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I woke up on the couch with Zach the other boys must have left and Logan went to his room. I got up and looked at my phone I saw that I had a text from Taylor (Taylor Holder)
Text convo
(Taylor= monkey😘)
Monkey😘~ hey are we still watching extreme rules to night?
K~ yeah totally come over to Logan's?
After I sent that I went and got dressed in to (pic above)
Zach's POV
I woke up and saw that Kendell was gone I assumed that she went to get dressed I heard a ding and saw that it was Kendell's phone I looked at it and saw a texted from someone that's contact was Monkey 😘 and it said
Monkey😘~okay can't wait to see you❤️
I was really upset I thought that she liked me but I guess not and how could she makeout with me and be with another guy plus she just got out of a relationship you know what maybe I should ask her instead of just assuming things I put her phone down and then her and Logan walked out of there rooms

Kendell's POV
I walk out of my room to see Logan and Zach
K~ hey Logan Taylor is coming over tonight to watch extreme rules with me
L~ okay that's fine I'm going to have a guys night out so I won't be back until like 2am and I have to go shoot a scene for Valley Girl right now
K~ okay see you later love you
L~ love you too
When he left I walked over to Zach he looked upset
K~ hey what's wrong
Z~ you got a text
I looked at my phone and I felt really bad
K~ Zach it's not what you think I promise
Z~ okay that's why I thought that I should talk to you instead of assuming something, but who is it?
K~ It's Taylor Holder he is my best friend ever since I was 3 years old
Z~ okay I just got worried even though we aren't dating I really like you
K~ I like you too
Z~ would you want to go on a date we me
K~ I would love to when?
Z~ how about Tuesday at 7
K~ sounds great
Z~ well I should get going the boys are going to torture me when I get there
K~ can I go with you I want to talk to Daniel
Z~ yeah sure
We got in my car and went to his house when we got there Zach went in side before me and the boys sarted to pick on him then they saw me and stopped
K~ hey guys
All~ hey
K~ Daniel can I talk to you alone
D~ yeah let's go outside
We walked outside and sat on the rocks
D~ so what's up
K~ well Zach asked me on a date
D~omg that's great what did you say
K~ I said yes
D~ that's awesome
K~ I know but I'm really nervous
D~ when is it
K~ Tuesday
D~ do you know where he's taking you?
K~ I have no clue
Just then the boys came outside and Jonah said
Jo~ hey guys were going swimming do you guys want to as well
D~ sure
K~ um I have to go get my bathing suit and then I will
C~ oh I think that Christina left one here you can borrow it
K~ okay thanks
I follow the Corbyn up to his room and he gave me the bathing suit I went to the bathroom and change in in to it (it looked like this)

After I got done I went out side and the boys were already in the pool I laid down and one of the chairs after a little while someone picked me up and before I could do anything I was thrown in the pool I came back up and saw Daniel stand on the s...

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After I got done I went out side and the boys were already in the pool I laid down and one of the chairs after a little while someone picked me up and before I could do anything I was thrown in the pool I came back up and saw Daniel stand on the side of the pool laughing so I pulled his leg and he fell in me and the boys were laughing and in case you where wondering no me and Daniel don't like each other we just have become really good friends we all hung out until it starts to get cold I get out of the pool along with the boys and Zach immediately rapped a towel around us once we were dry we went back inside I changed back into my clothes and went downstairs to see the boys on the couch except for Zach
K~ hey where's Zach?
They all pointed upstairs so I went upstairs to Zach's room and walked in he was sitting at his desk he turned around and smiled at me
Z~ come here
I walked over and sat on his lap
K~ I have to leave soon Tay is coming over in a little
Zach clenched his jaw
K~ hey I promise there is nothing going on between us
he unclenched his jaw we just sat there looking at each other we started to leave and we kissed after a few seconds the door opened and I heard Jack say
J~ eww get a room that I'm not sleeping in
We pulled apart from each other and Zach said
Z~ Jack what could possibly so important that you had to come up here
J~ Kendell you left your phone downstairs and you got a text from someone named monkey
K~ let me see
Jack handed me my phone and the message said
Monkey 😘~ hey I'll be there in 20
I looked up and said
K~ shit
Z~ what's wrong
K~ Tay said that he is going to be at Logan's in 20 I have to go
Z~ okay I'll see you tomorrow we are coming over to Logan's so he can film a mash-up for us
I kissed him one more time then I got in my car and texted Taylor back and said okay then I drove as fast as I could to Logan's I got there in time I went in side and sat down just then the door bell rang I open it and see Taylor

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