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I woke up on the hard ground, snow falling all around me, everything seemed perfect, for just those few minutes between dreams and reality, right and wrong, light and dark. I let a smile spread across my face as the flakes fell around us under the cloudy morning light, making everything look like a snow globe. Then I remembered, my brother was gone, with one of my best friends and my brother in law. The whole Weasley family was sleeping in my house because they couldn't go home, and I was cold. I opened my eyes to see George sleeping soundly with his forehead rested against mine, this was one of the few things that plastered that smile right back on my face, one look into his eyes and I can forget all the tears mine have cried. One kiss to his lips took away the memories of the screams mine have held. One embrace could melt away the sadness of the thought that I'll never hug my father again. Because he knew, he knew how broken I was, yet he chose to love my broken pieces anyways, to help me pick them up, to help me keep what was not yet broken protected. And I'd do the same for him any day, and I have, and I'd fight tooth and bone for our love, where as it was scratched and dented, isn't and will never be broken. I kissed his slightly cold and chapped lips as he stirred a bit, making sure that his first real moment of today was a good one.

"Mmmmm, hi." he mumbled, nose red from cold and red freckles standing out against his pale skin. "Fell asleep did we?" I said wiping a stray snowflake from his cheek. "I suppose its better than sleeping on the couch." I continued, letting him help me up, and following him inside.

Suprisingly no one was in the kitchen, no bustling Mrs. Weasley, no, Remus drinking tea with a book, no Ginny joking around with Bill as Mr. Weasley attempted to make his wife a breakfast in bed, no one. So George and I changed, and started breakfast for ten, with, of course, George making his return with the "Kiss the Cook" apron adorning his shoulders, whereas mine were draped with his oversized Weasley sweater.

"I guess I must oblige." I said as I entered the kitchen, giving him a peck on the cheek before starting to pull down ingredients for pancakes.

"That's all I get?" he asked playfully.

"With your whole family in the house, plus my God father and his fiancee, yes." I replied, taking down the flower and starting to add the ingredients into a bowl. "But if you're paitent, you might get a sneak peek of what might happen when they're gone."

We worked in silence for a bit, him making eggs, bacon, sausage and such, whereas me, not so much of a cooker as a baker, spent my time making pancakes and rolls.

"Damn." I muttered, adding more flower to a bread batter that was entirely too runny but sticky at the same time.

"What?" George said, walking over and rubbing my shoulders a bit as he peered over them to get a good look at the dough. "Oh. Umm, yea, definitly more flower, and did you add baking soda?" he critiqued.

"No." I replied, turning to him with my eyebrows furrowed in slight frustration. "Well we have to fix that." George said, then drug a finger through some flower and taped my nose. I opened my mouth and smiled at the same time, then reached up and sprinkled some flower in his slightly discheveled hair. "Is this war Elizabeth?"

"Bring it on."

He took a handful of flower and threw it up in the air, letting it shower us in white. I grabbed a handful and ran across the kitchen, then stopped dead and threw it at him, hitting him in the face as he halted. This went on for a few minuets, until the timer for my bread went off and we decided to clean up the mess before Mrs. Weasley had a heart attack.


I walked halfway up the stairs and yelled for the others to walk down as George set the table and Ginny half tripped half walked to the table, further waking Fred up as she stumbled over him on her way to a seat at the table. "Bloody hell." Fred mumbled, plopping down in a chair next to Ginny and filling his plate as the others thumped their ways downstairs.

"Oh no, I woke up late, I've got to start breakfast." I heard Molly exclaim as she hurried into the living room.

"That won't be necessary mum." George replied, pulling out a seat for her, then me, then finally settling down in the one next to mine.

"Thank you, this should be... different, I suppose." she said in response, putting some bread on her plate. "Oh, and why are you two covered in flour?" Only then I had realized that when cleaning the kitchen, we had failed to clean ourselves.

"Flour fight." George said simply, shoving some sausage into his mouth.


"I'm going to Diagon Alley, does any one want to come?" I said, clearing plates from the table, we needed more food and blankets if we were going to house eight more people for a while, and Ginny needed school supplies, so I shot her a look as if to say "you're coming." and walked into the kitchen, levitating a stack of plates to the sink.

"I'll come." Tonks piped up, standing up from the table, while George started pulling on his boots in response. "Okay, Aurthor, Remus, there is books in that room, Molly, I don't have any yarn or anything, sorry, I'll pick some up in the alley if you want?" She nodded, it looked like she was still upset from last nights events, which still upset me extremely, but I kept my mouth shut and walked to the fire place, grabbing some flu power and flooing to Diagon Alley.

We walked through the streets, going to flourish and botts, then the joke shop, which we quickly got unlocked and functioning, regardless to say, the shop filled quickly. When buisness was down, Ginny, George and I left Fred who had arrived around noon to get some lunch. As we were walking down to a little cafe, a boy from across the street yelled, "Looking hot Weasley!!!" at Ginny, she blushed scarlet and I reacted immediately, winking at the unsuspecting boy and smacking George on the butt as he walked past me, yelling back, "I know, right, my husband is hot, but he's mine." The boy looked at me with his mouth wide open and George winked at him, by this time, Ginny was laughing hysterically, and the boy just walked off, totally red faced and suprised.

We packed up and went home a few hours later, and there, walking through fields hand in hand with my husband, everything seem like it would be okay, like nothing bad could touch us, but it could, and it has, but even though it can touch us, it can't break us, never.

Hope you all enjoyed.

I don't have an authors note really...

Butttttt...... I started a new fic that should be getting released when this one ends,

Much love,


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