Take a chance on me

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"Harry Potter", the voice echoed through the great hall, no one dared to speak, but I wanted to scream, I was so in shock. My brother rose slowly, looking around as he took in the shocked faces and scowls from our visitors.

I rose too, as if to stop him, but Dumbledore cut in, "Do you have something you'd like to say, Miss. Potter?"

"Miss. Black", I corrected him, "and n-no" I stuttered as I sunk slowly back into my seat, turning to look at the stunned but never the less excited Gryffindors.

In the next few days, it was announced that we we're to have a Yule Ball to celebrate the tournament. I was excited, because this would be my first formal date with Fred, but still nervous never the less. As the days drew closer, with still no word from Fred, I started to get anxious. I finally went to Hermione and Ginny about it.

"He hasn't asked me yet, and I thought he would by now, givin all that's happened-" I stopped, noticing the nervous glances between the two girls. "What?" I asked abruptly

"Well, Fred's already got a date." said Ginny cautiously, looking at Hermione.

"Angela" said Hermione softly. Tears welled in my eyes, as I walked out of the girls dorm as fast as I could, trying to be anywhere but here.

Of course, as I was walking out of the common room I ran into Fred. "What's wronge Liz?"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I yelled at him as I wheeled around, ready to scream.

"Whoa, what's that about, why are you crying?"

"Why am I crying? Fredrick Weasley you complete arse, I'm bloody crying because you led me on, and you just dropped me, and asked out Angela, did none of this mean anything to you, do I not mean anything to you? " I yelled, people had turned to look but stopping was not an option, "You can't just lead girls on and drop them for other ones, we're not disposable!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME, I'M SO STUPID!!!" I screamed at him before storming out and on to the courtyard.

I sat there in the courtyard crying for at least an hour, listening to Draco and his clan of foul followers bickering. It wasn't until late that night, sitting in the common room, that someone actually talked to me, after others failed attempts at dinner.

"Are you okay Elizabeth?" said a soft voice, I looked up, and saw George standing next to me, "can I sit down?" I nodded, looking down and trying to gather my bearings. "Look, I know my brothers a complete arse, but hey, at least you didn't get that far with him before figuring that out. Here." He said, handing me a tissue. "It's gonna be okay, I promise."

"I shouldn't be so upset about this." I said sadly, choking back tears that we're going to come anyways.

"Hey, hey, don't cry." Said George softly, putting an arm around my shoulder and holding me until my sobbing stopped and everyone else went to bed. I looked up George with red puffy eyes and saw that he had a smile playing at his lips.

"What are you smiling about?" I said softly sniffling and trying to get myself together.

"Well, I wanted to ask you, but I'd figured Fred wanted to, but well he didn't so..." He took one of my hands, "Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me 'lizabeth?"

"Absolutely." I said looking down and sniffling. When I looked back up he was staring into my eyes and grinning. He didn't stop grinning even when he wiped a stray tear from my face, and even when he kissed me I could still feel the smile playing on his lips.

We stayed in the common room for hours, talking and enjoying each others company. We must have fell asleep, because when I woke in the morning only Neville was in the common room, reading and half asleep himself. I carefully wiggled out of George's warm comfortable arms and threw a blanket over him before kissing his forehead and going to get ready, smiling all the way back to the girls dormitory.

Hope you all enjoyed!!!

Sorry for the slight delay in posting, writer's block happens.

We're officially in the Goblet of Fire!!!

Much love,


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