Ill always be with you (edited)

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 sat on the wooden porch of the Wyrm, facing the black depths of the parking lot avoiding each others gaze.After the bulldog escapade i calmed sweet pea down before finally coaxing him in onto the ground with me"my bed is colder without you." we may be arguing but he will always be my sweet pea. i hid my grin "cheeky as ever then?" i replied, our voices being the only noise as Hogeye shut up the bar for the night on stress relief. the wyrm had never shut in its life as far as im aware, rotating staff, but tonight everyone was with family or dog hunting. "always." i allowed my grin to spread in the darkness unknown he had caught my smile. "this your way inviting me back?" i turned to look at his face, i could only make out his predominate features and the outline of his face. "because if it is ill say yes." i made out the curvature of his lips in our dimly lit hanging area. he didn't have to say anything else as we sat on the rotten wooden deck for a while. "im sorry." he said silently. i had a lot of questions like what he was gong to say to me and why he got so upset over it all but i decided this was not the time. it would be selfish to only think of myself right now. " i hope gangs is okay." i told him resting my head on his large shoulder, he welcomed me by holding my waist close to him, "he will be, you know Fangs." he reassured me but i knew he was worried about him. as much as boys don't like to divulge in their feelings i know he loved him like a brother. "i swear if anything happens to him ill kick Minetta's ass." i sneered rolling my eyes. sweet pea had sobered up in his dog chase and it was nice, just sitting her with him. and it would be nice not to have a conversation about jail, gangs or riverdale for once. "i was thinking about what happend in the diner." i started, reflecting on my past thoughts i felt him stiffen next to me but i wasn't here to cause more shit. "im glad i met you sweetpea." i rose from his chest loosing our connection but placed my cool and of his warm cheeks, forcing his eyes to see mine. "thank you, for being here, staying around, taking me in. giving a damn about me. showing me, that someone can care about me." in my speech of affection i suddenly felt stupid and went to drop my hands but he held them there with his own. "finally someone got the message." he said lowly laughing slightly. i grinned, he always ruined my sentimentality, but i didnt mind, i never minded. "since were having a moment, i want to thank you for not leaving when it gets tough, and putting up with  my hot headed ass." i laughed, "its pretty hot." i admitted as he laughed with me, "good, im all in with you, you know that." i nodded, "lets get home, princess." 

"oh were bringing that back are we." 

The next morning I woke and left as early as I could. The cool weather had no sign of letting up as I pulled my leather jacket tighter around me wishing i owned something thicker, glad however it had stopped snowing and signs of spring flowers were blooming. I'd phoned Jughead last night to angrily tell him why I'll have to walk everywhere from now on, and his best friend Archie Andrews and those bulldog bastards are to blame. I'd left early primarily to avoid sweet pea and his unquenchable rage, we might f had a heart to heart but by no means had he calmed down, but also to see fangs. I had worried about him so much i barely slept despite sweet pea's comfort, and that damn knife.

I'd saw jughead up ahead on the sidewalk outside the sheriff station, presumably to do the same thing as me, angrily he put down his phone. "Jug." I shouted picking up my pace to catch up. "Archie?" I asked, guessing he had received mine, and many other motorbike owners phone calls. when i was by his side outside the steps of the station.
"Archie." He replied. The conversation was kept brief with the arrival of the ex Mayor McCoy. "Attorney McCoy." Jughead greeted her but we were rushed into the station, only i had no idea of what was going on. "Where is he?" She Asked there was no response as Jughead motioned the attorney to inside the Sherif station I kept close behind.

Fangs yells and sheriff manetta's raged inquires echoed down the tilled hallways before McCoy burst through Jug and I shortly after. I gave a relived smile at fangs he returned it, he didn't seem physically bad, only fatigue in his eyes, we shared the same sleepless night. "Don't say another word!" McCoy said desperately. She gathered herself. "I'll be representing Mr Fogarty from here on out and I'd appreciate it if you stopped harassing my client." Fangs smirked at his rescue group the sheriff seemed agitated and annoyed, but kept his mouth shut.

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