Sword and serpents (edited)

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The next morning I was surprised to find myself alone on the old patched up sofa. My eyes struggled to open as the winter morning sunlight poured through the gap in the heavy curtains. I lifted my arms to rub the sleep from eyes, cold air hit me I only now realised I had a blanket over me keeping the heat in. "Hey." Came a voice, tired and quiet. "Hey." I replied simply, in my groggy morning voice."I hope my couch served you well your majesty." Sweet pea joked sitting next to me. I sat up to make room pulling the blanket closer to my body. "best sleep of my life." I Said still adjusting. "What time is it?" I asked yawning.
"We're not late, if that's what your wondering." He said looking at me his dark eyes scanned my body, my face, everything. "I wish I could say do you want to stay but Toni text, shits going down at school." He Said standing to reach my bag and place it next to me. "Don't worry I'm not watching." He Said moving behind his kitchen counter as the banging of plates and silverware came from the same direction.

"Did Toni specify ?" I asked taking the mug that was handed to me after I changed. "No but she wants to meet you early because Jughead has asked to show her something and your not supposed to be here." I rolled my eyes. "i guess that's no toast and nutella for me then." i sighed setting of , "see you at school." I Said mid yawn before sliding out into the crisp air. I found Toni at the gates. "Any idea what this is about ?" Toni asked when I joined her. "No none." she replied walking to the school steps as Jughead approached producing thick booklet.

"Can you check this for me? I wrote it and I'm unsure." He said as he took a seat on the other side of Toni. As Toni read Jughead directed to me. "When are you coming home y/n ?" He asked staring at his hands. "I don't know Jughead, when you and Dad stop arguing, when it feels less like I'm not wanted there." I Said not meeting his eye either. "Maybe this is easier, there is room for me at... Toni's." I Said realising that Toni lived with her uncle like Jughead and my dad so i fuked up a bit with my excuses. "But I can't stay forever Jughead, either we sort it out or I'll go back to Toledo." I Said. "Really Jug I don't want to." I reached across to pat his arm. Toni cut in trying to break the tension.

"Wow Jones, props to you it's very lovecraftian." She said handing him back the manuscript. "But I'm sure that was your intention." She added. I glanced at the paper. "Jug did you write this on a typewriter." I asked noticing the font. "Yeah, he admitted, I wanted to get into Lovecraft's headspace." He said. "What so it's not like Betty bought you a manual typewriter for Christmas or anything." Toni laughed. "You didn't tell me that jug." I laughed too. He started to go light pink. "It's cute." I said trying to lighten the mood between us.

Suddenly the doors behind us burst open. Fangs and sweet pea burst through cheering. Before punching each other messing about and laughing. "Care to explain." I asked as Jughead turned and Toni and i rose to our feet. "This hellhole is officially closed, no more Southside High." Said Sweet pea. "What how?" Asked Toni as more students poured out from the doors. "It's quarantined, were going different school now." He Said. The news came to a bit of a shock, who cares that much about the Southside to protect its students. "Where are you guys going." I asked worried about splitting up.
"Same as you." He nodded to the three of us. "And fangs." He slapped his best friend on the back. "Were going Riverdale High." I laughed as jughead and Toni still looked confused. "Here we Come Cheryl bombshell." I Said.
"Think of all those Northside heads to knock." Said Sweet pea acting out a fight with fangs. Motor bikes of other students, mostly serpents sped off. "Need a ride." Asked fangs as they started backing out onto there own. Toni paired with sweet pea and I held onto fangs. This was going to be one hell of a day.

"Ready for the big entrance ?" Asked Jug as he stepped out into the oh so familiar halls of Riverdale High. Fangs, Toni, sweet pea and I directly behind. Sweet pea and fangs looked all to much happy to see all the staring faces back up at them, basking in glory. Toni had her game face on and I, truly I enjoyed the attention to. We walked right toward Veronica lodge and Archie who were stood behind a table in black cloth, "roll out the red carpet." i joked into Toni's ear. "Friends." She greeted us. I just rolled my eyes as Toni sniggered. "On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school." Toni tried to hide her laughter as I scanned the preppy teens. There was another boy I recognised. Kevin Keller. We had never met but by that fashion sense i could tell it was the same guy id seen at the drag race. He also was scanning the opposition. But he lingered on one boy in particular. I decided not to draw attention to it. Veronica has just finished explaining about locker assignments and timetables when she was cut off.

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