Bonus chapter: Naruto Uzumaki

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--------   A month later     -------

"Luna. Luna where are you?" Naruto yells all over the house as he shakes a bowl with cat dry food in it. He walks over to his bedroom as he finds you snuggling the cat. "(Y/N) Luna needs to eat" Naruto says as you look at him and smile "I will let her go," you say letting go of the cat as it goes to Naruto while he sets her bowl of food on the ground. The cat starts to eat the food while you look at them both warmly. You sit on the bed and tap on it for Naruto to come to sit by you.

"Naruto... There is something I need to tell you." You say while Naruto sits next to you. "What is it?" he asks while you inhale and then exhale. "I am sick. I don't have long and I want you to know that I love you. I love you oh so very much and I don't want to go. I am scared..." you say tearing as Naruto hold you. "I am sorry," he says while you sob in his arms. You look up as Naruto is tearing up but smiling at the same time. "(Y/N) the place you will be headed to is not bad. You will to meet and train with really strong ninjas. The strongest ninjas in the world. You will have your own home, a warm home, and Luna and I will be joining you at some point to so it is not as bad as it seems huh?" Naruto says when Luna hops on his lap and you start to pet her. "Be a good cat, Luna. You make sure he behaves because if he doesn't I will be mad." The cat meows and meows until Naruto's eye open wide. Luna was sitting in his chest meowing. Naruto turns to his side with Luna as he pets her gently. "Luna, I think we should go and visit her today," Naruto says and snuggles with the cat. 

So Naruto goes on with his life, while Tsunade and Shizune were in the office talking about the mission. Ino's father was standing at the entry of the office as Tsunade was staring outside the window, which she would do that anytime she had to think about stuff. 

"Lady Tsunade? What are we going to do with the body? We are done with the analyzing and such." Shizune says as Tsunade turns to face her "Do not hate me alright Shizune.." She says as Shizune is a little surprised. Ino's father grabs her head gently and with his technique erases her memory, causing for Shizune to fall into a slumber. Tsunade has Anbu ninjas take her home, while she orders Inoichi Yamanaka to do the same to Naruto. With that order, Inochi leaves headed toward Naruto. Meanwhile, Naruto was walking toward your grave with the cat in his hands talking to Luna and such. On the way there Naruto meets with Sakura and Neji as they greet each other. 

"Naruto, hey!" Sakura waves as Naruto waves back holding the cat in one hand. 

"Where are you headed to Naruto?" Neji asks as Sakura pets Luna. 

"Luna and I are going to go visit (y/n) grave. You guys want to join?" Naruto asks as Sakura and Neji look at one another confused and politely decline the offer. 

"Naruto, Neji and I have to go meet with Rock Lee and Guy-sensei, we would love to chat and such, but we are already late," Sakura says and departs alongside Neji. Naruto smiles a little confused and heads over to your grave when Inoichi shows up in front of him. 

"Hey Naruto boy, how are you?" He asks while Naruto smiles holding Luna. "I am going to a friend with Luna. We have to share what happened to us this week. It is something Luna and I do every week since our friend died." Inoichi looks at Naruto said as he decides to let Naruto do this one last thing with you before he erases his memory. And so the two ninjas arrive at your grave as Naruto sits in front of your grave holding Luna in his lap. Inoichi steps back a little giving Naruto the space he needs to talk to you. 

"Hey (y/n) look who I brought today. It's Inoichi Yamanaka sensei, he is Ino's dad remember?! So, Luna and I went to the grocery store yesterday and we saw the cutest baby in one of the isles. It reminded me of the time when you said you would love to have a baby one day and dress him as a little avocado for Halloween. Yes exactly, the little baby was wearing an avocado costume and it was the cutest thing ever!! Also, Luna had her shot this week and she was a little sad, but with a lot of petting and good food she is feeling much better, isn't that right Luna? " Naruto keeps talking to the empty grave thinking you were in it as Inoichi witnesses how sad and how in love Naruto and Luna are with you. He looks around your grave and notices a lot of butterflies wandering near your grave, realizing that somehow you were listening. Inoichi give Naruto a little more time as he notices him crying while talking to you. He could feel the pain Naruto was as his voice was shaky and his eyes had endless tears. Inoichi sits next to Naruto and places his hand on Naruto's shoulder. 

"Naruto, I did not know her really well and all, but son, were you in love?" Inoichi asks with a sad face while Naruto nods, "I was in love with her for so long. All I wanted was to be near her and have fun with her. I wanted to be there for her and when she let me do that it made me feel like home. She was silly and would cling on the silliest things, like to a stray cat, but she was special. She was home and I lost my home twice..." Naruto says while Inoichi is saddened eventually placing his hand on Naruto's head. Naruto looks up at him confused as Inoichi asks for forgiveness thus placing the jutsu on him. Naruto falls to a slumber as Luna is scared and tucks herself under Naruto's Jacket. Inoichi brings Naruto home as he is passed out from the effects of the jutsu.

A day passed as Naruto finally wakes up finding Luna in his feet sleeping. Naruto grabs her near him as Luna yawns and cuddles up to Naruto. "Luna, what are we gonna do today? Oh.. I know. let's go visit Sakura. She is back from her mission and would love to see you since  she has not seen you since we adopted you." With that Naruto heads over to Sakura's house. While walking a butterfly sits on his shoulder as Luna meows at it. Naruto "scares" the butterfly away while Luna tries to catch it. 

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Disclaimer: I do not own the original Naruto character or original naruto places.

Note from author:

Hope you guys enjoyed the story. I would love some feedback on it. Stay tuned because there will be more and more stories for everyone. 

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