K~ I'm and yours and only yours I love you
Z~ I love you too
I give him a kiss and then pull back and say
K~ well me should probably get going the boys are waiting and i need to change quick
Z~ okay go change I'll tell the guys to go and we can take the yeti
K~ ooo good idea
I go and change into

I came back to the living room to see Zach waiting for me Z~ you look gorgeous but if any guy looks at you the way I look at you it's not going to be pretty K~ thank you but I don't think we will have that problem I smile and look down Zach stands...

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I came back to the living room to see Zach waiting for me
Z~ you look gorgeous but if any guy looks at you the way I look at you it's not going to be pretty
K~ thank you but I don't think we will have that problem
I smile and look down Zach stands up and walks over to me he places his hand on my chin causing me to look up at him we both lean in for a kiss after  that we go and get in the yeti once we get to the park I texted Corbyn to see were they where he said that that where at the lemonade stand by they rollercoaster we got out of the car and headed over to the boys as we were walking zach grabbed my hand and intertwined our hands we got to the boys and Logan said
L~give me the keys to my baby
I threw him the keys and then jonah said
Jo~ love the bellybutton ring is that the house you are in
K~yeah I am I also have a hufflepuff one
Ja~ No kendell not you too
I gave him a weird look and jonah says
Jo~ he hates when I talk about Harry Potter
Ja~yeah and now there are two of you
K~sorry not sorry
We all went to ride rides and played games zach won me this

I came back to the living room to see Zach waiting for me Z~ you look gorgeous but if any guy looks at you the way I look at you it's not going to be pretty K~ thank you but I don't think we will have that problem I smile and look down Zach stands...

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After we finished the games Logan and Evan went home and I stayed at the boys house when I got there Corbyn gave me a pair of shorts that Christina had left here to sleep in and I took one of zach's hoodies and changed

After we finished the games Logan and Evan went home and I stayed at the boys house when I got there Corbyn gave me a pair of shorts that Christina had left here to sleep in and I took one of zach's hoodies and changed

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Then laid next to zach he put his arms around  me and I laid my head on his chest
Z~ I love you baby girl
K~ I love you too baby
And with that I went to sleep peacefully

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