A Very Weasley Wedding

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I got up from the bed and walked into the kitchen, putting the kettle on the stove and pulling the sweatshirt I was wearing closer to me.

"You okay Elizabeth?" I heard a voice say, coming down the stairs. "shit" I muttered to myself, and yanked out my wand, muttering "lumos" at the same time as Harry.

"What're you doing up? Have a big day tomorrow." he muttered, lighting a lamp.

"I know, I know, I just, can't sleep."

"Nerves, second thoughts? Did you guys get in a fight?" he asked, leaning against the wood counter.

"Nerves mostly, we got in a fight, but fixed it up I guess, I haven't really told anybody about it yet, not even Luna." I replied, turning off the kettle and sliding to the floor.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Sure" He slid down next to me and I rested my head against his shoulder. "Well, I yelled some stuff about him being clingy, which none of is true at all, then he yelled some stuff, said I was like my mother, called me a bitch" I continued, sighing.

"I'm gonna kill him." Harry said, matter of factly.

"Harry no." I said, lightly slapping him on the chest.

"Not even a hex?"

I laughed, "No."

He shook his head at me, "Fine."

"It's gonna be okay, you'll have a great wedding, I won't say anything when the preist asks if anyone objects, I'll get the first dance after George, I'll fill in for Remus if something were to 'accidentally' happen to him." he rambled, sliding a warm arm around my shoulders.

"How'd you guys make up?" My eyes grew wide and I felt a warm blush spread across my cheeks.

"We talked it out, and umm, I haven't told anyone the rest of that either." He was so oblivious sometimes, but I loved him for it, and it was for his own good. "I really don't think you want me to tell you, and I'd rather not tell you either, also, we made up because we talked it through, that's it." I could almost feel his cheeks grow hot on top of my head from embarresment.

"Oh." We talked for a bit longer before going to bed, walking up the stairs and going to our separate rooms, I saw him hesitate in front of Ginny's room, I knew he liked her, but hadn't realized how much till now.

"We'll talk about that tomorrow, okay?" I said, before giving him a warms smile and disappearing into my room. George was standing at the door when I opened it, and I almost hit him, "George what are you doing?"

He just stood there in a daze then half yelled, "I don't want to marry you." I just stared at him totally shocked and completely hurt.

"G-George?" He was still standing there emotionless, staring into a blank nothingness.

"Don't make me marry him Ron." Ron? HIM?

"George what on Earth are you talking about?" I asked, reaching out to touch his face before he half yelled again,

"Ron, I'm telling you you're not making me marry Severus Snape, he has lady hips, and anyways I'm marrying Elizabeth." He waved his hand in the air dramatically, "Ronald I know Elizabeth's got lady hips, that's because she is a lady, Severus has no excuse, his lady hips are unacceptable." I burst out laughing at this and he jerked awake, almost falling over. "Elizabeth? What's wrong? Why are you laughing, why am I standing?" he asked putting his hands on his hips like his mother does which started me up again, and I fell over, rolling on the floor. We finally got to bed and he fell back asleep instantly, and started muttering in his sleep, and even though I didn't know what he was saying, I was hoping he was winning the argument with Ron.

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