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@ whydontwetea~ found pictures of @ KendellPaul &@ joeybirlem this is one of them

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@ whydontwetea~ found pictures of @ KendellPaul &@ joeybirlem this is one of them. I knew she wasn't good for @ imzachherron

@ Kendellpaul~ those are old pictures from before I knew Zach
@ fan1~ why you got to bring up old news that was in the past
@ loganpaul~ leave my little sis alone
@ jonahmarais Kendell woul never cheat on Zach

Kendells POV
When I woke up Zach was not there he must have had to go home I took a shower and then got dressed

I walked out to the living room to see Logan on the couch K~hey logL~ hey have you seen what was posted on Instagram K~ yeah but I know that zach trust me and that pic was from 2 years ago also I'm going to go over to there house right now and exp...

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I walked out to the living room to see Logan on the couch
K~hey log
L~ hey have you seen what was posted on Instagram
K~ yeah but I know that zach trust me and that pic was from 2 years ago also I'm going to go over to there house right now and explain
L~ okay but I'm coming and you cant tell me no
K~ fine let's go
We got in the car and headed to the boys house when we got there I knocked on the door and bean answered
C~ he's in his room
K~ shit he saw it and the thinks that it is from the other day doesn't he
C~ I'm sorry Ken
K~ I'm still going to talk to him
Before be could stop me I pushed past him and went up to zach's room I walked in and saw him laying on his bed
K~ Zach it's not what it looks like those photos were from before I knew you I would never cheat on you you should know that I love you why would I
Z~ I want to believe you kendell I really do but how can I when you have the same hair you have now in the picture (act like its blue in the pic)
K~ it's not the first time I have done this to my hair you have to believe me please
I say as I feel tears running down my cheek
Z~ I'm sorry Kendell it's over
K~ you know what fuck you just fuck you
After that I ran out of the house I heard the other boys and Logan running after me and yelling my name but I was faster than them good thing I did track all through out high school... I ran all the way to Nick's apartment because it was closest when I got there he opened the door and he hugged me as soon as he saw that I was crying he didn't say anything he took me in to a room and soon I felt a different pair of arms wrapped around me I knew that it was zach
Zc~ what happened Kendell
K~ he thinks that the picture is new he broke up with me this was the closest place I didn't know what to do
Zc~ it's ok I'm going to text Logan and tell him the that you are with me do you want to stay the night at my house
K~ please
Zc~ it's no problem go wait in the car I'll be down in a second
I shook my head and went to wait in the car
Time skip to when they are at Zach's
K~ this might sound fucked up and you are most likely going to tell me no but can we just get high
Zc~ look I'm not going to stop you but you shouldn't and you know you shouldn't
K~ at this point I don't fucking care why do I always have to be a perfect person that never fucks up I dont care anymore
Skip an hour
We didn't get high we ended up binge watching PLL and soon we fell asleep
Next morning
I woke up not remembering where I was until I turned over and saw Zach then I remembered what happened yesterday and started to cry accidentally waking up Zach
Zc~ how you feeling
K~ horrible I love him Zach
Zc~ I know you do and he is stupid for not believing you but you do have to go home
K~ I know I do let me chang I have shorts I left here but can you get me a hoodie
Zc~ yeah here
He threw one to me then I went and got dressed

He then took me home when I got there I walked in and Logan came over and hugged me L~ omg I'm so glad you are okay K~ I'm sorry I ran off I just didn't know what to do I love him Logan and now I dont have him L~ I know you love him and that makes...

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He then took me home when I got there I walked in and Logan came over and hugged me
L~ omg I'm so glad you are okay
K~ I'm sorry I ran off I just didn't know what to do I love him Logan and now I dont have him
L~ I know you love him and that makes me not want to say this
K~ what
L~ I have to go direct one of there music videos and they are going to be here in like 30 minutes so you can stay here and come with us when leave or you can go to Jake's
K~ let's see go to Jake's and deal with I'm being an ass because he is going to say how he is right or deal with seeing Zach how about neither
L~ you cant stay here alone
K~ well then can I text my friend Savannah and see if she wants to come over
L~ who's Savannah
K~ she is a friend that I met when I hung out with Nick
L~ yeah you can
K~ thank you Logan
He shook his head and I texted Savannah she said she would come over but so was Taylor and Mark (Mark Thomas)
K~ so Savannah said she would come over but so is Taylor and Mark
L~ you're lucky I love you but make sure you stay in your room until we all leave
K~ no problem
Soon they where there and we all went to my room and hung out Savannah and Mark where sitting on my bed and I sat on Taylor's lap in the hanging chair I have we talked and watched and episode of FRIENDS when there was a knock on my door I thought it was Logan telling us they where leaving so I told him to come in but to my surprise it was Corbyn and Jonah
K~ hey guys I'm surprised that you still want to talk to me I thought zach would have convinced you that I cheated on him
C~ he couldn't the only one he convinced was Jack
K~ I'm not surprised
He could tell I was up set so he said come here he then hugged me tight after that Jonah gave me a hug and said
Jo~ look Kendell me Corbyn and Daniel are going to come over tomorrow to hang out with you we still love you you are like a little sister to us so tomorrow we have kinda like a sibling day how does that sound
K~ sounds amazing but what are you going to say to zach and jack when they ask where you are going
C~ they aren't going to be home tomorrow they said that they have something they gave to do
Just then Daniel came in and hugged me then said
D~ we have to get going but we will see you tomorrow okay
K~ okay
C&Jo&D~ love you
K~ love you guys too
They then left and me and my friends hung out we moved out to the living room and continued to watch friends but Savannah said
S~ you're going to give me Daniel's number right
K~ oooo Savannah has a crush and yeah I'll give it to you
S~ thank you you are the best
We all hung out more and I had my head on Taylor's shoulder we all soon fell asleep

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