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Daniel Kramer looked at the folder the private detective placed on his desk and stared at the photo of the young dark-haired woman. He did not know her. In fact, until three minutes ago, he never even knew she existed. The picture was accompanied by one typewritten page.


As per your request, we have searched for two years and found this woman (actually young girl) age 19 who fits not only the background but her DNA testings are conclusive that she is related to you by a distant relative.  Also according to your instructions and our findings she is totally unaware of your existence.  

Below you will find all the information we are able to gather regarding this girl. Her name is Emily Parsons. At least this is the name on her birth certificate. She lives and works at the orphanage listed below. Along with the contact information for that location. 

If we can be of further assistance please let us know.


Jeff Strong

Strong's Investigative Services.

PS our invoice will be sent under separate cover.

Daniel reread the letter and looked again at the photo before leaning back in his chair with satisfied smile on his face.

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