the day he got the nickname "penis parker"

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also this is a suggestion by Adsey56

school's shit. honestly, i can't even be who i want to be.

why, you might ask? well, it's kind of an awkward story, but dad says telling people about my experiences will help me get over them.

so, i started packing, like a month ago and i've never had any problems before now.

i was just trying to dump my stuff in the classroom, when flash comes up to me and knocks all my books, that i was carrying, over.

i decided the best thing to do was to say "who calls their kid flash anyway?"

obviously, that was the wrong thing to do. he punched me in the stomach, and that's when my packing started falling out.

oh, i cried so much.

when i started crying, flash started calling me "penis parker" and he hasn't stopped calling me that since.

at least before, i was just "parker", rather than being called a transphobic slur.

my social life's going great right now, isn't it?

a/n: i'm meant to be doing my german homework whoops

yes, i'm on my summer holiday, but i've got a whole year of german to do in six weeks, so i can join the year 10 gcse german elective group.

fuck my life.

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