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Zach's POV
I heard a nock on the door I slowly get up trying not to wake up Kendell when I got up I opened the door and saw Logan I walked out of the room and asked
Z~ okay so who is Todd
L~ so you can probably tell that Kendell doesn't look like me or Jake
Z~ yeah so
L~ Kendell is adopted and Todd is her so called father he has done unforgettable things to Kendell
Z~ oh wow
L~ Zach I  trust you I believe that you won't hurt her so please just look out for her
Z~ I would do anything to keep her safe
L~ I know you would I trust you
Z~ I'm gonna go back to bed before she knows that I'm gone
L~ alright night bro
Z~ night
I went back to bed and held Kendell tight.

A/n sorry it's short but the next one will be long I promise

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