ch. 16

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Kendell's POV 
I woke up to someones arms around me I turned expecting to see Jonah but insted I saw Daniel being confused I woke him up and asked 
K~ hey Daniel I'm sorry to wake you up but why are you in hear and Jonahs not not that it's a bad thing I'm just wondering 
D~ oh yeah about that I kinda lost it last night and punched Jack in the face then Jonah came out and stoped me and told me to sleep with you instend and what happed after that is a mistory to me just as much as it is to you
I looked down I was kinda upset that Daniel hit Jack I mean he probly had a good reason but I don't want anyone getting hurt or loosing a friend because of me
D~ what's wrong
K~ I'm ruining the band 
D~ what do you mean no your not
K~ yes I am you punched Jack and you all hate Zach and 
D~ shhh it's not your falt every thing will be back to normal in no time 
K~ how can you be sure Zach hates me and God knows when he will talk to me 
D~ look how about we worry about this later and right now we wake up Corbyn and Jonah and go out to breakfest 
K~ I guess so 
We all got dressed and then left

Well we were at breakfast I got a text from Colby (brock) asking me if I want to go to an abandoned school with him Sam Cory and Jake I asked if I could bring a friend and he said yes K~ hey boys do any of you want to do an over night with me and ...

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Well we were at breakfast I got a text from Colby (brock) asking me if I want to go to an abandoned school with him Sam Cory and Jake I asked if I could bring a friend and he said yes
K~ hey boys do any of you want to do an over night with me and some of my friends in an abandoned school
Jonah~ hell no
D~ I'm with jo on this one
I looked at Corbyn and gave him puppy dog eyes
C~ God you know when you do that I give in
K~ so will you go
C~ yeah
K~ yay thank you your the best
I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek
C~ yeah yeah whatever
We finished eating and headed back to logan's the boys sat on the couch and I saw Jack on the balcony and I thought zach was with him I went to my room because I was going to take a shower before tonight when I walked in there and saw zach sitting on my bed with a bouquet of blue roses
K~ what do you want Zach
Z~ to say I'm sorry for being such a dumbass and not letting you explain
K~ oh let's not forget how you where a complet jackass to me and the rest of your band mates
Z~ I know and I'm so sorry I was jealous and I shouldn't have been I messed up really bad and I'm so sorry that I put you through what I have it was stupid and I never wanted you starving yourself and not being able to sleep
K~ Zach I-
Z~ I love you Kendell and I'm so sorry please give me another chance
I didn't say anything I just went up to him and kissed him
Z~ so that's s yes
K~ yes
He picked me up and hugged me then ran out in the living room with me still in his arms
D~ and what's happening here
Z~ I got my baby back
D~ that's great but if you hurt her again I'm going to hurt you and nothing will stop me
K~ calm down dani
Jack~ I would like to say I'm sorry I was a jackass to you I thought you cheated on zach and hes my bro so
K~ it's ok Jack, now like I said before I'm going to go take a shower and get ready for tonight
Z~ what are you doing tonight
K~ me, Corbyn and some of my friends are doing an over night at an abandoned school
Z~ be safe please
K~ I will
I then went to my room and showered when I was done I got dressed in

Well we were at breakfast I got a text from Colby (brock) asking me if I want to go to an abandoned school with him Sam Cory and Jake I asked if I could bring a friend and he said yes K~ hey boys do any of you want to do an over night with me and ...

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When I was done I walked back in to the living room
K~ hey boys where is Logan
Boys~ balcony
I nodded and walked out there and saw him vlogging
K~ what's up logang
L~ hey it's my baby sister
K~ yeah anyways me and Corbyn are going with Sam, Colby, Corey, and Jake to an abandoned school tonight
He turned off his camera and looked at me
L~ Kendell do you really think that's a good idea you know what can happen if you get caught
K~ Logan I promise it's safe and Corbyn is going you have nothing to worry about I promise
L~ okay I trust you.... how about we go and get smoothies before you have to leave
K~ sounds good
We walk back inside and tell the boys what we are doing they all agree and we leave
Time skip to when Corbyn and kendell leave
K~ hey boys this was fun but me and Corbyn have to go
Boys~ okay
We start to leave when there is a slight pull on my arm
Z~ babe be safe
K~ I will
Z~ I love you
K~ I love you too
He leaned in a kissed me we soon pulled away
K~ damn I missed you
He chuckled and went back to the boys and I caught up with Corbs we get it and start to head to the WDW house
C~ why are we going there
K~ you need to change in all black
C~ makes sense
When we got there Corbyn changed and came back in this

K~ great now we need to get over to colbys We got in the car and listened to 5sos when we got to Colbys apartment I texted him that we were there and he came down to get us K~ COLBYOnce I saw him I ran over and jumped on him giving him a hug he th...

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K~ great now we need to get over to colbys
We got in the car and listened to 5sos when we got to Colbys apartment I texted him that we were there and he came down to get us
Once I saw him I ran over and jumped on him giving him a hug he then put me down and I said
K~ hey colbs this is Corbyn Corbs tbis is Colby
Colby~ nice to meet you bro
C~ you too man
They did there guy hug and Colby then said
Colby~ is he your boyfriend?
Me and Corbyn laughed and then I said
K~ no hes like a brother to me and hes actually dating Christina
Colby~ ohhh your her boyfriend
Corbyn~ yeah that me
K~ Colby and Christina went to school together and were friends
Corbyn nodded and then we went to Colbys apartment when we got there Colby told me that none of the other boys knew I was coming so he wanted to surprise them
K~ that's sound fun but I have some questions
Colby~ and they are
K~ well what about Corbyn what are they going to say when they see him
Colby~ I told them that I had a friend coming with us so they will think its him
K~ okay but my other question is why the fuck do you have a ton of cardboard cutouts of your self
Colby~ umm.... I pranked sam and then he made me take them all back
K~ fun
We have been talking for a while and sam was about to come over with Jake so I got in a giant box and waited for them to open it when they opened it I jumped out
Sam~ holy shit Kendell i missed you so much
He lifted me up and hugged me I was laughing because Jake was on the floor with his hand over his chest sam put me down and I said
K~ so do I not get a hug from jakey
Jake~ yeah I just had to restart my heart
He got up and gave me a bear hug we all hung out and then there was a knock on the door I got back in the box and scared Corey but he soon saw is was me and tackled me in a hug
Corey~ what the hell are you doing here
K~ I moved out here with Logan
We all talked and the boys got to know Corbyn more and we all caught up with each other until it was time to go

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