a genderfluid loki helping trans peter out

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"Uncle Loki?" Peter enquired, upon seeing Loki look through the dresses.

"Yes?" Loki replied, not looking at him.

"Why are we looking at dresses?" Peter says, bored.

Loki blushes hard.

"Um, for you of course, Emily."

"I don't want any fucking dresses. They're stupid and frilly and waaay too fancy and super girly, and I am NOT a girl!"

Peter stopped, realizing what he'd just said.

"I mean, I-I-I-I just don't like them."


"Y-y-yes uncle Loki?" Peter looked at his feet in embarrassment.

"It's fine. I get how you feel. I'm buying myself a dress, I'm genderfluid."

Peter looked up.

"O-oh. That's great! Oh, and um, it's Peter."


"My name. It's Peter."

"Ah, of course. Well, come, Peter, we must buy you new clothes."

Peter smiled widely, and ran off, Loki trailing behind him.

They ended up spending around £70, although £15 was on a dress Loki wanted to buy.

"Uncle Loki?" Peter asked when they left.

"Yes, Peter?" Loki replied looking at him.

Peter hugged Loki around the waist, Loki is tall compared to him, and smiled.

"Now, come, child, we must tell your fathers about this." Loki said, sternly.

"Oh. Okay, let's go then. I'm ready now. Thank you, uncle Loki! Oh, and warn me when you're not gonna be my uncle anymore. Thanks, love you!"

Peter ran off, leaving Loki smiling after him.

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