Pickens protest (edited)

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The next few weeks at Riverdale High was tough but as always but we managed. Weatherbee slacked slightly but by no means was he warming up to us, and I managed to convince Sweet pea to try out for the basketball team. he needed something to take his rage out on, and with his height he could wipe the floor with any northsider.

I watched him practice as he towered Reggie knocking him to the ground by a large shove with his shoulder. I smirked every time, his smug smile wiped off his face for once. He kept shooting me glances, smiled and winks when he got the chance but he played well, really well i guess we found what he was good at. Jug said Archie tried out every year but this year he also had wrestling on his plate, in some attempt to impress Veronica's dad Hiram Lodge who was apparently a big name in Riverdale. I never thought I'd see the day where serpents and bulldogs were on the same team but then again Sweet pea didn't need a team and he barged the opposition any chance he got. Practice was over and the court was full of sweaty bodies. Most hit the showers in desperate need to cool water, but sweets headed my way.

Panting slightly he headed over to my seat. "You got game sweet pea I'll give you that." I said impressed. "It wasn't bad." He admitted to me. "Go hit the showers, then we will speak." I Said hitting him on his sweaty arm. He looked almost disappointed like he wanted to say something but he jogged over all the same. I decided to wait where i was, maybe this was id avoid any drama. I drummed my fingers on the seat in front of me growing bored, i was wrong. "Jones!" A voice came filled by the sound of jogging a particular Reggie mantle approached me. "If you have come here for another swing mantle I'd rather you avoid the face this time." I Said not looking up from my phone. "Actually I came to apologise." He Said rubbing the back of his neck. "Obviously saying I was not meant to hit you doesn't sound any better but hitting a girl that's out of order." He Said only meeting my eyes occasionally. "Look Reggie we're never going to be friends I respect the apology but-" he cut me off. "You seem cool Jones, not like the rest." He said leaning on the bar that separated the stands from the court. "The rest, there my friends." I Said. Of course he'd bring it back to serpent scum. "I'm good Reggie, apology accepted you can go." I Said not in the mood, it wasn't that i was particularly annoyed by his presence but a curtain 'greaser snake' would be. He stayed put. "Look I tried to do the right thing and your going to he a bitch about it?" He said scoffing. "a bitch about it? i want to be left alone and that makes me a bitch?" i questioned pulling my gaze from my phone to his smug face, his smirk told me he didn't come to apologise but purposefully piss me off." y/n" yelled Sweet pea coming towards us. "Bothering you?" he asked motioning to Reggie he stood Beside him comically towering him. "Your bitch needs to be put on a tighter leash." Said Reggie. I'll give him props he is stupidly brave. "Last time I checked its bulldogs who need leaches not women." Sweet pea said leaning closer. Reggie looked pissed. "Now are you going to trip on out of here or am I gonna have to beat your ass again." Sweet pea warned as Reggie said nothing but that didn't stop his shady look before leaving.

"Thanks sweets." I said smiling at him. He was back in his regular clothes his hair wet from showering. He jumped the metal bar and took the seat next to me. "Before you stop me I have to say something." He said looking at the floor. "Anything." I Said looking him in the eyes. "Iv been thinking about what you said, it's not fair for me to drag you along like this, behind closed doors, you deserve everything y/n you shouldn't have to wait, to suffer." He Said, he looked nervous at first i thought he was going to breakup with me. I grabbed his hand. "What are you saying sweet pea." I Said as he turned his hand over and closed it over mine. "I want to ask if you will be my girlfriend, officially. I know it's not romantic or a big thi-" I cut him off by kissing him, quickly, i may of been the one who wanted to be public but people like Reggie Mantle skulking about made me nervous. He seemed shocked at first before wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me on top of his lap, i smiled up at him. "i really like you y/n and id do anything to be with you" he said grinning, his big smile warmed my heart glad to finally receive the answers id been waiting for . "And you got my face wet." I Said breaking the Serious moment. "Sorry." He said laughing flicking his hair back. "Don't be." I whispered pulling him back in by his collar. This kiss was different to our other ones. It felt like a release and a weight lifted, forgetting who might be watching they didn't matter. "We better get to class." I Said pulling away after what felt like an hour but was more likely to be barely three minutes. "I'd rather stay with you." Admitted sweet pea. "Me too but my GPA relies on it." I Said slipping off his lap.


