New Start

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<Jin's POV>
After talking to Hobi well into the morning, I was finally climbing into bed next to my boys. It was after 3am and my head was going crazy with what I had to do to keep my family safe, including Yoongi, Jimin, and Hobi. I knew I had to tell the boys when they wake up. They're not going to be happy but we have to do it to stay away from him. We have to leave to keep everyone safe. I don't know where we are going to go but all I know is that we have to get away. I'll talk to Yoongi and Jimin later to see if they knew of anywhere we could go. They've helped other people in our situation, maybe they knew of good places we could go and be safe. As I was thinking, I felt my eyes get heavy. As I finally fell asleep I knew what needed to be done.

When I finally opened my eyes, it was 9am and I was wide awake. Tae and Jimin were still sleeping when I finally got out of bed to take a shower. I was just stepping into the shower, I heard Tae and Kookie getting up for the day. I finished my shower and got out, dried off, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and dried my hair. When I finally left the bathroom, Tae and Kookie were waiting for their turns in the bathroom. As the boys got ready, I head downstairs, hoping to talk to Yoongi and Jimin before the boys come down. I walk into the kitchen and find Jimin getting breakfast ready.

"Good morning, Jimin," I say as I walk around the island to help.

"Good morning, Hyung. How are you doing after yesterday?" He asked looking up from the bacon he was cooking, eyes full of concern.

"I'm hanging in there. I actually wanted to talk to you and Yoongi and get some advice. Where is he?" I asked.

"He had to run a quick errand this morning. He should be back soon." As soon as he said that, Yoongi walked in through the front door.

"Good morning, Hyung. How are you doing?" Yoongi asked me as he walked up to Jimin and back-hugged him.

"I'm doing alright. I wanted to talk to you and Jimin and get some advice related to what happened last night." As I said that, they both turned toward me. "Well, I was thinking, in order to keep everyone safe, including you guys and Hobi, Kookie, Tae, and I need to leave. That being said, I don't know where to go and I only have a little bit of money saved up from my job so I can't really afford an apartment right now. Do you guys happen to know of any motels that we can stay at until I'm able to get us into an apartment?" I asked as I was setting the table.

"Hyung, you know you can just stay here. There's no need to run away. We'll get you a restraining order against him and he won't be able to come close to you without being thrown in jail for breaking the restraining order. You don't need to leave," Yoongi said with a little bit of a stern tone.

"I don't want to burden you guys anymore than I already have. And, not to mention, we need to start to become independent and not have to rely on anyone to feed us or give us a roof over our heads. Besides, he won't listen to a restraining order. He'll walk right up to me regardless," I said looking down at my feet.

"If he come close to you, we just call the cops and they take him away. Besides, you're not a burden. We actually love you guys being here. We love how alive it feels here since you've moved in. It was so cold and dead before you came. I wouldn't be the same if you all left," Jimin said as he placed the now cooked bacon on the table.

"But," Yoongi said looking between me and Jimin, "if you feel like you need to leave, I know of a couple places that we've worked with in the past that you can go to. They're kind of hidden, off the beaten path, places where hardly any people go. We can take you there today to check them out, if you want," he said while placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "But, like Jimin said, it won't be the same without you."

"Thank you," I said as Tae, Kookie, and Hobi came into the kitten for breakfast.

Nothing more was said about our little discussion once we all sat down to eat. Tae was talking to Hobi about Namjoon and when we would be able to meet him while Kookie concentrated on his pancakes and fixing them up the way he like them, lots of butter and triple the amount of syrup that any normal person would use, ultimately drowning them in syrup while trying not to spill any on the table.


It was well into the afternoon and we had just all been lazing around the house. I had gone out back with a book for some fresh air when I fell asleep under the tree. As I slept, I had a dream, not a nightmare like before, but a nice dream about myself, Kookie, and Tae finally living a somewhat normal life. I watched as we carried on as if nothing had happened, like the abuse hadn't happened, like the rape hadn't happened. I long for that day to come sooner rather than later. Before the dream could end, I was being woken up by Hobi telling me that he had a surprise for Tae and Kookie.

"Hyung, I have a surprise for Tae and Kookie. You know how Tae is always asking when he can meet Namjoon-Hyung? Well, I would like to take them to his studio to meet him. Maybe tonight?" He asked almost with puppy dog eyes.

"Well, I don't know. Since what happened yesterday, I've been a little wary of them leaving the house without me," I said kind of hesitantly.

"What if you come with us? That way, you can get out of the house and the boys can meet Namjoon-Hyung," he said with a massive smile on his face.

"Ok, what time do we leave?" I asked starting to get up off the ground.

"How about in 30 mins. I'll go tell Tae and Kookie," he said standing up and walking back inside.

As he goes inside, I can help but wonder about Namjoon. I wonder what this Namjoon guy is like. Is he a goofball like Hobi or more more serious like Yoongi?

I was brought back from my thoughts by Tae running out of the house to me.

"Eomma! Eomma! Guess what Hobi just told us!" He said trying to catch his breath.

"Let me guess, something about going to a studio and meeting... somebody... what's his name? Namji... Tamjoon..."

"NAMJOON! Geez Eomma, get it right," he said with his signature boxy smile.

"Look here, mister. Are you insulting your Eomma's talent of forgetting names?" I asked, faking shock.

We both busted out laughing at each other. While we were laughing, Hobi came to the back door and asked if we were ready. We both stand up and head back inside. We all got our shoes on, coats on, and we're ready to head out.

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