Returning forgiveness

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Tord sighs as he walks downstairs, soldiers saluting him as he walked pass, there was a something that the leader had to announce to his army, all the soldiers sat in the auditorium, Tord stood on the stage, sighing he begins to speak.

"Soldiers of the red army, is it quite an honor for me being your leader, but I must leave for a couple months, I have grown very weaken, and I have things to attend, personal things, Paul and Patryck will be in command until I get back, thank you." He sighs and left the auditorium, the soldiers soon followed and started doing there normal things. Paul and Patryk walk up to there son.

Paul sighs and lights a cigarette, looking at Tord with a glum look, "son, if something is wrong, you may tell us" Tord shook his head in disagreement, "I'm fine" he says, but he wasn't really. Under his hoodie his flesh arm was filled with cuts and scars from the guilt he has done on that very day.  Tord hugs his dad's goodbye and leaves the base.

Tord was walking around the town, and sees a group of boys, he knew clearly it was them, stood out to obviously, like a photograph, Edd, the green hooded male standing in between of the other two, Tom, standing on the left side, and Matt standing on the right, looking at himself in the mirror.  Tord accidentally bumped into Tom.

Oh no...

Tom stood up, dusting himself as he sees the red hooded male. Anger boiled inside of him, Edd shocked, completely frozen like a deer before getting hit, and Matt, clearing confused. Tord stood up, and just booked it, ran into an alleyway, breathing heavily, and quick. Edd blinked a couple times. "Was that-" Tom rolled his 'eyes' "Edd, chill the fuck out, he's gone anyway" Edd sighs, and nods, as they continue walking, Tord watched as they stepped by the alleyway, Tord stealthily followed them, making as little noise as possible.

Tom walked into his apartment, but before going inside, Edd spoke up, "hey should we hangout? Watch a movie?" Tom grumbles and grabs his flask from inside, filling it, and went with Edd and Matt to Edds apartment. After a couple minutes, Tord decided it was best to knock on the door, even though he already knows that he's gonna get no forgiveness.

Tord hesitantly knocks on Edds apartment door, he waits and hears foot steps, the door opened and there stood Tom, Tord gulped nervously. "H-hallo..T-Tom.." Tom was about to close the door, but Tord stopped him with his foot. " explain.." Tord says, on the verge of tears. Tom opened the door and scoffs, "okay, what explanation you've got fuckin commie?" Right when Tom says that, Edd and Matt came over, Tords eye widens, he began to feel his air being stole out of his lungs, he began to tremble in fear.

The three boys stare at him, just all of a sudden, Tord falls on the ground, unconscious. Edd gasped, and picked Tord up, and laid him on the couch. Tom crossed his arms. "Edd are you serious!? Tord KILLED Jon! And blew up OUR HOUSE! And now, you're bring him into YOUR apartment!?" Edd sighs, "Tom, I understand, but let's wait until he wakes up and let him explain.."

*time skip*

Tord opened his eye, and looked over at the three, his anxiety stats to build up again, his breathing quickly escalating, but Edd pulled him in a nice warm hug. Tord gasp, and tears rolled down his cheeks, and hugs Edd back gently. Tord began to sob, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Edd calmed Tord after a few minutes. "Tord, we forgive you" Tord sniffles and looks at Edd. "You do?" Edd nods and hugs Tord again. Tom scoffs, and says bluntly "I don't" Edd looked at Tom. "Tom stop being so rude" Tom rolled his void like eyes. Edd sighs, "Tom, Tord is living with you, my apartment is too small and Matt, yknow.."

Tom looked at Edd. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!? THERES NO WAY THAT HENTAI LITTLE COMMUNIST FUCK IS NOT LIVING THERE!" Edd inhaled sharply "yes he is. Deal with it."  Tom grumbles in defeat. Tom motioned Tord to 'come here'  Tord shakily walks over, and follows Tom to his apartment.

Tord softly whispers as he follows Tom.

"I'm sorry"

||"I'm sorry"|| A TomTord FanficWhere stories live. Discover now