English was our next class,with Toni, jug and fangs. We sat at the same desks we always do me directly in the back left corner Sweet pea next to me, Toni in-front of me, fangs next to sweet pea and jug in front of sweet pea. I scribble down a note and threw it on sweet peas desk. (Do you want to tell anyone or just let them find out.) he took a while thinking. i kept shooting him glances to see if he was writing anything while trying to concentrate on the teachers words.
(We will see how it goes.) vague.

Besides my dilemma I couldn't stop smiling. "Whats got you in such a chipper mood y/n" Toni asked on our way out of the school, linking her arm into mine. "Sweet pea asked me out." I said grinning like a child on Christmas. "Finally." She said hanging off my arm. "So I take it you obviously said yes." She said, watching my face for the tell tale signs.
"in a way." I answered remembering our secret ten minutes. the fast pacing of feet came behind as Jughead caught up to us. "Has Toni asked you yet y/n" he said slowing down his jogging pace back to a walk. "Asked me what ?" I Said curious, looking from jug to Toni.
"We're protesting on Pickens day, peacefully. This isn't Northside land, it's old serpent land." Explained Toni. "It's was my grandpas idea." She finished. "Sure whats the plan." Jug and Toni only grinned.

Pickens day came around, the plan was to walk in silently and fight what was our right, and for justice. we were sat at the abandoned gate of Pickens park as everyone was already in the park, bobbing for apples or eating popcorn, whatever they did on Pickens day. We made signs reading different things, and all wore duct tape around our mouth, go big or go home i guess. Toni said it was to represent the silence we were forced into but secretly I thought it was to keep Sweet pea or fangs from acting out. We heard the singing voice of Veronica lodge, of course the big wigs daughter gets a solo. "It's time." Said Jug we assembled into a line. Fangs and sweet pea behind me Toni and her grandfather in front she handed me a sign which read, "honour this land." As we approached the sodale stage we got looks and stares. So nothing we weren't used to, but this time they were welcome.

"Toni, y/n what's going on." Asked Veronica abandoning her song. Toni put her microphone to her mouth. "We are here representing the dead and the silenced. Pickens day is a lie." The group in front of us looked worried and concerned, and if not un annoyance yet again the Southside ruin something. "General pickens slaughtered the uktena tribe, my grandfathers family and this land, the land we are standing on the land that will soon goad way to a new Southside was stolen from them. We can't bring them back but we can and we will honour them." She said fiercely and desperately. Hiram Lodge broke what he must of seen as chaos. "Hey, hello." He spoke on Veronica's microphone. The serpents shot around. "I think we can all be proud to live in Riverdale. Where young people stand up for justice." this was my first glance at him, he had jet black, slick back hair and a smug expression on his groomed face. "Where a young woman can defend the legacy of her grandfather." Toni glanced at Jughead and her grandfather, jughead turned to look at Toni's grandfather too, he looked disappointed to be drowned out again by Northsiders that think they know better. "Where we can celebrate loving the legacy of the uktena tribe. Who contribute to the rich tapestry which is Riverdale, that is the Southside, that will be sodale. So let's here a round of applause for that am I right." The serpents turned back the the crowd as people nodded and cheered in agreement to Hiram's speech. "Jughead ripped off his tape and stepped towards Hiram before being stopped by Toni's  grandfather. Good thing to it would degrade us even further, being ran out before we even started, to be wrote of by people who turn a blind eye and a def ear.

The next morning however it wasn't Jugheads words, or a lash of violence. It was the removal of general Pickens head, it turned the civil war in Riverdale from being a possibility to a inevitability.

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