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Kendell's POV
I woke in Zach's arms I looked at him and smile then went to change into

Then went out to the balcony and listened to music well sitting on the love sacks I looked up and saw Logan coming out the doorK~ hey LoganL~ hey Kendell can we talkK~ yeah what's upL~ why didn't you tell me that Todd has been texting youK~ W-what...

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Then went out to the balcony and listened to music well sitting on the love sacks I looked up and saw Logan coming out the door
K~ hey Logan
L~ hey Kendell can we talk
K~ yeah what's up
L~ why didn't you tell me that Todd has been texting you
K~ W-what how did you find out
L~ Zach saw and he got worried
I started to cry and Logan pulled me on his lap and hugged me
L~ it's okay it's okay he can't hurt you I won't let him I promise
K~ h-he said t-that he was going to come take me
L~ shh shh it's okay calm down
I started to have a panic attack and I couldn't calm down
K~ ggget z-zach
Logan's POV
I was holding Kendell trying to calm her down when she started to have a panic attack and she told me to get Zach so I called him and he said he would be over as soon as he could
Zach's POV
I was playing video games with Corbyn when I got a call from Logan I answered it and he told me that Kendell was having a panic attack and she said to call me and to came over when he told me that I sad okay and hung up then ran out to the car and went to Logan's when I got there I saw Logan on the balcony with Kendell in his arms then I went out there and took her from him and took her to her room I sat with Kendell in my arms on her bed and started to sing well rubbing her back soon she calmed down and fell asleep so I got up and went to ask Logan what happened
Z~ hey Logan what happened that made her have a panic attack
L~ I asked her about Todd and I think she started to have flash backs what he did to her was bad he was part of the reason she started cutting
Z~ can you tell me what he would do to her
L~ I wish she would be the one to tell you but I don't want her to have another panic attack so I will tell you but you have to promise not to tell her I told you
Z~ I promise
L~ okay so her mom had died when she was 6 and after that her dad started to do drugs and drink all the time when she would get home from school he would hit her and one night he raped her she went to school a d she would get billed and there was one guy that would hit her and call her names she was also told to kill her self and that no one would miss her well when she came home from school one day her dad started to hurt her really bad he luckily some one heard her screaming and called the police her dad got arrested and she got put in foster care until we adopted her when she was 13 she was happy to have a loving family but when she started school some one found out her past and they started to bully her it got so bad that one day when she came home from school no one what there she locked her self in the bathroom and cut she would have died if I didn't come home and find her in time that's why we have a strong relationship after that she would still cut but then she was in a relationship with Jaxson and she was happy she stopped cutting she was clean for 3 years until Jaxson broke up with her and well you know the rest
Z~ oh my god wow
L~ that's why Jake is scared of you dating her
Z~ I promise I will do everything I can to protect her
L~ I know you will Zach
Just then I heard Kendell scream so I ran to her room and asked her what happened well I hugged her
Kendell's POV
I was having a bad dream about my dad and I woke up screaming Zach came running in and hugged me asking what was wrong I told him it was I bad dream and he told me it was okay I calmed down and we both fell asleep

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