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after last weeks events i decided to lock my self in my room with a shit ton of ice cream. listening to those songs that make you cry and make it worse. lying in my bed wrapped in a blanket looking like a burrito, that's if burrito's had giant mascara stains and greasy hair. i threw my phone under my bed and let it ring out until it died. "y/n? Betty is here." i pulled the covers over my head as the door opened. "y/n?" the door shut again but i felt Betty's weight on the end of my bed. "i know this has to suck." she said reaching out and patting my duvet covered knee. i can she know, her and Jughead are practically soul mates. 

"i appreciate you coming to see me Betty, but id like to cry to Taylor Swift alone right now." i said just wanting to be alone i heard a low laugh, "you don't strike me as a Taylor Swift person." i'm not, in fact her music physically disgusts me, maybe that's why this is the perfect time for it. the room was silent momentarily. i poked my head out. " look i'm not here to talk about him anyway, i'm worried about Jughead, he has been playing G&G." i heard about g&g before i went into hibernation, it was hard not too, its everywhere. "iv not seen or heard from him since. i need you with me." i swear if one more person i know dies ill be livid. i chewed on my lip before agreeing and getting myself presentable. it would take my mind of things, that was what i assumed Betty's strategy was.

Betty hadn't exactly disclosed where we would be going, i only found out when we arrived on its door step. an old man hole cover in the middle of the woods, "he's in there?" i asked looking disgustingly at the moss covered metal. "yep." i briefly met Betty's uncertain gaze before putting one foot down the ladder Betty shortly after. two feet safely in the wet, damp, mouldy tunnel muttering came into ear shot. "jug?" i called into the faint light. the frantic muttering continued. i stepped cautiously foreword. if it was Jughead he would of answered me. "Jughead." i called a bit louder. calling bullshit i decided to head towards the light and the voices. and there was the startling sight. Jughead, fangs, Toni, Cheryl and sweet pea gathered around a game bored. " are you fucking demented?" i said, i was ignored. Betty tried calling to Jughead but he just ranted about levelling up. "Jughead what are you doing?" Betty asked, worried but her tone stern. "Betty, y/n." he greeted, but it seemed like we were not welcome. "its all making sense, all of it. its in the game." his movements were erratic and almost sinister. Betty's eyes widened but my attention was diverted.

"sweet pea?" he stood up. the group faced me and Betty, they looked almost psychotic, hypnotised, completely out of it. "i'm level three, but ill soon ascend." i grabbed him by the arm, as Betty ushered all but Jughead out to talk about whatever she came here to do, Toni and Cheryl looked pissed at the idea of mine and Betty's gate crashing, wandering in the direction of the main road, Fangs next to them, still talking about this ludicrous ascending. "i'm taking you home." i said linking his arm towards where the serpents new location, since the incineration of sunny side trailer park "somehow i don't think T and C are good company right now". the walk was silent, the only noise was the birds singing and the wind in the trees, you would think we were out for a nice autumn walk in the woods. silence between us used to be comforting, but now it was only awkward. we reached his trailer, i was unsure on entering but he smiled and invited me in. his trailer was smaller now, barely room for his large bed never mind everything else, i took a seat on the end of it. "do you like her then, Josie."  more silence, he did however rub the back of his neck, awkwardly. "i wouldn't blame you... she's pretty, talented... her brother doesn't hate you. although her mom and stepdad do so you might want to think about that." he tutted under his breath, "y/n don't." he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing loudly, long and exhausted. "you didn't answer my question, sweet pea."

 i grew nervous for his answer i don't know if i even wanted to know. he opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again as i uninterrupted " did you sleep with josie?" id rather know that he slept with someone than get feelings for her, maybe we could come back from this. he reached out to touch my hand but i pulled away and my eyes started to well up. " i- we had a moment." i snatched myself away from him completely, my reasonable thinking completely out the window. "when." i asked messing with the cuff of my leather jacket, it seemed like i had not stopped crying for days and i wasn't about to break that trend.  " a few weeks after your accident." i wouldn't give in to myself, i held back to tears, he didn't deserve them. "y/n, wait let me explain what i mean..." i snatched up my jacket shoving my arms through "i still love you." he said trying to apologise i guess, but now i know he wanted me to stay so he could of explained himself but i have a knack for jumping to conclusions. "that's almost worse sweet pea, how can you say you love me and then......  i cant be around you anymore." i turned on my heel and stormed out leaving behind the boy i loved. "what so are we finished?" he asked hanging from his trailer door. i spun on my heel to face him. "i just.... i can't do this." i didn't want to leave him, not now anyway.

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