Liar (edited)

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The serpents started to talk war, of course they did, they had been dying too for weeks, we had collected ourselves from off the floor, to join the conversation, But sweet pea dragged me aside. "Are you okay?" He asked as we sat alone at the bar away from the heated discussion not even ten feet away. "I'm okay, but I'm worried about you, I don't wanna lose a best friend and my boyfriend in the same night." There was silence for a second. "I'm a survivor y/n I'll always come back to you." He kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier." he cleared his throat. " i guess i expected it to be more romantic." He admitted.  rubbing the back of his neck with a large, grubby hand"Don't worry about it you can make it up to me." I grinned teasing him. "I really want to tell you something Sweets, like seriously, about us." I fucking love you sweet pea. that's what i wanted to say, shout it even. the desperation to just yell it right now was insufferable but His face grew a little worried, i guess he thought i was going to say something bad. "In that case let me go first because I.." he trailed of and gave into a rare shyness. But Jughead approached giving an excuse for him to not continue with his sentence. "Whatever happens tonight I'm with you." He tucked the dog tags into my blood stained, ripped, dirt covered shirt. "Right here."He squeezed my hands and departed, to add his 'very important' take on the action plan towards the northside.

"Jeez, didn't take sweet pea to be the sentimental type." Jughead said, grinning as he watched him walk, but when he turned back to face me what he came here to do was grim. I took a deep breath and glanced up at his face he wore a classic look, one i had seem many of times, he had bad news. I internally groaned. "I er, just got off the phone to penny." He started I leaned away from the bar, standing straight. "She wants us to go to face her now, to avoid a absolute bloodbath, I really didn't want you to go, honestly." He fumbled with his fingers a bit. "But she demanded if you weren't there she would come for the serpents now." I closed my eyes and scrunched my fists. "Fine, That psychopath can do whatever, but if I lose one more person tonight she will lose her fucking knee caps." I got up to approach my friends.
"Y/n please don't." Jughead grabbed my arm so i stopped to face him again. he lead me out of the wyrm, with all the chaos nobody noticed our leaving. "Jughead. I have to say something." i held my arms up to exaggerate my point. Guilt ran through my veins, he pushed himself up onto a crumbling brick wall, i joined him.  Jughead massaged his temples. "Y/n you know what may happen to us. and you know he knows that." He Said quietly. I chewed my lip, of course I knew. "I love him Jug." I couldn't quite gather the strength to speak properly and spoke in a whisper. "Don't you think he deserves a goodbye? A explanation?" I Said as Jug put an arm around me. "Knowing sweet pea he would try and stop you, then Dad would get involved and before you know it we just brought the war to out doorstep of our home instead of stopping the army before it even arrived." I knew it was true, i promised myself i would protect my friends even if that meant sacrificing myself.  i stayed behind on that brick wall, as jug walked away slightly, calling Betty. i didn't need to be in earshot to know his voice was cracking and his breath was shaky, i could see it in his contorting face and clenching fists. I pulled it my cellphone out of my back pocket.  I stared at the contact in my phone. The light stared back at me. I took a breath before pressing the call button. The rig tone rang out to voice mail.

The person you are calling can't take your call right now........ leave a message after the tone.

The wail tone rang out and I took a  deep, unstable breath.

"Hey sweets, I'm just calling to say, to say, that I love you." you know that feeling, when you just need to cry, large tears, chocking on laboured breathing. cant form any words. but you cant, you just cant. and you get that lump in your throat, and it hurts so bad. but you keep it down, because you have to. " Iv always loved you, and no matter what i don't think i could ever stop loving you... even if you don't feel to same way." the lump in my throat won me over, and i furiously whipped away the escaping tears, you could tell i was crying over the phone, your voice does that stupid whiny tone. " I'm sorry to drop this on you especially right now. I know your always with me, and i'm always with you. please remember that no matter what i am right beside you."one hand pressed the burning phone to my ear the other hanging onto silver.  "In my right inside pocket I had something for you. I totally forgot about it. But know it's there. Goodnight or morning whenever you here this, remember that I love you so fucking much. Goodbye sweet pea..."

