Chapter 4: Gentle Hands

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Neji and you were walking around the village enjoying the day off and a beautiful sunny day. The two of you decide to go by the lakes and enjoy the wind and the freshness coming from the lake.

"So, you slept with Naruto?" Neji asks as you chuckle a little bit, however, shake your head as a no. "No, I did not sleep with Naruto in any way other than friendly. I am not nice to them. I am quiet and very straightforward to them in general. You are the only one who actually knows the real me, knows my emotions and knows me in general. To you it might be a mission, to keep me safe and updated with my medication, but to me, you are a friend... And I am not a type to have any friends. I am scared of getting attached to people, especially after being hurt many times in a row. But Naruto, he is so different. He has a pure heart and soul. His chakra is dominated by the light his soul has, no matter the fox inside him. He knows the pain of being shut away from everything and he knows how to treat me. Neji, I cannot be friends with him. Not knowing that soon I might..." You get interrupted by Neji placing his hand on your shoulder. "You know, we are trying hard to help you live a very long life. No matter what the cost you must not live alone. Even if you knew you were gonna die tomorrow, you should not aim to die and not have anyone to cry for you. (Y/N) Naruto never had it easy, and I was one of the people who hated him and gave him a hard time in the beginning, but I truly think you should not be afraid to tell him what you feel. Let him know your emotions and feelings."As you were about to say something, Tenten comes rushing informing Neji of his mission. Neji and Tenten are about to leave as you decide to take Neji's advice and try to be friendly with Tenten by waving and gently smiling. She looks at your surprised however does not react to your action and decides to leave with Neji leaving you confused. As they were leaving Tenten turns at Neji:- "Why is she being all nice to me?" she asks as Neji replies "Lady Tsunade needs to have her trust... So I gave her an advice on how to be happy." 

With that, the two of them leave as you are stuck alone wondering around when while you were walking you see Sakura, Ino, and Choji sitting in a porch outside a pretty little barbeque place eating. For a moment you hesitate and then decide to join, by walking next to them. The three ninjas turn their heads and look at you surprised as you had a rather scary smile on you. "Hello, mind if I join you?" you ask as Sakura looks over at Ino and Choji. You wait for their response as Ino steps up:- "Umm... we are almost done and we have a mission after lunch... Maybe another time?" she says as you are a little disappointed with their answer but fake a smile real quick and respect their decision and leave. Sakura and Ino make sure you were walking away as Sakura whispers:-" Why do you think she wants to be friends with us? After what she said at Ichiraku's I don't think she understands that she will not gain out friendship." Ino nods as Choji keeps eating disregarding the conversations.

Meanwhile, it was almost about to be dark and you had been shut down by almost everyone in the village about hanging out. A little sad and disappointed you decide to head to the woods and train. As you end up going to the woods training, Naruto was passing nearby after a small mission he had just finished with Kakashi sensei, Sai, and Hinata, noticing your training. He informs the team that he will stop by to say hi to you as the team agrees and continues to head home. Naruto hides behind a tree as you were training hard to hide the pain you kept feeling in your heart. Naruto notices you crying as you were training until eventually, you stop training falling to your knees crying your heart out. You scream while crying as Naruto could not take it and rushes to you to talk.

"Hey (Y/N), kind of late to still be training don't you think?" Naruto says as you are caught off guard as you wipe your tears away fast without making any eye contact. " I am fine Naruto, I do not need you or anyone to be nice to me." You say as Naruto smiles a little, "Than turn at me. Face me." You inhale and exhale rapidly and decide to turn. The moment you turn you are faced with warm eyes and a gentle smile. You are faced with a feeling you had never felt before as your heart was pounding fast while tears start rolling down your cheeks without you noticing it at all. Naruto slowly starts to walk towards you while you had just frozen in place. You were not thinking and all you craved all day was interaction. You wanted to have a normal conversation and a warm meal. You wanted to tell about your adventures and hear about other people's life. You just wanted to live. The feeling was there. The feeling of having your life slip away from you and all you wanted was a "Hello" from another human. With all the emotions and feeling running through you, Naruto gives you a big and cuddly hug as at the beginning you just stand there trying to refuse it, but then give up and wrap your arms around him. You squeeze him tightly as tears kept just rolling down eventually resulting into you crying your heart out. Naruto hears your cry as he brings you closer to himself while the two of you drop to your knees hugging. 

As all of this was happening, the Anbu responsible for monitoring your every day was spying on you as the late run decides to go report to Tsunade. As he is headed to her office, Kakashi notices the ninja and decides to cut his way. "Kakashi sensei!" The Anbu says as he is stopped midway. Kakashi whispers in his ear "Let's not tell Lady Tsunade about tonight. Do it as a favor to me" The Anbu ninja nods as he leaves while Kakashi looks up at the sky than continues on walking around the village.


As the sun set down and the moon started to take over, Naruto and you end up walking to your apartment. On the way, you and Naruto were not talking much to each other until he decides to break the silence. "You know, I lost my parents when I was a baby. I was born with a nine tail fox inside of me and everyone has been so scared of me since then. Hell, they are still scared of me, but I have learned to deal with it at this stage of my life. The only way I was able to deal with it is because of Iruka sensei and Kakashi sensei and Jiraya sensei. You will overcome whatever is causing you to cry, and I will be the one to help you." With these words coming from his mouth you gently smile at him and nod. "Thank you, Naruto!" you say as the two of you continue walking the village while the moon kept lighting up the village. 


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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Naruto characters or places.

Next Chapter: August 20


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