Chapter 8: Casual day

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Warning: This is a chapter that will be focused on the development of Naruto's and (Y/N) character's relationship. This chapter will be not as closely linked to the plot. So it is okay to jump on the next chapter. Be prepared for romance though. -------


It had been a week since you had been discharged and since then you had spent the days and nights over at Naruto's as he had been nurturing you the whole time. It had been difficult to recover due to the chakra being sealed in a Jutsu, but you had been patient as the recovery has had its benefits. You have been able to spend more time with Naruto and have connected with him more in the process of developing feeling toward him. There have been so many times when you wanted to ask if Naruto was able to return the feelings you had for him, but hesitated every time. You knew better than not to fall in love with the young ninja. More so you were a stranger to him still.

The day begins, as usual, you wake up finding Naruto sleeping in the living room couch. You walk toward the bathroom still on bandages from the surgery, as your full strength had not returned yet. You are walking toward the bathroom when the wound starts to hurt as you let out a scream dropping to your knees. Naruto hears the scream and immediately wakes up and rushes to your aid. He helps you stand as you inhale and exhale sharply and turn at him. "I am sorry, I just had a little spasm I guess," you say as Naruto walks you to the bathroom. "I will start breakfast", he says as you shake your head no. "Naruto, can we eat outside? I want to leave the house for a bit, I have not seen the outside world in forever." You smile at him gently and persuade him into going out as you get all excited. 

And so the two of you leave the house as you wore your old uniform. Oh, it felt so good to be back into the old uniform, it felt so good that all you wanted to do was to train. However, you were not complaining about the fact that you could not train as it meant spending quality time with Naruto. The two of you head to a breakfast restaurant where there you meet one of your old friends from the Academy, Layla. The two of you greet each other and sit down at the restaurant. The three of you hung out for a while as Naruto kept staring at you while you were engaging in a conversation with your friend. As time passed by you wave bye to Layla and turn at Naruto. "Isn't she great?!!" you rhetorically ask him as he smiles and nods while looking at you with the most gentle eyes ever. 

"(Y/N) I want to show you something!" Naruto says as you nod and the two of you start walking while you had the burning desire to hold is hand, however, refrained yourself from doing so. As the two of you are talking about different stuff, Naruto stops as you stop and look at him for a minute, turning your gaze forward you notice the Ninja Academy. You look a little surprised as you turn at him. "The Academy?" you ask as he nods and points on the right. "You see the swing?" he asks as you nod and walk toward it. "This is the swing I would always hang out at before I started the Academy. Everyone was afraid of me and my tailed beast, so everytime I would get lonely or sad I would come here and hang out. I would look at the Academy and the students who were coming out of it and how proud their parents were." he says looking a the swing with so much nostalgia and then turns at you "Take a seat!' he says as you do so and sit on the swing when all you feel is Naruto lightly pushing you from the back. The swing starts moving to catch you a little by surprise. Slowly there was a light and gentle breeze while you close your eyes and smile. It felt so peaceful and relaxing. It felt like the whole world had stopped and there was nothing happening.

"(Y/N) I know you are alone too in this world. I know the story of your village and this is one of the reasons why I became friends with you. I know the pain of being alone and sad all the time." Naruto says as your eyes open and you gaze at the sky. The birds were chirping in the distance and that is when you decide to take action. As Naruto was swinging you, you decide to tell him but are interrupted by Iruka Sensei who had just finished teaching and was headed home. Naruto gets caught in a conversation with Iruka as you were hanging on the swing looking at Naruto with aw and such. 

It was night by the time the two of you return to Naruto's house as he remembers to give you your medication while you were getting ready for bed. You have the medication and sit on the bed for a minute while Naruto closes the blinds and brings a glass of water to your nightstand. 

"Naruto..." you say with a low voice as he turns at you and decides to sit next to you. "What is it?" he asks as you lower your head kind of shaking a little, "I am embarrassed and will probably end up either losing you or not but I need to tell you something... I want you to just listen and at the end, it is okay if you do not give me a response..." you say and sharply inhale and exhale "Okay... Since after our first mission I have been having weird feelings toward everything in my life, specifically toward you Naruto. There is a mild pain in my chest every time I see you and every time all I want to do when we go out to train or so is to hold your hand. I want to feel your embrace and your heat. I want you to be my family... And I know I have overstepped by doing so, but Naruto... I have fallen in love with you". 

You look up at him and decide to stand up facing him as Naruto's face is bright red while his eyes showed distress. Pinpointing it, you back away a little, eventually sitting down on the floor gazing at the ground. "Why won't you talk to me?" you ask shyly as Naruto stands up and drops to his knees near you and gently places his hands above yours. "I am not sure of what I feel toward you is love or something similar to that. I am in a state of mind where I have a lot to deal with and do not have the right time. I do not want us to start dating and not be able to spend as much time as I want with you. I am sorry." You gaze at how mature and well-spoken Naruto was about this case as you smile giggly at him. "Thank you," you say. The two of you stand before each other gazing at one another.  You were happy. 

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original characters and places.

Next Chapter will be uploaded: Thursday, September 27, 2018

Stay Tuned. 

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