I clicked hang up, realising what I just did. I had no right to mess with him like this. i typed ' im sorry' into our text messages . I had a loop of his voice in my head. "It's okay princess." Jughead caught up with me. "You ready." he asked, he looked broken, i guess Betty picked up. i stared at the screen, i undid the message.


"So, the sacrificial lambs have arrived." Penny's smug voice haunted around the clearing, The intimidation was all to real. Hoards of gholies surrounding her like a queen. i clenched my nails into my sweaty palms, anything to stop me from crying, i was scared, really scared. "I'll remind you of the deal I made with your boss Hiram lodge, we hand ourselves to you there is no bloodshed tomorrow." Jughead Said as the group surrounded us, closing us in. Great so we were going to die, at least I don't have to turn in my homework. "Apparently getting you two out of the picture is more important than a All our serpent extermination." Penny Said. She circled us twisting a small knife against her finger. "Thirty too two, are you afraid of us penny." Jughead asked, cocky as always. "The only scary thing is what's gonna happen to your girlfriend when we find her." that is what set Jughead off, Betty. his underbelly his soft spot, ultimate weakness."what are you going to do with her?" he asked, loosing his stable voice and loosing his confident facade. "I guess you can get a demonstration." Penny smirked, looking all to pleased he asked. before i registered what she said a large, calloused hand yanked by my arm to penny. "You know, sweet pea and I had an arrangement, until you came into the picture y/n." Jughead was restrained behind me, i could hear him retaliating but he wasn't my focus. "said he couldn't do it anymore. he Always payed well." i tried to pull away, but the results were slim to none. Penny dragged her slim, scared finger up from my chest, up my neck, her finger was surprisingly cold as she seemed to of been sat by a fire all night. she snapped. wrapping them around my neck. "You see Jones, you don't get what you want just because you can, you have to earn it." I didn't know what was coming, she was going to beat me up, or stab me or shoot me or something horrific. 

"Jughead Jones." she directed to Jughead who now sported a bloody lip. "your sister and your girlfriend have a thing in common they both stole my best mules, and I think just before lights out we can do something fun." her grip was removed from my neck, as i gasped for the air she grabbed the hair at the base of my neck "girl to girl." she smirked shoving me on the floor onto my back, two large Ghoulies pinned my down by my arms, put it didn't stop my flailing my legs. Jughead struggled, but he looked like he was convulsing not fighting them off due to his superior human restraints. Laying on my back I closed my eyes as penny crawled on top of me, straddling  my legs, keeping them locked on the dry ground. "Jacket off." The two gholies holing  my shoulders harshly ripped my arms out there selves. "Stop it." Jughead pleaded behind held back in great struggle, he tried to close his eyes or turn away but his head was forced forward to watch. I started to cry, I'd rather her just kill me than whatever this was. "I didn't know." I pleaded. "I didn't know that he was working for you." The got tears rushed down the side of my face clouding my vision. "Liars don't get anywhere sweetheart." She crushed my face intro the cool earth. "What to choose, liar, slut, thief, bitch. Options, options." I knew penny was a psycho but this was next level. "I didn't  do anything." I cried struggling against the hold. "I don't believe it." She said grabbing my arm. "What are you going to-" I was cut of by my own screams.
I thrashed my legs against the mud I tried to wriggle my arms but it only made the searing pain worse. Penny was carving something into my flesh. "Arm for an arm." She muttered. Jughead seemed to of lost it at this point. But I drowned it out. My screams, Jughead, the laugh coming from behind me. my voice grew raspy in my throat. "Sorry I forgot to clean it." She said as she spat onto my open arm. Liquid ran down it. my legs wouldn't move as everything above the knee was locked down but i did everything to stop in, my head thrashing onto the scorched eath below me, my nails making my pals bleed, but nothing, nothing could take this away. "You can have them now." Penny footsteps trailed away but were replaced by others. "We have been trying to recruit sweet pea for sometime, we promise to look after him." Before I knew it I was unconscious.

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