The untold

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Weeks after the hospital, Penny and the riverdale riot y/n lay in sweet peas arms. The late morning sun bathed the room in sunlight. The duvet of the bed barley covering their warm bodies. Y/n still in the state of between asleep and awake lay quite content in her hero's arms, fully healed and still had a month of summer adventure ahead of her. But she was unaware to the torture her boyfriend was being put through, the night of the riots was his worst to memory. And every night since he was forced to relive it. Every blink of an eye there she was beat up and barley breathing, every silent moment he heard the screams of Toni as they fought in their revenge, ever time he was alone the emotion thinking fangs was gone. And every night Betty and Jughead caught up on their lost moments, Toni spent secret happy moments with her new serpent girlfriend in a house of their own, fangs of course shaken up but glad to be alive, y/n happy all of her friends were alive and unscathed. But not sweet pea his thoughts and dreams a replay of that night.

Three weeks earlier

"Sweet pea." No, not me, why does he need me. FP had gone into the clearing, it's fine. "Sweet pea!" The grouped looked at me. I edged towards the Forrest. The sight made my stomach wretch. There she was, an angel that looked like she crawled out the pits of hell. Her face looked bad slightly bloody but mainly bruised. I looked at FP he looked how I felt, the first time I seen the old man cry. His face was unreadable apart from the dampness under his eyes. "I'm sorry." He said, well tried to say it sounded croaky and I could barley make out his words. The lump in my throat stopped me responding. I fell to my knees, and touched her cold cheek, her leather jacket was nowhere in sight. The dull green vest top she was wearing was cut at the stomach and covered in dirt her body was an ice cube, I pulled her arms to check if, if, she was okay. The steady beat was still there I sighed in relief. her  hair scattered around like nothing. But glancing up her arm was another horror.


Her beautiful skin branded. The cut looked deep and muddy. "Christ." I glanced at FP another time. "We need to go, I...." I just nodded in response removing my own jacket and picking up her limp body. "Your a hell of a survivor" I Said kissing her forehead. As I trudged back the the group trailing behind FP. I tired my hardest to keep her warm, can you shiver if your unconscious? Her lips losing their warm colour and her hair was tangled and covered in blood that seemed to not belong to her. And that horrible scar.

Once we made our way back in the light of the street lamps the faces of the group read different things. Betty and archie couldn't take there eyes from jughead, Betty looked broken and Archie tried to stay strong for her. Toni and Cheryl shifted their eyes from FP to me and Toni's expression got worse as she made her way over. "Call someone." FP mouthed. Toni broke from her trance of shock and searched her jacket for her phone while we walked to a near by wall. My head racing but I kept my face calm, I had too.

"Fuck sake." I kicked the side of the hospital building, "I'm sorry sweets." Toni rested her hand on my back, "we will make them pay." I froze. I will rip her blonde head from her scrawny shoulders myself. "That's it, it's a fight the ghoulies want it's a fight they will get." I didn't want to leave her but I knew she would fight for it. My eyes started to water thinking about it.

Toni and I arrived at the wrym and it was fuller than I had ever seen it, People who is never seen before with serpent tattoos and jackets passing around crow bars and chains, pocket knifes and baseball bats. We weren't the only ones that wanted a war, "for the jones'!" Someone shouted. They had grey hair, looked late sixties and a look of burning rage. "For fangs!" Toni and I had shouted together. Grabbing what I thought would do the most damage the group left chanting for the people who had sacrificed themselves.

The serpents looked like cockroaches compared to the gholies. How they recruited so many was beyond me. and they got rid of the vermin, smoking us out of our homes, our life, the southside.

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