Something Old, Something New...

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<Jin's POV>

Today's the day that I've been waiting for since this whole trial started.  We were all sitting outside of the courtroom waiting for our case to be called up.  I was sitting between Joon and Tae, legs bouncing a mile a minute as my nervousness started overtaking my entire body.  Joon places a soothing hand on my knee to help calm me down as the bailiff came out to tell us our case was up.  I looked at Joon and took a deep breath as we stood up to walk in.  All eight of us shuffled in, I followed Jackson through the gate at the front of the seats as the rest of the guys filed into the row directly behind us.

"Alright, this has been quite a long process but has the jury reached a verdict?"  The judge asked.

"We have, your Honor.  We the jury find the defendant, Kim Young, guilty of rape, domestic violence, and child endangerment."

"Your Honor, we would like to request the maximum penalty for sentencing," Jackson said.

"WHAT?! THAT IS RIDICULOUS!" Kim Young yelled.

"Kim Young, if you do not settle down, I will be forced to place you in contempt of court," the judge said. "Judge Sol Wachtler once said 'a marriage license should not be viewed as a license for a husband to forcibly rape his spouse with impunity. A married man has the same right to control his own body as does an unmarried man.' Now, Kim Young, I am now revoking your parental rights on Taehyung and Jungkook. I am sentencing you to 40 years in prison. I also, highly suggest that you attend anger management classes, AA meetings, and counseling. I was going to fine you $1.25million however, I am going to have you use that money to set up trust fund accounts for Jungkook and Taehyung for their schooling. You also need to send Jin $5000 a month for the pain and suffering he has endured at your hand."

<A/N: I got that quote from the 1984 NY Court of Appeals Case of People vs Liberta, Judge Sol Wachtler. Please note that this is not a direct quote. I did adapt it to the story seeing as I am writing about a homosexual couple and the original quote was in regards to a heterosexual couple. Also, I have no idea the exact amount of years he would get or the amount of fines he would have. I did research but wasn't finding much to go on. I did use what I found and estimated the rest. Please don't come after me if it sounds unrealistic. I assure you, I did do my research.>

"WHAT?! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, JIN! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS, BITCH! JUST YOU WAIT!!" Kim Young yelled, taking a step toward me and Jackson.

Before Jackson could get between us and the bailiff could stop him, Kim Young had stepped out from behind his table and was crossing the aisle looking like he was going to kill me. Before I could blink, Joon jumped the barrier and got between me and Young.

"KIM YOUNG, I am placing you in contempt of court! Bailiff, please remove him from my courtroom!" The judge said hitting his gavel on his desk as he stood to leave.

"All rise as the Honorable Judge Bang leaves the courtroom," the bailiff said.

I was in shock. Between the verdict, the amount of money he's paying me and using for the boys' college fund and the way Joon came over the railing to protect me, I was still processing everything well after Young was dragged out in handcuffs and the jury was dismissed.

"Eomma, we won!" Tae yelled, running at me, engulfing me into one of his characteristic bone-crushing hugs.


"Hyung, will you help me plan the wedding?" Jimin asked.

We were all out for a celebratory dinner. All eight of us sitting around a hibachi grill waiting for the cook to come over and start cooking the food.

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