Chapter 3: No Tear Left To Cry

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"Naruto, be careful!!" Sakura yells as she is running toward Naruto as he is caught off guard by a ninja ending up being stabbed in the stomach by a katana. Naruto is shocked as he looks over at you. You are watching all this go down from above a tree while you were not moving a single finger to help out. Naruto falls to the ground as Sakura is terrified.

-End of Dream-

You wake up from your sleep while the moon was shining through your window lighting the bedroom. You get up and go to shut your blinds as the moon makes you remember the mission you had just finished 5 hours ago. It all had started with you being assigned to team 7 for a mission to safely transport a higher up into her safe house. The mission had been going great until everyone was ambushed by ninjas of the sand. As you and the team woke up in the morning to proceed with the mission, everything seemed to be peaceful. You and the rest of the team arrive at the location as the Heiress of a mysterious village was prepared for the trip. Kakashi sensei has a secret conversation with the ninjas who were protecting the Heiress as Sakura, Naruto and you were standing next to the Heiress of a village none of you knew which one was. Naruto could not help himself as he asks: "So, from which village are you miss?" Sakura and you look at the Heiress as she quietly responds to Naruto's question "You simply cannot know". The team was left a little shook and still unclear as Kakashi approaches. "Alright everyone, let's go!" With that everyone nods as they start to walk outside the hideout where the Heiress was kept and head over to the Sand Village. On the way to the Sand Village, the Heiress was getting tired of walking and of the journey in general as she suddenly is about to faint, but Kakashi notices it and grabs her by her waist not allowing for her to fall on the ground. Everyone was caught by surprise as Kakashi is holding the Heiress in his back, meanwhile, she had fallen asleep. Kakashi looks at the team as he quietly yells at them, "The whole purpose of the mission is to protect her from everything, and that includes exhaustion, now let's keep moving we are close to the village." With that everyone starts walking as they are about to reach the entry of the Sand Village when Kakashi spots danger waking the Heiress up and informing his team. The Heiress ends up on Sakura's care as Naruto, you and Kakashi protect them. Looking all around with his Sharingan, Kakashi is able to spot the enemy. " 394 west," he says as Naruto and you prepare for an attack. From the huge sand dunes, a group of 4 ninjas surprises team 7 as they had the headband of the Sand Village. Everyone is shaken as Naruto is the first one to jump while Kakashi and you follow him. Naruto uses his multi shadow clone jutsu as he takes on the Sand ninja specifying in puppets. Kakashi takes care of the Sand ninja specifying in sand manipulation while you end up taking care of two Sand ninjas specifying in martial arts and sand manipulation. Sakura tries to sneak between the fights to inform Gaara dragging the Heiress along. Kakashi ends up involved in a very intense battle which drained the majority of his chakra as you had beaten down one of the ninjas and we're dealing with the other one when with the corner of your eye you spot Naruto being outpowered by his enemy. You decide to use your strongest jutsu as it involved you using the star chakra. You put your hand up in the air as lightning hits your hand while you redirected toward the enemy ninjas attacking you and Naruto and Kakashi sensei. With that one last blast, the enemy ninja retrieves as the sand dunes become bigger, turning into coffins which were being controlled by Gaara. Naruto, Kakashi, and you look over at Gaara as the Heiress and Sakura were standing by him. Naruto smiles and heads over to salute his friend along with the rest of the team.

You lay back in bed as the moon was moving up shining all across the village. Along with you, Naruto was up as well as he is looking at the ceiling of his bedroom just thinking. He then decides to get up and gets dressed leaving his bedroom through his window. On the other side, you were about to fall asleep when you sense a strange chakra near your area as you stand up grabbing a knife readying yourself for an attack. You hear footsteps noises coming from the roof as you decide to surprise attack the disturber later on realizing it was Naruto who ends up using his shadow clone jutsu technique trying to counter-attack. "Naruto? What are you doing here?" you ask as he makes his shadow clones disappear.  "Hey, you have a minute?" he asks while you nod. The two of you head to her house as from across the buildings a shadow was watching the scenario go down. The shadow moves as it heads toward the Hokage's office.

The sun rose up in the sky and the village went back to the usual activities. You slowly open your eyes looking around your room a little panicky ending up noticing something unusual. Your eyes open widely while your right hand was feeling the warmth of another person's body. You find yourself sleeping next to Naruto with his left arm under your neck and his right hand holding yours. He is sound asleep as you insanely blush, however you decide to stay calm and slowly move to get up. You are able to step away from the bed and head toward the bathroom where you lock yourself in sobbing, slowly dropping on your knees. You wipe your tears away and decide to get out angrily yelling.
"Get up Naruto!!!" You yell, scaring the Kyuubi out of Naruto for a minute. You end up grabbing him from his jacket and throw him outside your apartment.
Naruto confused as ever yells at you "I am sorry." and leaves while you stand next to the window watching him leave. You then turn around to spot Neji holding your pills in his hand. You give him a slight nod and take the pills as he offers to hang out with you for the day. "Sometimes we all need a friend to talk to (Y/N)" He says gently as you agree to spend the day with him. 

On the other side, Tsunade had gathered the right information about the mission you and team 7 had and was having a meeting with Kakashi sensei and Shizune.
"Kakashi, what happened?" Tsunade asks as Kakashi looks outside the big windows of the office:- " She is dangerous. She has a very scary form of chakra and a concerning will to destroy everything she touches once she uses her unique chakra. But at the same time, that kind of chakra is draining the life out of her, and I understand we are letting her live for the sake of the peace of the village, but we do not own anything to her village. That village is as well as destroyed and eventually, it will disappear from the map..." Kakashi says meanwhile Tsunade gets up and turns around looking at her village. "Kakashi, my concern is not that she will oppose any danger to the village. We are more than capable to handle our own problems ourselves, but we also do not allow ourselves to sacrifice lives of ninjas less fortunate than us. We took her in for a reason, and that was to repay our long-lasting debt to the village that assisted us in many cruel and secretive missions against other villages. We are going to help her live as long as possible, we will need her power eventually." Tsunade says as Kakashi looks over at Lady Shizune. An Anbu member knocks on the door coming in as it informs the lady Tsunade about you and your health. 

"Lady Tsunade I have information about case number 1265, During our last examination, after Team Kakashi came from their mission, her scans have shown a decrease in organ function. The pills we are giving her are not helping her by a lot. The more she is sent on a mission, the harder it will be for us to keep her alive and more importantly allow her to use her unique chakra. At this rate, Lady Tsunade, she will die in a month." The Anbu than gives a slight bow before disappearing. Tsunade is caught off guard by the information as she decides to cancel all of the future missions for you. "Lady Tsunade"- Shizune tries to talk as Tsunade looks at her with sad eyes. Kakashi and Shizune decide to leave the office as Tsunade sits in her desk, head down. 

"Why is it so important to her?" Kakashi asks Shizune as they are walking outside the Hokage office as Shizune replies:- "(Y/N) is a member of Konoha. She wears our headband."



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Disclaimer: I do not own the original Naruto characters and places.   

Next Chapter: August 13, 2018

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