Chains (edited)

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"Today was something huh?" I Said when we were on our way back to the trailer park, his hand in mine, well my hand being swallowed by his. "Yeah, I guess McCoy was right about a serpent having it." Sweet pea said unlocking his door, evidently still pissed. "Tall boys never coming back then, after your dads done with him." he flicked on the light switch as i shut the door behind me  Sweet pea jumped on to his couch, kicking up his feet and patting his thigh. "He was an ass." I Say taking a seat on his lap, lazily flicking through the channels.

The next few days were generally boring. Jughead, and crew were at a lake house, some posh, veronica lodge speciality. so most of the time I spent with Toni, fangs and sweet pea. Those days were the happiest of my life. even when i fell into sweetwater river when the rope swing we found snapped, but i had my sweet pea to fish me out. i have to say the highlight was Fangs pulling toni's pony tail, even though we were sworn to secrecy when she had his ass rolling down a hill, i felt truly seventeen. no Ghoulie / serpent warfare. no Northside Southside divide just four friends, pissing about how we should.


"What you doing tonight." Sweet pea asked leaning against my locker. "Well I'm going home with you." I laughed putting my books away for the day. "I'm trying to be cute play along." He Said rolling his eyes.
"Well Sweet pea I was going to go to cheer practice with my girlfriends before heading home to study for finals. then i was going to have coffee with my mom while watching friends . then Reggie Mantle is taking me on a date to pops." I Said batting my lashes and twirling a strand from my pony tail. "that. was fucking scary." he said, trying to laugh but i think his life my of genuinely flashed before his eyes. "thankyou, it was my best northside impression." he told me to never do it again, and i smirked, knowing i was definetly going to do it again.  he resumed his game, "how about you skip Mantle and just come out with me tonight". he whispered taking advantage of the empty corridor "Sound like fun where are we going." I Said moving my hands up his chest. "There's a new movie on, if you wanna go." He said grinning at me. "Sure pick me up at eight." I Said playing his joke.  "See you then baby." He Said. As I took his ard laughing as we made our way together. "call me baby again and you ca say good bye to your knee caps." i semi warned.

The movies was full of everyone i knew from school, which i didn't expect, but it had to come out sometime i guess. "Hey Sweet pea, y/n" Toni said smiling, bounding up behind us. "Who you here with." I asked peering around, for fangs, or even Jughead. She turned around and I took the hint. "Does Cheryl bombshell know she is here with you?" I asked laughing. Toni bit her lip.
"Well She is about to." She made her way over. leaning against the  counter cheryl turned so we were staring at her luminous locks."That's so cute." I Said as sweet pea snaked a arm around my waist. "Yeah." He said smiling at his best friend. if anyone deserved happiness it was Toni Topaz, i glanced up at sweet pea. he had the hint of a smile on his face, i loved how he loved, genuine and loyal and raw.

We took our seat on the back row right in the corner. The movie was adorable and sobbing could be heard around the room. My mind panged, i thought of Fangs, out of all seats in the movie theatre riverdale student population mode up a high percentage and Fangs wasn't here, his thing for keller had faded and we didn't talk about people as much as we used to. my mind wondered taking my thoughts from the movie . My mood dropped slightly,, my thoughts unfocused and scattered. "Are you okay?" Sweet pea whispered placing a hand on my leg. " I'm fine, just bored." I replied on auto pilot before pulling myself down from the clouds. "Shit, no I'm sorry I'm not bored just.... shit I'm sorry." I Said frantically whispering realising sweet pea and I were on our first official date that he paid for., And I just called it boring. He chuckled at me slightly. "It's fine I was kinda thinking do you wanna get our of here." He suggested. I nodded. We made our way down the steps Sweet pea pissing off a lot of people via his height, but he ignored them grabbing my hand and pulling me into the cool night air. He chucked me his helmet. "You ready." he brought his hands under my chin to fasten the clasp, i scrunched my nose at him making his smile, "hold on tight i don't wanna be losing you." he joked. i clambered on holding his waist extra tight.

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