Chapter 18 - Foster Nerd

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 Society sucks.

 That’s one of Jo’s life mottos. ”Every girl has to have a pretty face, a nice figure, money to buy nice clothes – if you don’t have any of that, you might as well be swallowed up by a UFO.”

 My favorite part of that day was going up to the roof with her – and Dominic on the weekends. I didn’t have to pretend because they wouldn’t judge me, just as I wouldn’t judge them. “We are different than society. Society won’t accept us, so we won’t accept it,” Dom said one time, and I remember writing I down in a journal I kept just dedicated to conversations we had up there. “The world sucks, but in order to live in the afterlife we want, we are stuck dealing with it.”

 At that time in my life, I was so depressed, I desperately needed therapy. I could easily connect to their theories. I loved when we would debate. I wish I had more to write about them, but they were a mystery. I asked one day, and that was Jo’s reply. “The magic is in the mystery. If the mystery is solved, there is no more magic.” It’s the truth. The thing that was so intriguing about her was the fact that I knew absolutely nothing about her, but at the same time, I knew everything.

 “What’s your story?” Dom asked me.

 “Car accident took out my family. I don’t have any close relatives. Now, I am here.”

 “No detail?”

 “The detail is the mystery. All you need to know is that I no longer have a family.”

 I remember Jo smiling, probably thinking she learns from the best. Dominic was satisfied, and he didn’t push for more. That’s just how they were. It was always “I’ll tell you what you need to know, and you need to accept it.” I wish everyone could be like them.

 I keep the journal under my bed to this day, not wanting to let go of Jo and Dom. It holds all of the intelligent things they said, be it advice or just a comment. My favorite came from Jo.

 She had broken up with Dominic, in September, although I am not sure why she did. There was a lot of yelling, and I didn’t hear from her for the next two weeks following. Her door was closed, and she didn’t leave her room. I can still vividly picture her door that I stared at for those fourteen and a half days of misery for the two of us. On the fifteenth day, it was late at night. My roommate, Chloe, had just left to join a new family, leaving me alone in the small box with a door. “Trinity,” Jo had whispered, pulling me from my newly found slumber. She brought me to the roof. She was numb to the world. Then, like the words etched into the puzzle pieces that comprised my philosophy, she made such a comment that would change my view on life.

 “People will come, and people will go – we are all going to die. And in the end, the only thing that counts is how you see those people in your memory.”


Sorry this was kind of depressing... :(

Please stick around 'cause tomorrow's chapter is the start of some ground-breaking excitement!

On side:

If you need a reason to smile, the boys are there with words of inspiration. It will get better. x

Looking for a laugh? Well, watch it's a chocolate milk party remix! :D

Starting something new... Question of the day: favorite 5sos bromance? I will give you my answer in the next update.

Meag xx

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