Nightmares Return

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<Jin's POV>
"What happened, Yun?" Yoongi asked.

"Nothing, we just wanted to come see you all for Christmas. And to thank you for everything you did to help me when I needed it the most," Yun said with a big smile on her face.

I looked at Hobi just knowing he had something to do with it. Of course, he had a massive smile of his face with a hint of mischief behind his eyes.

"Halmeoni!" Tae and Kookie yelled as they came around the corner and actually saw who was standing there. They went running into Miss Kim's warm embrace.

"My boys! How are you? It's been a long time," Miss Kim said as she hugged them close to her.

"We were about to go see the Christmas lights, would you both like to join us?" Jimin asked as he went to hug Yun.

"Of course!" Yun said.

We all loaded into Hobi's van and headed out to see the lights. Hobi was driving, Yun was in the front seat, I was sitting behind Hobi with Miss Kim to my right and Tae on her other side, Kookie was right behind me with Jimin next to him and Yoongi next to Jimin.

We turned into a neighborhood that looked like it went all out for Christmas this year. Every single house was decorated in the most beautiful lights, some twinkling, some stayed still. I looked at the awe and wonder on Tae's face as we drove through the neighborhood. I can only imagine that Kookie has the same look. We came across a house that had timed it's lights to music. We rolled down the windows in the van and watched and listened as the lights went with the beat of the music.

It was getting late, as we left our fifth neighborhood we decided to go back home. Yun and Miss Kim were going to stay the night with us and open gifts with us in the morning. When we parked outside of the house, I had to wake Kookie up which was impossible so I ended up carrying him on my back to our room. I laid him on his and Tae's bed and started changing him into his pajamas. Tae came in a bit later and we both got ready for bed. We climbed into bed, he was next to Kookie and I was in my bed. I couldn't help but think how blessed I was to have this family of friends and how we get to spend Christmas together, making new memories.


"EOMMA! EOMMA! WAKE UP! WE NEED TO GO OPEN THE PRESENTS!" Kookie and Tae yelled as they jumped on my bed.

"I'm up, I'm up," I said still half asleep. Ugh, I need coffee, I thought as I flopped back onto the pillows.


"Ok, ok, I'm getting up," I said literally rolling out of bed.

We crossed the room and opened the door. As soon as I opened the door, we were hit with the amazing smell of someone cooking breakfast. Tae and Kookie ran ahead of me as we walked toward the stairs.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THOSE GIFTS!" I yelled after them.

"Good morning. Marry Christmas," Yoongi and Jimin said as they walked up behind me.

"Good morning and Merry Christmas to you too," I said. "If you two are still up here, who's cooking breakfast?" I asked feeling really confused due to lack of sleep and not having my morning coffee.

"I don't know. Maybe Hobi or Yun?" Jimin said as we started walking down the stairs.

We all walked into the kitchen to find Miss Kim and Yun busy making breakfast for everyone. Hobi, Tae, and Kookie were in the living room, most likely trying to figure out what gifts were their's. There was soft Christmas music playing in the background. That and the smell of breakfast cooking really brought me back to when I was growing up and always waking up to my mom making breakfast while she was playing Christmas music. Man did I miss them!

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